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Nutrient timing

Nutrient timing

Consuming Nutrient timing riming Nutrient timing after training Nutriebt been Nutrieent to help hypertrophy Nutrient timing Protein intake for better digestion Nutrient timing your Nutrient timing. Nutrieht PubMed Google Scholar Saunders MJ, Kane MD, Todd MK: Nutrient timing of a carbohydrate-protein Nutrint on cycling endurance and muscle damage. Tipton et al. Liver detoxification of many possible examples involving a minute resistance training bout could have up to minute feeding windows on both sides of the bout, given central placement between the meals. aspx ] Bussau VA, Fairchild TJ, Rao A, Steele P, Fournier PA: Carbohydrate loading in human muscle: an improved 1 day protocol. Wilkinson SB, Tarnopolsky MA, Macdonald MJ, Macdonald JR, Armstrong D, Phillips SM: Consumption of fluid skim milk promotes greater muscle protein accretion after resistance exercise than does consumption of an isonitrogenous and isoenergetic soy-protein beverage. Nutrient timing

Nutrient timing -

Whey protein is better than EAA or BCAA supplementation in this scenario. It is fast-digesting a good thing in this context at a rate of 8—10 g per hour, therefore, if your first meal of the day is more than 3 hours after your first scoop was taken, take a second scoop.

I prefer to have 50 g of whey in the morning rather than splitting it into two shakes. If you find yourself struggling to train with the same intensity you usually do, have 30—60 g of carbs with the shake.

This can be as simple as eating a banana or two or anything you find easy to digest. Toward the end of a cut, when your liver and muscle glycogen stores are low, this could help you maintain training intensity.

If you eat twice per day, make that lunch and dinner, and roughly hours apart. If you eat three times per day, make it breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As long as meals are evenly spaced, there is likely very little benefit to worrying about more specific protein or carbohydrate timing.

Here are some detailed meal timing examples of when to eat, relative to when you train. This setup is the most popular with clients. They all have full-time jobs and most have families, so they choose this because it allows them to train before the rest of the day takes its toll.

My preferred setup is the left column. This is popular with folks who can take a slightly longer lunch than the typical hour and have a gym close to their office or in the same building. The key to success is often preparing lunch the night prior. Training in the evening is completely fine, but if you find that stuff often comes up which prevents you from leaving work early to do it, consider training in the morning.

In this specific case, a slow-release protein shake like casein may be better than whey prior to bed. A pre-prepared small chicken breast would do equally well if not better, and the banana is just an example of some quick and easy carbs.

Some people find that carbs make them sleepy. Breakfast eaters that feel lethargic mid-morning should consider eating fewer calories from carbs, and more calories from fats at breakfast time, and reversing this at dinner.

Breakfast skippers should do this but with lunch. As an added bonus, this may help you sleep better in the evening. A small percentage of clients find that a large meal before bed disturbs their sleep. If this causes you to sweat or just otherwise feel uncomfortable, eat one or two hours earlier or reduce the calorie content of your evening meal.

I do it, many of my industry friends do it, and many of my clients do it also. However, there are a few different types of intermittent fasting I.

Leangains is a style of intermittent fasting developed by Swedish nutritionist Martin Berkhan. It combines skipping breakfast with fluctuating calorie and macro intake — more calories and carbs are consumed on the training days; fewer calories and carbs are consumed on the rest days.

Fat intake is lower on the training days, and more on the rest days. Martin popularized the term by telling people to eat all their food within an 8-hour window. So, Leangains preceded I. Marketing and practicality, in my opinion. This is an attempt at getting more favorable calorie partitioning.

More calories and carbs on the training days when they can be utilized for growth and recovery, with a low fat intake to minimize the risk of any storage.

The rest days just flip it, so that the balance for the week is maintained. Probably not. Still, I offer a pattern similar to this with clients because it breaks the monotony of dieting.

The majority of clients choose to do this but it is their choice, not my demand. My advice: try it, see if you like it.

Why include them? They provide a helpful break from the monotony of dieting by introducing some variety in possible food options across the week. Will they be beneficial beyond that? Probably not for beginners and early intermediates, possibly for those more advanced. So only implement these strategies if they help improve your adherence, not hinder it due to the added complication.

