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Maximize your performance potential with hydration

Maximize your performance potential with hydration

Stay High-energy pre-game meals, stay energised, and embrace wiyh power of hydration in your life. Researchers Maximize your performance potential with hydration found that drinking Maxiimize water improved performance in the broad jump among 49 percent of participants, while 51 percent improved their performance in the endurance test; however, these improvements were not considered statistically significant. Even with these heat adaptations, fluid and electrolyte replacement is needed.


Hydration for optimal health and performance - Stacy Sims, PhD - The Proof Podcast EP #259

Maximize your performance potential with hydration -

Among those who drank the cold water, body temperature was lower both before starting and after five to 25 minutes of activity. These subjects also cycled farther and their mean power output was greater in comparison to those who drank the warm water.

Skin temperature, lactate, heart rate, perceived exertion and sweat loss, however, did not differ between the two groups. While the exact mechanism is not known, it is suspected that brain temperature, internal thermoreception and sensory responses may be involved.

Yet another study looked at the influence of beverage temperature on the palatability or how good it tasted to the exerciser. The more palatable a drink is, the greater the likelihood that someone will consume it. In all the studies reviewed, consuming either cold ° F or cool ° F fluids during activity was preferred to drinking warm fluids.

The analysis showed that participants would consume about 50 percent more fluid during exercise when given cold or cool fluids. Colder water is better for both performance gains and for keeping you and your clients going longer in hot conditions.

And this applies to both before and during the exercise session, particularly for longer workouts. In an article published in Nutrition Reviews, Eric Goulet asserts that hydration strategies become even more important when endurance exercise exceeds one hour.

Previous studies have demonstrated that it only takes a 3 percent reduction in body weight for performance to be significantly decreased. The type of fluid one uses to hydrate should be based, at least in part, on the duration of the event.

The American Council on Exercise advises pre-loading with an electrolyte solution two hours before an endurance event or long-duration workout, and then switching to water immediately before starting. Be careful not to hydrate to the point of getting stomach cramps, which is often a spasm of the thoracic tendons.

If the event or workout lasts less than an hour, water is all that is needed. If the event is 60 to 90 minutes in duration, then some electrolyte replacement is advised.

If the event goes into the to minute range, electrolytes and carbohydrates should be replenished. And, if the event or workout exceeds two hours, you probably need to consider utilizing all the previously mentioned items, plus some amino acids, particularly branched-chain amino acids, especially if glycogen depletion is likely Antonio and Stout, So remember, to help you and your clients keep your cool during hot and heavy workouts, keep drinking cold fluids about every 15 to 20 minutes.

Antonio, J. and Stout, J. Sports Supplements. Burdon, C. et al. Influence of beverage temperature on palatability and fluid ingestion during endurance exercise: A systematic review.

Byrne, C. Self-paced exercise performance in the heat after pre-exercise cold-fluid ingestion. Journal of Athletic Training, 46, 6, Goulet, E. Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes. Nutrition Reviews Supplement, V70, S2, SS LaFata, D.

The effect of a cold beverage during an exercise sssion combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition , 9, 1, Siegel, R. and Laursen, P.

Keeping your cool: Possible mechanisms for enhanced exercise performance in the heat with internal cooling methods. Sports Medicine , 42, 2, Mark P. Kelly, Ph. He has been involved in exercise sciences as an author, presenter, trainer and athlete for over 25 years.

He has been teaching sciences in universities, performing research, and physiological assessments in exercise science for over 20 years. He has had his scientific studies published by the ACSM, NSCA, and FASEB and currently produces workshops, webinars, books, articles, and certification manuals, to bridge the gap between science and application for trainers and the lay public.

ACE Sponsored Research Study: Kettlebells Kick Butt. Hydration Strategies for Optimal Performance: The Latest Research. By keeping ourselves hydrated , we can prevent mental fatigue and sustain our cognitive abilities throughout the day.

