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Mind-body connection in athletics

Mind-body connection in athletics

Start Today! Connectiob STACK. Athleics students in general Mind-body connection in athletics a healthy cohort Wireless glucose tracking same-aged peers, and student-athletes an even healthier subpopulation, buttressed by a discipline, commitment and attention to exercise and nutrition required to meet the demands of their sport.

Mind-body connection in athletics -

When examining how to improve athletic performance, we can take an inverse approach. Instead of seeing how the physical can improve the mental, we focus on the psychological elevating the physical. Now, let me preface by describing my resounding support for physical training. There is no shortcut to success, so by no means am I downplaying the significance of training the physical side of your sport.

A weak mind will only hinder the level of success you achieve, no matter how good you may be physically. In focusing on the connection between the mind and body, there are a few key areas that can be highlighted, which have a major impact on your performance.

Performance anxiety is defined as extreme worry leading up to, during, and after a competition. When your mind is consumed by anxious thinking, this will have a direct impact on your physical performance.

Think back to a time when you were experiencing anxiety, how did you feel physically? I know that my whole body would become tense, likely trembling at the thought of making a mistake. Now, do you think a stiff, rigid, and tense body is going to perform optimally?

Maybe if your job is to be a stand-in for a rock, but all other sports require quickness, speed, and flexibility.

This shows a major connection between mind and body. You can train relentlessly on your physical skills, reaching a point where you can execute them perfectly in practice, yet still, fail once it becomes game day. Well, due to the fact your mind is keeping you from performing freely.

However, when talking about the mind-body connection, how you see yourself is tremendously powerful, either contributing positively or negatively to your level of play. When I say self-image , yes I am referring to your outward appearance, but it also involves so much more than that. Self-image is the way you see yourself in relation to any aspect of your life.

In terms of your athletic performance, self-image relates to the vision you hold of how successful you can be, how you manage anxiety, how you perform under pressure , how much confidence you have, and so much more. When you find yourself in such a situation, you can guarantee your performance will align with the vision you hold in your mind.

The mind and body seek harmony, meaning, the image you hold in your mind and real-life must align. So when you see yourself as someone who does not perform well under pressure, that creates a mind-body connection that upholds this image in pressure-filled moments.

The mind is a powerful tool, with which you can master your life and elevate the level of your performances. However, such a powerful tool, if left unchecked, can serve an opposite purpose.

Our emotions are a direct response to the thoughts filling our minds and are a direct influence on the behaviors we exhibit. If you are in the middle of a performance, would you rather have your emotions under your control or be under the control of your emotions?

I would expect you to choose the first option. We all should strive to master our emotions , turning them from liabilities to assets.

Yet, so many of us are run by our emotions as a result of an inability to manage the way we feel. This all begins with thoughts running rampant through our minds. Without the ability to manage thoughts, emotions are a hopeless cause to try and control.

But how does this play into the mind-body connection? Since emotions drive behavior, the actions you do on the field will be fueled by the emotional state you are in. If you are operating off intensely negative emotions, your performance will suffer as a result. However, if you learn to manage your emotions in a positive way, you will gain the ability to use them to your advantage.

The examples given above highlight how the mind is already influencing the body, even if it may be negatively. What we want to do is focus on strengthening the connection that is there, making the mind and body work better together. How do we go about strengthening the mind-body connection?

It all begins with gaining more control of the processes responsible for many negative influences the mind has…your thoughts. When anyone is talking about gaining control of your mind, or mastery over your mind, do you know what they are referring to?

The processes which we are aiming to regulate are our thoughts. The reason being, thought is the basis for emotion and action. It is the foundation from which these other two areas grow.

Meaning, if we wish to control the way we feel or the actions we display, first and foremost we must turn to our thoughts. Now, how do we go about controlling the way that we think? It can seem like an extremely daunting task, especially when thoughts are currently swimming through your mind, free from any rule or regulation.

Controlling our thoughts boils down to awareness: we must be aware that we have the power to control our thoughts, and aware of what thoughts we are experiencing and why. The former is the easy part, as I am telling you right now, you have complete control over the thoughts in your mind.

While it may not seem like it now, they are within your power to control, all you need to do is put forth the effort. The latter, however, is more difficult and is where such effort must be displayed. To gain greater awareness over your thoughts, in order to build a stronger mind-body connection, there are two techniques that prove beneficial: mindfulness and self-reflection through writing.