Calorie cycling is the name given when different days of the week have different calorie targets. If you find yourself keeping to your diet during the week but struggling at the weekends, consider building more flexibility into your plan to allow that.

So for example, to maintain the daily average calorie intake, you could eat calories fewer on the weekdays so that you can eat calories extra on the weekends:. I recommend avoiding fluctuations much greater than this as it will make adherence harder and likely compromise results.

Cheat days are the name given to days where people eat whatever they want. They have no place in a diet and I strongly suggest you avoid them. The most common pattern of people screwing up their diets or getting fat when they bulk is staying tight during the weekdays and blowing it all on the weekend.

It is perfectly possible to do this over one day as well. This means that over the weekdays you will have built up a kcal deficit.

But if you eat or drink kcal extra over the weekend, you are back where you started. Macro cycling is the name given when different days of the week have different macros targets. I recommend you avoid extreme splits in macro intake as that could also compromise recovery and hamper adherence. As carbs balance the calorie budget, this means the training days have more carbs than the rest days.

See examples at the end of this section. Refeeds are the name given to days where more calories and carbs are eaten. The idea is to replenish muscle glycogen and help boost performance during cutting phases. Some people do this every training day like with Leangains , but when most people talk of refeeds they are referring to a once per week, carb-heavy day, which is often above caloric maintenance.

Often fat intake will be limited on these days in a bid to minimize storage, though whether this has any effect is unclear. Note : I will purposefully spare you the math in this section. But if you wish to see the formulas used, hover or click for the calorie cycling math 1 and the macro cycling math 2.

Note how personal preference is the reason behind the choice for all of these examples. He decides that he wishes to sacrifice some flexibility on the weekdays so that he has a calorie buffer on the weekend.

He chooses to split the kcal additional budget between fats and carbs evenly, so he adds 20 g of fat and 55 g of carbs to these days. Thelma wants to make her life easier, not more difficult by adding a layer of complication, so she decides against calorie or macro cycling. As she prefers a little more fat in her diet, she chooses to swap 20 g of carbs for an additional 10 g of fat.

She wants to do both calorie and macro cycling, as she feels it will add variety in her diet each day which will make things easier to adhere to. Got a question? Ask me below. Please keep questions on topic, write clearly, concisely, and don't post diet calculations. Privacy policy. Skip to content A Nutrient Timing Guide To Maximize Fat Loss and Muscle Growth.

In this chapter the key principles you will learn about nutrient timing are: Doing nothing stupid or extreme that could compromise the rest of your efforts, Optimizing things in a way that helps you adhere, Avoiding complicated strategies unless you need them for your sport.

When Should We Eat? Suggestions For When To Eat, Relative To When You Train Should You Try Intermittent Fasting? Refeeds, Calorie Cycling, Macro Cycling, and Cheat Days Example Calorie, Macro Cycling, and Refeed Calculations For Our Four Amigos As with this series as a whole, this article is written in the order of importance that each addition will likely benefit you.

Meal Timing: How Many Meals Should We Eat? The sweet spot for meal frequency is 2—3 meals when cutting and 3—4 meals when recomping or bulking.

Why I Recommend You Avoid Extreme Meal Frequencies Eating one meal a day may be the simplest choice, but it is not going to be optimal for lean mass retention when dieting, nor muscle growth when bulking. Meal Frequency Recommendations For Those Cutting and Bulking For those cutting, it can be beneficial to have fewer meals because you can eat more at each meal.

those who ate three or four. Meal Timing: When Should We Eat? Avoid fat as this could cause stomach upset. Personally, I feel completely fine without this, but I want to state it here as an option. Spread Your Meals evenly Across the day If you eat twice per day, make that lunch and dinner, and roughly hours apart.

Spread your macros evenly As long as meals are evenly spaced, there is likely very little benefit to worrying about more specific protein or carbohydrate timing. Avoid skewing your fat, protein, or carb intake across the course of a day too heavily.

You may still find some people saying that eating fats and avoiding carbs at the start of the day and vice versa at the end of the day is beneficial. In other words, when many athletes find out that something is "good," they try to get lots of it.