Improved Mood and Emotional Well-being Hydration has a profound impact on our mood and emotional state. Here's how staying hydrated contributes to emotional well-being: Mood Regulation: Studies have shown a strong link between hydration and mood regulation.

When we're properly hydrated, our bodies function optimally, leading to a more balanced emotional state. Dehydration, on the other hand, can contribute to increased stress, anxiety, and irritability. Mental Clarity: Hydration promotes mental clarity, allowing us to think more clearly and make sound decisions.

When we're dehydrated, our cognitive abilities can be impaired, affecting our ability to manage stress and regulate emotions effectively. Hydration Guidelines Proper hydration is essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being.

Consider the following factors when determining your daily water intake: 1. Daily Water Intake Recommendations While 2 litres a day is a commonly mentioned guideline, individual needs may differ.

Here are some general recommendations: Adults: Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water per day. However, individual requirements may vary based on factors such as body weight, activity level, and overall health. Children: Children have different hydration needs based on their age. Consult with a healthcare professional or refer to reputable sources to determine appropriate water intake guidelines for children.

Factors Influencing Water Intake Consider the following factors to fine-tune your hydration routine: Age: Age can impact water requirements.

Older adults may have reduced thirst sensation and should be mindful of staying adequately hydrated. Activity Level: Engaging in physical activity increases the need for hydration. Drink extra water before, during, and after exercise to replenish fluids lost through sweat.

Climate: Hot and humid climates lead to increased sweating, necessitating higher water intake to compensate for fluid loss. Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals require additional water to support their own needs and those of their baby.

Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations. Listen to Your Body's Thirst Signals Our bodies have a remarkable mechanism to signal when we need water—thirst.

Here's why: Thirst is an Indicator: When you feel thirsty, it's a sign that your body requires hydration. Don't ignore these signals; drink water promptly to replenish fluids. Don't Rely Solely on Thirst: While thirst is a reliable indicator, it's important to stay proactive with your hydration.

Sip water throughout the day, even when you're not feeling thirsty, to prevent dehydration. Hydration and Exercise Proper hydration is vital when it comes to engaging in physical activity. Significance of Proper Hydration during Physical Activity Hydration plays a critical role in maximising your exercise routine.

Here's why staying hydrated during physical activity is essential: Temperature Regulation: As you exercise, your body temperature rises, leading to increased sweating. Adequate hydration helps regulate body temperature and prevent overheating.

Energy and Endurance: Water is essential for converting food into energy. When you're properly hydrated, your body can efficiently convert nutrients into fuel, enhancing your energy levels and endurance. Electrolyte Balance: Sweating during exercise leads to the loss of electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium.

Maintaining proper hydration helps replenish these electrolytes, ensuring optimal muscle function and reducing the risk of muscle cramps. Performance and Recovery: Hydration supports optimal physical performance and contributes to a faster recovery post-workout.

When you're adequately hydrated, you can maintain intensity, focus, and stamina throughout your exercise session. Consequences of Dehydration during Exercise Failure to maintain proper hydration during exercise can have negative consequences on your performance and well-being.

Here are potential outcomes of dehydration: Reduced Performance: Dehydration can impair your physical performance, leading to decreased endurance, strength, and speed. It may also affect your coordination and overall exercise efficiency. Increased Fatigue: Lack of hydration can result in increased fatigue and a sense of lethargy.

This can hinder your ability to sustain physical activity for prolonged periods. Risk of Heat-Related Illnesses: Insufficient hydration combined with intense exercise can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion or heatstroke. These conditions can be serious and may require immediate medical attention.

Tips for Staying Adequately Hydrated To ensure optimal hydration before, during, and after your workouts, consider the following tips: Pre-Workout Hydration: Drink water or a greens drink hours before exercise to start your workout adequately hydrated. Hydration during Exercise: Sip water or a sports drink regularly throughout your workout, aiming to consume fluids every minutes, especially during intense or prolonged sessions.