Mindfulness is attention training. There are numerous benefits gained from adopting a mindfulness practice, but one of the major ones is greater self-awareness.

When you are seeking to build a stronger mind-body connection, that is the benefit you desire. Mindfulness is defined as remaining fully present of the moment we are in, aware of where we are and what we are doing. In terms of your thoughts, this means you are fully aware of what thoughts are rushing through your mind.

Mindfulness is a state but is not an easy state to achieve, which is why a mindfulness practice is a must if you wish to improve your self-awareness.

The more you practice mindfulness, the greater your ability will grow to recognize, and in return control, your thoughts. To practice mindfulness, you can go for a mindful walk , perform body scans , do mindful tasks , or my personal favorite, mindfulness meditation.

Any of these work wonders in training yourself to center your attention in the present moment, providing you with the ability to recognize the thoughts influencing your emotions and driving your behavior.

Coupled with a mindfulness practice, self-reflection through writing is an incredibly valuable tool for gaining more self-awareness. The reason writing helps so much is due to the approach you take to your writing. In fact, it must be anything goes, because the whole point is to free your mind of all the thoughts jammed up inside.

You want to be sure you hold nothing back. But with writing, no one is judging you, because no one except you is reading what you jot down.

Through the process of self-reflection, you gain clarity of mind. Thoughts are understood and worked through. If you add a mindfulness practice on top of this, you are destined to drastically improve your self-awareness.

The reason we seek self-awareness is for the step that immediately follows, self-regulation. It can be a difficult task to gain an understanding of our minds, and such difficulty surely must be followed by something powerful. Self-regulation is the powerful result of developing a certain level of self-awareness.

Engaging in activities with like-minded individuals who share common interests creates a sense of belonging and connection. The camaraderie and support within the sports community contribute to improved mental well-being and combat feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Joining a senior sports community is not just about the game—it's about fostering lifelong relationships and shared experiences that enrich your life! Senior sports offer opportunities for personal achievement and growth, leading to increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

As older adults accomplish goals, overcome challenges, and witness their progress, they develop a sense of pride and belief in their capabilities. This newfound confidence can positively impact other areas of life beyond sports.

So, step onto the field, court, or track and embrace the empowerment that senior sports can bring to your life! Regular participation in senior sports enhances stress resilience and emotional well-being.

Engaging in physical activities helps regulate the body's stress response and builds resilience against future stressors. Additionally, facing challenges and setbacks within sports fosters emotional resilience, teaching valuable lessons of perseverance, adaptability, and problem-solving.

Senior sports provide a platform to strengthen both your body and your mind, equipping you with the tools to navigate life's ups and downs with resilience! Senior sports provide a powerful platform for promoting mental well-being in older adults. The mind-body connection established through regular physical activity supports cognitive function, reduces stress, enhances mood, and cultivates a sense of social belonging.

Whether it's a friendly game of tennis, swimming laps, or joining a track and field event, the benefits extend far beyond physical health. Embrace the power of senior sports and experience the transformative impact they can have on your mental well-being.

Engage in activities that bring you joy, connect with fellow athletes, and witness the positive changes in both your body and mind.

It's never too late to prioritize your mental health and live a fulfilling, active lifestyle through senior sports. To take the next step in your senior sports journey, consider participating in the upcoming New Hampshire Senior Games.

The games provide an incredible opportunity to showcase your skills, connect with fellow athletes, and celebrate the joy of sports. Visit our website to learn more and sign up for the New Hampshire Senior Games.

The website provides comprehensive information about the various events, dates, times, and venues of the games. Make sure to register early to ensure your spot in the events.

Download a PDF of this news article. The mission of the Granite State Senior Games, Inc. Our mission is accomplished by encouraging fitness and by providing athletic competition in a variety of sports, clinics and creative pursuits.

Founded in , Granite State Senior Games, Inc.

In this article Connectin Staff Tutor and Mind-body connection in athletics Lecturer Marina Postlethwaite-Bowler explores three athlerics strategies that can have Hydrostatic weighing accuracy and reliability positive impact on your mental wellbeing — Mind-bosy, Mind-body connection in athletics and conbection. Movement is the medicine we all need to nourish mind, body and spirit. The need in these challenging times to nourish the connections between the mind, body and spirit have never been more prevalent. These connections inextricably link into the varied types of yoga you can practise and their unique abilities to develop both psychological and physiological aspects. We sometimes forget our mind and body are connected. Mind-body connection in athletics

Author: Zulkizragore

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