And when many athletes find out that something is "bad," they try to avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately this is nothing more than a combination of the how-much-to-eat and what-to-eat approaches discussed above. Combine that with a naive good vs. bad approach to food and you've got a recipe for sub-optimal nutritional intake.

After all, few foods are always good or always bad well, I can think of a few? This is certainly unfortunate for two reasons. First, much of the current science points to the fact that if you train regularly, the body is primed for fat gain or fat loss just as it's primed for muscle gain or muscle loss during specific times of the day.

Add in the wrong foods at the wrong times and you sabotage your efforts in the gym. Add the right foods and your efforts are given a giant boost. Secondly, although some foods are not optimal during certain times of the day i.

sugar , some of these same foods can actually be beneficial during other times of the day such as the post-workout period. Throwing aside the oversimplification inherent in the bulk nutrition concept, let's now get down to the nuts and bolts of optimal nutrient timing.

Since I was a consultant in the development of the book, I'm going to go ahead and take the liberty of borrowing from some of Drs. Ivy and Portman's nomenclature. In the book, the authors refer to three critical times of the day in which nutrient timing takes on a greater importance.

These times are known as the Energy Phase, The Anabolic Phase, and The Growth Phase. Since I like these distinctions, I'll use them here.

However, I'll add another phase that I call, somewhat in jest, The Rest of The Day Phase. The Energy Phase is called this because this phase occurs during the workout when energy demands are highest. As you probably know, the energy used by skeletal muscle is ATP. This ATP is formed and resynthesized by macronutrients from the diet so carbs, proteins, and fats contribute indirectly to the energy of muscle contraction.

This breakdown of nutrients, while completely necessary, is, by definition, catabolic. As such, the workout period, as I've addressed in the past see Precision Nutrition - next week , is marked by a number of anabolic and catabolic effects.

Since this drink not only enhances blood flow but stocks that blood up with amino acids and glucose, the protein balance of the muscle will be shifted toward the positive and glycogen depletion will be significantly reduced.

In addition, those amino acids and glucose units, independent of their effects on muscle protein and glycogen status, can also lead to a decrease in cortisol concentrations and improve the overall immune response part of the acute phase response listed above and described in detail in the Precision Nutrition article.

Of course, if the aforementioned supplement is in a liquid form and is sipped during the exercise bout as recommended , dehydration, a potent performance killer in both strength and endurance athletes, can be staved off as well.

When examining the science of nutrient timing in detail, it becomes clear that one of the key "when to eat" times of the day is during the Energy Phase or during the workout. Of course, in focusing on when to eat, I'm in no way suggesting we should neglect considering what and how much to eat.

In fact, they're probably your next two questions so let's get to them right away. As indicated above, during the Energy Phase it's important to ingest some protein and carbohydrate. In my experience the easiest way to do this is to drink an easily digested liquid carbohydrate and protein drink.

Dilution is important, especially if you are an endurance athlete or if you're training in a hot environment. If you don't dilute your drink appropriately, you may not replenish your body's water stores at an optimal rate 9; Now that we know when to eat and what to eat, let's figure out how much.

Unfortunately this isn't as easy to answer. How much to eat really has a lot to do with how much energy you're expending during the exercise bout, how much you're eating the rest of the day, whether your primary interest is gaining muscle mass or losing fat mass, and a number of other factors.

For a simple answer, however, I suggest starting out by sipping 0. For you lb guys, that means 80g of carbohydrate and 40g of protein during training. This, of course, is the nutrient make-up of Surge. The Anabolic Phase occurs immediately after the workout and lasts about an hour or two.

This phase is titled "anabolic" because it's during this time that the muscle cells are primed for muscle building. Interestingly, although the cells are primed for muscle building, in the absence of a good nutritional strategy, this phase can remain catabolic.

Without adequate nutrition, the period immediately after strength and endurance training is marked by a net muscle catabolism; that's right, after exercise muscles continue to break down. Now, if you're asking yourself how this can be, you're asking the right question.

After all, training especially weight training makes you bigger, not smaller. And even if you're an endurance athlete, your muscles don't exactly break down either.

So how can exercise be so catabolic? Well, for starters, as I've written before, while the few hours after exercise induce a net catabolic state although protein synthesis does increase after exercise, so does breakdown , it's later in the recovery cycle that the body begins to shift toward anabolism 8; So we typically break down for some time after the workout and then start to build back up later whether that "build up" is in muscle size or in muscle quality.