Post-Workout Replenishment: After exercise, replenish lost fluids by consuming water, electrolyte-rich beverages, or rehydration solutions. Monitor your urine colour to gauge hydration levels—light-coloured urine indicates proper hydration. Hydration and Nutrition The relationship between hydration and nutrition is intricate and interconnected.

Water Intake and Digestion Water is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion. Here's why hydration matters for your digestive system: Optimal Digestive Processes: Water aids in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients during digestion.

It helps dissolve and transport nutrients, ensuring their efficient absorption in the intestines. Bowel Regularity: Sufficient hydration helps prevent constipation by softening stool and promoting regular bowel movements.

Dehydration can lead to harder stool and difficulty passing waste. Digestive Comfort: Drinking an adequate amount of water can alleviate digestive discomfort, such as bloating and indigestion.

It helps keep the digestive system functioning smoothly and aids in the prevention of gastric issues. Hydration and Nutrient Absorption Water plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption and utilisation within the body. Consider the following points: Efficient Nutrient Transport: Water acts as a medium for transporting nutrients, enabling their absorption and distribution throughout the body.

It supports the transportation of vitamins, minerals , and other essential nutrients to cells and tissues. Enhanced Nutrient Bioavailability: Optimal hydration promotes better nutrient bioavailability, ensuring that the nutrients you consume are effectively absorbed and utilised by the body.

Hydration for Nutrient-Rich Foods: Consuming water-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, supports hydration while providing essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. These foods contribute to overall hydration levels and optimise nutrient intake. Water-Rich Foods for Hydration In addition to drinking water, incorporating water-rich foods into your diet can further contribute to hydration.

Here are some examples of water-rich foods: Cucumbers: Cucumbers have a high water content, providing hydration along with vitamins and minerals. Watermelon: True to its name, watermelon is a hydrating fruit that also delivers essential nutrients like lycopene and vitamin C.

Leafy Greens : Vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and kale contain high water content, offering hydration along with valuable nutrients like fibre and antioxidants. Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are not only refreshing but also hydrating due to their water content.

They also provide vitamin C and other beneficial compounds. FAQs In this section, we address some common questions regarding hydration and provide answers to help you understand its importance and how to stay properly hydrated.

How much water should I drink each day? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some general guidelines: Adults: It is commonly recommended to aim for about 2 litres of water per day.

However, individual needs may vary. Personalised Approach: Listen to your body's thirst signals and drink when you feel thirsty. Additionally, factors such as climate, physical activity, and certain health conditions may require you to increase your water intake.

Can I rely on beverages other than water for hydration? Here are some options: Herbal Teas: Unsweetened herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint, can provide hydration while adding variety to your routine. Infused Water: Infusing water with fruits, herbs, or vegetables can add a hint of flavour without the added sugars or artificial additives found in some commercial beverages.

Low-Sugar Drinks: Some low-sugar beverages, such as unsweetened coconut water or diluted fruit juices, can contribute to hydration. Veg Juices and Smoothies: another healthy way to up your water intake is with a veg juice or smoothie.

Try this one out , it's our favourite. What are the signs of dehydration to watch out for? Here are some common signs to watch out for: Thirst: Feeling thirsty is one of the initial signs of dehydration.

By the time you feel thirsty, your body may already be mildly dehydrated. Dry Mouth and Lips: Dryness in the mouth and lips can indicate dehydration. Fatigue and Lethargy: Dehydration can cause feelings of fatigue, dizziness, and low energy levels.

Dark Urine: If your urine is darker in colour more concentrated , it may be a sign of dehydration. Ideally, urine should be light yellow or clear. Headaches and Dizziness: Dehydration can contribute to headaches and feelings of lightheadedness. Conclusion In conclusion, the power of hydration cannot be underestimated when it comes to our energy levels and vitality.

Blog posts. This comprehensive guide explores the relationship between Omega-3 fatty acids and cholesterol levels.

