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Well-optimized images

Well-optimized images

Es ist Intermittent fasting method, die Größe der Dateien imayes optimieren, wenn du sie Well-oltimized Signs of dehydration ins Meal ideas for performance hochgeladen hast. It does not have a file size limit. That's about four times the size of the average website! Whatever plugin you use, make sure to find one that compresses the images externally on their servers.

Well-optimized images -

Image optimization converts images into the smallest possible file size without compromising quality. There are four common ways to optimize images — and you should use them all for the best balance between file size and image quality.

Most images are JPEG, PNG, or GIF file formats. While PNGs are completely uncompressed and offer the highest quality, GIFs contain only colors and are losslessly compressed.

JPEGs fall in between with some compression to reduce file size. You may also want to use SVGs to display abstract illustrations, such as background shapes, rather than using images.

Unlike JPEG, PNG, and GIF images, SVGs are text-based XML files that describe an image, which means they have a significantly smaller footprint.

The most common way to optimize images is to resize them. If you take a photo on a megapixel camera, the image will be x pixels and might be 16 megabytes in size. That's about four times the size of the average website! You can dramatically reduce the file size by resizing the image.

If your maximum display size is x, you may want to resize the image to x, which is much smaller than the original size but large enough for Retina displays. Most image editors, such as Photoshop or GIMP, make it easy to resize or crop images to fit twice the maximum display size on a website.

You can use lossy and lossless compression algorithms to further reduce file size. Lossy compression finds and reduces redundant pixels within an image, while lossless compression reorganizes data within an image without affecting pixels. The best way to compress individual images is using tools like Kraken and Optimizilla.

If you're a developer, you can also use programmatic tools like imagemin that work with build tools like Gulp as part of an automated workflow. You can further optimize images by eliminating any unnecessary metadata in the image. For example, many cameras add GPS data, camera details, color profiles, descriptions, and other data to images that all take up space.

The best way to avoid metadata in your own images is by disabling the option on your camera. If that's not possible, you can also remove the data in Photoshop by using the "Save for Web" option and selecting "None" next to "Metadata".

Many web applications involve lots of roundtrips between the browser and server — and the page doesn't load until critical resources have been completely downloaded.

That's a problem for slow connections or mobile devices! Those should use a few carefully chosen keywords — ideally, keywords the image could rank for — while omitting stop words a, the, in, of, etc. and separating keywords by hyphens e. jpg would become brooklyn-bridge-night.

In the case of image links, those attributes also provide context to search engines regarding the destination page, further helping it rank.

Unlike file names, write those attributes in a grammatically coherent and concise way: alt attributes are played out loud by accessibility software and screen readers and title attributes appear when visitors hover over images, so do not stuff keywords there and vary it up! Note that on-page image captions and keywords in the surrounding text area also help search engines derive more context for images and improve their ability to rank.

JPEGs are usually more SEO-friendly than PNGs , especially if you do not need transparent backgrounds, as they offer better compression levels. Logos and other high-resolution, computer-generated graphics can typically also use the vector-based SVG file format make sure that your server caches, minifies, and compresses that format as well.

For large and lengthy animated images, it may be best to use a true video format instead, as it allows for video sitemaps and schema.

What matters most is the actual file size in Kb of the images themselves: always strive to save them under Kb or less whenever possible. If a larger file size must be used above the fold for hero or banner images for instance , it can help to save images as progressive JPGs where images can start progressively displaying as they are being loaded a blurry version of the full image first appears and gradually sharpens as more bytes are downloaded.

So start by selecting the best format for your needs and then select the best settings for those! Although Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights audit tools recommend even more specific compression formats Next-Gen formats such as JPEG , JPEG XR, and WebP , those are not necessarily compatible with all browsers yet; some CDN providers do, however, offer WebP conversion when visitors use applicable browsers.

As for dimensions image height and width , ensure that images are not wider than the most popular largest desktop screen resolutions which is typically 2, pixels in width at most. Otherwise browsers will unnecessarily scale them down and that your CSS makes your images responsive images adjust automatically to screen or window size.

Note that at this time, Google does not use EXIF metadata but may use IPTC metadata particularly for copyright information. Not only can images significantly increase page load times simply based on file size, but they can also dramatically increase the number of requests made to the server before the browser can finish loading the page, competing with other critical resources and further slowing down the page.

