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Hydration plan for preventing heat exhaustion

Hydration plan for preventing heat exhaustion

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Hydration plan for preventing heat exhaustion -

These illnesses occur as the result of a combination of dehydration and the body overheating. Get some place cool. Get out of the heat. Take off your extra clothes and rest to let your body cool down and get your heart rate back to normal.

Cramps are an early sign that you might be pushing yourself too hard and to reign in your physical activity. People suffering from heat exhaustion are still functioning, but their body is definitely overheated and we need to get them into a shady area and cool them down.

If left untreated, heat exhaustion can escalate to heat stroke, which is a medical emergency and needs immediate care. Heat stroke can even strike people who are not active, especially in the very young and elderly.

Because of this, their temperature will go up very quickly and very high. Symptoms of dehydration include: Thirst Dry mouth Passing less urine than usual Dark or strong-smelling urine Dizziness or headache Irritability or difficultly thinking clearly.

First aid for dehydration due to heat includes: Move to a cool area and rest. Drink plenty of fluids. Remove unnecessary clothing. Cool down by wetting the skin with cool water. See a doctor if there is no improvement or you are concerned. Heat exhaustion Heat exhaustion is a serious condition that can progress to heatstroke.

Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion include: Heavy sweating Pale skin Muscle cramps Weakness Dizziness , headache Nausea, vomiting Fainting Rapid pulse. First aid for heat exhaustion includes: Seek immediate medical assistance by calling NURSE-ON-CALL on 60 60 24 for hour health advice, transporting the person to a doctor or emergency department, or contacting the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department External Link — for non-life-threatening emergencies.

Call Triple Zero for an ambulance if medical care is unavailable, the person is not improving or if you think they could have heatstroke.

Get the person to a cool area and lay them down. Remove excess clothing including shoes and socks. Cool the person down: Wet their skin with cool water, fan continuously, apply a cool, damp sponge or cloth, or apply ice packs or crushed ice in a damp towel on the neck, groin or armpits.

If they are able, have the person take a cool shower or bath. Encourage frequent sips of cool water. Heatstroke Heatstroke can occur when the core body temperature rises above 40 °C and blood flow to internal organs is restricted.

Signs and symptoms include: Confusion or agitation Loss of consciousness Profuse sweating or hot, dry skin Muscle twitching or seizures Rapid breathing Rapid pulse Very high body temperature.

Heatstroke is a medical emergency and requires urgent attention: Call Triple Zero immediately for an ambulance. While waiting for emergency medical help, get the person to a cool, shady area and lay them down. Have someone stay with the person. Cool the person as quickly as possible: wet their skin with cool water, fan continuously, apply a cool, damp sponge or cloth, apply ice packs or crushed ice in a damp towel on the neck, groin or armpits.

Give the person cool water to drink if they are fully conscious and able to swallow. Position an unconscious person on their side and ensure they are breathing normally. If needed, perform CPR. Wait for the ambulance to urgently transport the person to hospital If medical attention is delayed, seek further instructions from Triple Zero, ambulance or hospital emergency staff, while waiting for the ambulance.

Heat cramps Heat cramp symptoms include muscle pains or spasms, usually in the abdomen, arms or legs. Heat cramps may also be a symptom of heat exhaustion. First aid for heat cramps includes: Rest in a cool place.

Increase fluid intake. Rest a few hours before returning to activity. Seek medical help if there is no improvement, the person affected is unwell or if you are concerned, by calling NURSE-ON-CALL on 60 60 24 for hour health advice, seeing your doctor or contacting the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department External Link — for non-life-threatening emergencies.

Heat rash. Extreme heat and heatwaves External Link , Department of Health, Victorian Government. Warm summer temperatures in South Louisiana combined with high humidity can quickly cause people to overheat.

We begin seeing more patients experience heat illness during the late spring and summer months as they spend more time outdoors. Without proper care and hydration, heat illness can cause severe symptoms. Fortunately, heat-related illnesses are preventable. With the proper care and precaution, you and your family can enjoy the outdoors all summer long.

Being over the age of 65, taking some medications or having certain medical conditions may put some people at an increased risk of developing hyperthermia.

Several heat-related conditions may occur as the body begins to overheat. These conditions include:. Heat cramps are one of the first signs of a heat-related illness.

Joel Streed. NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adequate meal distributionreports that May was the yeat warmest May Adequate meal distribution years. And Wild Mushroom Foraging looks plzn June is pkan suit. The National Weather Service is forecasting very warm temperatures across much of the country this week, especially across the south. Working or playing in heat like this can be dangerous. Steven Maher, an emergency medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic, has this top tip if you have to be out in the heat:. Watch: Stay Hdyration and the signs of heatstroke. Hydration plan for preventing heat exhaustion


Hydrate in the heat - The science behind drinking water

Author: Najar

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