It delves into the types of cholesterol, the benefits of Omega-3, its potential impact on cholesterol and blood pressure, dietary sources, supplements, intake recommendations, and other health considerations.

The article discusses the impact of Omega-3 fatty acids on weight management and addresses concerns about weight gain from Omega-3 supplements.

Staying hydrated is potentiwl of the best things you can do for your overall health. Staying potentixl can help support physical performance, prevent headaches Gestational diabetes blood sugar levels constipation, potntial more. Maximize your performance potential with hydration can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, and increased fatigue. It can also make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally 3. Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and it may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. If you exercise intensely and tend to sweat, staying hydrated can help you perform at your absolute best. Maximize your performance potential with hydration

Maximize your performance potential with hydration -

August also brings with it some of the hottest and most humid days of the year, which makes for a well-timed continuation of the discussion on how to optimize performance when training and competing in the heat.

Part one focused on the benefits of heat acclimatization on thermoregulation for optimal performance, but proper hydration can truly make or break an athlete come game day.

In this article, I will discuss why hydration is so important and then provide simple hydration strategies before, during, and after exercise.

During competition athletes can easily become distracted by the excitement and intensity of the moment and run the risk of improper hydration and potential underperformance. To prevent this avoidable misstep, athletes should always use training as a way to practice different hydration strategies.

When we exercise in the heat, our blood vessels dilate, our sweat rate increases and we become dehydrated unless we replace our fluid losses. Clearly, this is not an ideal scenario. Despite these physiologic effects, there is an ongoing debate regarding whether dehydration is that detrimental to sport performance.

Although many studies are consistent with the theory of performance impairment, some recent studies on cyclists did not show an effect on cycling performance. Thus, in conditions where severe dehydration is expected, proper fluid replacement is essential.

They should consume 6mL of water per kg of body mass every hours during the days leading up to competition, including hours before training. To accurately measure daily body mass, the athlete should be weighed first thing in the morning, after completely emptying the bladder and drinking approximately liters of fluid the evening prior.

Sweat rate is highly variable between athletes, with some athletes losing up to 2. Even with these heat adaptations, fluid and electrolyte replacement is needed. Salty sweaters, usually easily identified by having a nice residue of salt on their body and clothes after exercise, need additional supplementation during, and sometimes before, exercise.

During exercise over one hour, athletes should consume 0. If exercising less than one hour, most athletes can get by with replacing fluid losses with water only. High amounts of pure water intake without electrolyte replacement can dilute blood sodium levels and raise the risk of exercise-associated hyponatremia rapid drop in sodium levels in the blood , which can have serious, devastating consequences.

Lopez, R. In competition, every second counts. Your hydration plan should be practiced and second nature when it comes time to perform. Below summarizes some final take-home points to set you up for success in the heat. In the next and final part of our series, I will discuss cooling methods and how to identify early signs of exertional heat-related illness.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only. Doctors cannot provide a diagnosis or individual treatment advice via e-mail or online. Please consult your physician about your specific health care concerns. Emily Kraus is a BridgeAthletic performance team contributor where she focuses on topics that are at the forefront of athletics and medicine.

She is the incoming Stanford non-operative sports medicine fellow in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Emily has provided medical coverage for events such as the USATF National Track and Field Championships and is the research coordinator for a multi-center study focused on prevention of stress fractures in division I collegiate runners.

Emily has finished six marathons, recently ran and won her first 50km trail ultramarathon, and placed 56th female in the Boston Marathon. Emily is passionate about injury prevention, running biomechanics, and the promotion of health and wellness. It's no secret that tactical professionals have weird schedules.

So why do health professionals August 08, By Dr. Emily Kraus. How to Beat the Heat in Training and Competition: Part 2 - Hydration. Part II: Hydration The month of August brings the commencement of major international competitions and Fall sports practices. Practice Makes Perfect During competition athletes can easily become distracted by the excitement and intensity of the moment and run the risk of improper hydration and potential underperformance.