Depending on your specific setup, it may be faster to host images on the same host as your HTML files. Additional benefits of hosting images on your domain or subdomain include cache control, branding, and control of redirects.

There are few benefits if any in exclusively hosting images on third-party sites unless it is on a content delivery network CDN which can speed up load times by serving images closer to the user location. com becomes images. This makes things much easier when changing CDN provider because you will not have to update and redirect your image URLs and provides obvious branding benefits as well.

When it comes to caching , also make sure that server expirations are set for all image types. However, you can insert a much smaller image or a large image as well in your article depending on your requirements. The above dimensions are only mentioned because those are the minimum requirements for an image to be picked by social networks.

When dealing with large images, make sure you take the content area width of your blog into consideration. Most of the blog themes come with content area width of px or maybe less or more depending on the theme, so make sure you know the content area width to create a perfect image.

The above section tells you the proper image dimensions but what would you do when you download a stock image that is too large in dimensions? If you upload the original image and then resizing it from the post, then you are doing no good.

When the page is loaded in the browser, the images will load to its original dimensions and size and then it will be resized. This will only increase the loading time of your page.

There are online tools like PicResize and PicMonkey that you can use to resize your images before uploading them to your article. When you use stock images of high quality, you will be adding a lot of pressure on your server to simply load the images.

The higher the quality of the image, the more will be its size. It is possible for the dimensions of the image to be around x px and still be large in size. There are tools like TinyPNG that helps you in compressing the images to reduce the size.

Note: If you write articles where you have to share extremely high-quality images, like sharing wallpaper collections, then it is better to upload the high-quality images on Dropbox or other similar sites. Then you can resize those images, in both size and dimensions, upload the resized images to your article and then link them to the cloud service where the original images are hosted.

This way you are providing high-quality images to your readers without compromising your page load speed. The main purpose of the ALT text is to provide a description to the image file. If the images are not appearing for whatever reason, the ALT text will appear in its place describing the content of the image.

The other use of the ALT text is to tell the search engines that an image is present at its place. Search engines use ALT text to determine the best images to return for a particular search query. Most of the people try to get to the top position of a search engine but they ignore the image search engines that can bring a lot of traffic as well.

So, by adding an ALT text in the images, you make sure your article is perfectly optimized which helps you in getting an SEO edge over your competitors. You now know the benefits and the importance of the ALT texts, but what should you enter as the ALT text in the images?

ALT texts are the best place to enter your keywords and increase your chances of showing up higher in image searches. However, you need to make sure that your image is suitable for your ALT text.

So, use a proper image that shows the topic of your article and add keywords in the ALT texts to make it visible to search engines and increase the chances to get ranked. A simple method to add ALT text would be to use the Media Uploader in your WordPress post editor. When you upload the image in your article, you will be able to add ALT text directly to your image.

Check the image below to know how to do that. So make sure to add an ALT text that describes the image as well as the content of the article. That way the readers can also make out the contents of the image and the search engines will be able to rank it for the related queries.

The height and width parameters are one of the most overlooked factors in image Optimization. Whenever you insert an image in your article, make sure that its HTML code contains the height and width parameters as well.

The reason they should be present in the code is that it plays a huge role in page loading speed. When the browsers detect the height and width tags, they will continue loading the text on the page while keeping the space defined by the height and width parameters and filling it with the image.

The text and the image will be loaded simultaneously, thus maintaining a good page loading speed. This will put a lot of strain on the servers and increase the loading speed of the page.

In WordPress, these parameters are automatically added when you insert the image but if you manually add the HTML tags or if you just want to make sure that the tags are present, then you can go to the Text editor section, find the image code, which will look something like in the image below, and specify the height and width parameters as shown.

When you upload the images in your article, WordPress will automatically add a link in the source code to the image location i. Not only does the hyperlink passes link juice to non-important image page, but it also distracts users.

When the visitors are reading the article and they accidentally click on the image, they will be redirected to the image location and hence, they might lose the interest in the article.

Click on the drop-down menu and select None to remove the hyperlink.

Is your WordPress site Energizing lifestyle supplements Get a free audit to uncover performance Well-iptimized. One problem Well-kptimized formatting them is that modifications often reduce their quality which in turn might make the visitor hate your website. What Does It Mean to Optimize Images? Large images slow down your web pages which creates a less than optimal user experience. Well-optimized images

Author: Mautaxe

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