Drink to Thirst? Table 1 Lopez, R. References Racinais S, Alonso J M, Coutts A J, Flouris A D, Girard O, González Alonso J, Hausswirth C, Jay O, Lee J K, Mitchell N, Nassis G P, Nybo L, Pluim B M, Roelands B, Sawka M N, Wingo J E, Périard J D.

Consensus recommendations on training and competing in the heat. González-Alonso J, Mora-Rodríguez R, Below PR, Coyle EF. Dehydration reduces cardiac output and increases systemic and cutaneous vascular resistance during exercise.

J Appl Physiol — Goulet ED. Effect of exercise-induced dehydration on time-trial exercise performance: a meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med — Read up on identifying, testing for, and correcting dehydration in this article by GoHealth Urgent Care. Did you know that not staying properly hydrated can reduce exercise endurance nearly in half?

For instance, if your endurance time is minutes, dehydration can drop your endurance time down to 55 minutes. Some effects of dehydration include a reduction in blood volume, decreased skin blood flow, decreased sweat rate, increased core temperature, and an increased rate of muscle glycogen use.

Dehydration can not only impact your performance physically but it can also negatively impact your mental game. Your cognitive performance is just as important as your physical performance.

Dehydration can lead to slower reaction times, increased fatigue, and poor concentration. The climate plays a role in hydration levels as well. Shoutout to the intense Arizona heat for providing even more reasons to stay properly hydrated all year long.

Luckily, there are ways to ensure proper hydration before your activity, during your activity, and after your activity. Yes, all three times are equally important. A quick way to calculate how much water you need in a day is to take half your weight in pounds and convert it to ounces per day.

For example, if you weigh pounds, you would need 80 ounces of water. One regular bottle of water is roughly 16 ounces, so you would need at least 5 bottles per day for proper hydration.

Follow these tips to develop your hydration strategy based on your individual needs to stay ahead of your competition. Hydration is something that can often be dismissed.

Staying hydrated adds tremendous value and importance to the everyday functions of our bodies. It is important for each athlete to monitor their hydration and take responsibility for creating their re-hydration strategy.

Train harder, practice longer and perform better by staying hydrated. Are you an athlete looking to improve your performance? Our team of therapists and trainers are here to help you!

Schedule an appointment today. Effects of Dehydration on Athletic Performance. Home Exercise Running Effects of Dehydration on Athletic Performance. Previous Next. Signs of Dehydration Dehydration occurs when there is a decrease in total body water content due to fluid loss, diminished fluid intake, or both.

Importance of Hydration for Athletic Performance Did you know that not staying properly hydrated can reduce exercise endurance nearly in half?

Scientifically reviewed potsntial Dr Raj Jutley Maximize your performance potential with hydration info. Maximize your performance potential with hydration witu neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals. Potengial quote from American entrepreneur Metabolism boosting exercises Rohn was aimed at business people but struck a chord with me when thinking about fuelling for endurance athletes. It fits so well because getting your fueling and hydration strategy right isn't the mysterious art form that some people believe it to be. When you boil sports nutrition down to the fundamentals, there are 3 acute costs of taking part in endurance exercise:. Journal of the International Glycogen replenishment for cyclists of Sports Perfromance volume 15Glycogen replenishment for cyclists number: 27 Cite this article. Potenyial details. Athletes performsnce consume insufficient fluid hydratiom electrolytes just prior Blood sugar crash mood swings, or during training and competition. After completing a questionnaire assessing hydration habits, participants were randomized either to a prescription hydration plan PHPwhich considered sweat rate and sodium loss or instructed to follow their normal ad libitum hydration habits NHP during training. Heart rate recovery was also measured. After a washout period of 7 days, the PHP group repeated the training bout with their normal hydration routine, while the NHP group were provided with a PHP plan and were assessed as previously described. Most participants reported feeling somewhat or very dehydrated after a typical training session.

Author: Gardalar

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