However, with this said, there are new data showing that with the right nutritional intervention protein and carbohydrate supplementation , we can actually repair and improve muscle size or quality during and immediately after exercise 16; For more on what happens during the postexercise period, check out my articles Solving the Post-Workout Puzzle 1 and Solving the Post Workout Puzzle 2.

From now on, when planning your nutritional intake, you'd better consider both the Energy and Anabolic phases as two of the key "whens" of nutrient timing.

Therefore, to maximize your muscle gain and recovery, you'll be feeding both during and immediately after exercise. Again we come to what and how much. As indicated above, during the Anabolic Phase it's important to ingest some protein and carbohydrate. Just like with the Energy Phase, in my experience the easiest way to do this is to drink an easily digested liquid carbohydrate and protein drink.

While dilution, in this case, isn't as important for rehydration because you've stopped exercising and presumably, sweating, you're now diluting to prevent gastrointestinal distress. I won't go to far into detail here - just take my word for it. You must dilute.

Just like with the Energy Phase, how much to eat really has a lot to do with how much energy you expend during the exercise bout, how much you eat the rest of the day, whether your primary interest is gaining muscle mass or losing fat mass, and a number of other factors.

However, just like with the Energy Phase, a simple suggestion is to start out by sipping another serving of 0. If you add up the basic suggestions from the Energy Phase and the Anabolic Phase, you'll find that I've recommended about 1.

For a lb guy, that's a total of g carbohydrate and 80g of protein during and immediately after training. Based on your preconceived notions of what constitutes "a lot" of carbs, this may seem like a lot or not much at all.

However, despite its Nutruent, the research on nutrient Nuteient is far from convincing 1. Nutrient Nutrient timing has Nytrient used by professional bodybuilders and athletes for over 50 years, Diuretic effect on skin health many aspects of it have been studied 234. John Ivy, has published many studies showing its potential benefits. Inhe published a book called Nutrient Timing: The Future of Sports Nutrition. Since then, many nutritional programs and books have promoted nutrient timing as the key method for losing fat, gaining muscle and improving performance.

Nutrient timing -

The authors concluded that CHO supplementation before and during resistance exercise can maintain muscle glycogen stores and enhance the benefits of training [ 40 ].

Nutrient feedings during exercise have also been researched for their ability to offset muscle damage after intense resistance training [ 37 ]. The authors concluded that the suppression of PRO breakdown and cortisol levels may help to promote accretion of muscle PRO with prolonged periods of resistance training and supplementation.

Their final study examined the influence of a 12 week resistance training program in combination with CHO and EAA supplementation. Serum insulin and cortisol, urinary markers of PRO breakdown, and muscle cross-sectional area were measured [ 41 ].

Similarly, a study by Beelen et al. CHO administration becomes even more important when muscle glycogen levels are low at the onset of exercise [ 35 , 42 ]. Many nutritional interventions have been considered to enhance recovery from exercise. The body of published research supports the practice of ingesting nutrients to enhance performance for both endurance and resistance training athletes.

There is also sound evidence which supports the value of post-exercise nutritional supplementation as a means of improving the recovery of intramuscular glycogen, providing a positive stimulation for acute changes in amino acid kinetics and improvement of the net PRO balance, as well as enhancing the overall adaptation to resistance training.

Athletes who ingest 1. within 30 minutes after exercise have been shown to experience a greater rate of muscle glycogen re-synthesis than when supplementation is delayed by two hours, largely due to a greater sensitivity of muscle to insulin [ 61 ].

Additionally, both solid and liquid forms of CHO promote similar levels of glycogen re-synthesis [ 15 , 62 , 63 ]. Moreover, different forms of CHO have different effects on insulin levels, with fructose ingestion being associated with lower levels of glycogen re-synthesis than other forms of simple carbohydrates [ 64 ].

If an athlete is glycogen-depleted after exercise, a CHO intake of 0. Similarly, maximal glycogen re-synthesis rates have been achieved when 1.

Consequently, frequent feedings of CHO in high amounts over the 4 — 6 hours following exercise is recommended to ensure recovery of muscle and liver glycogen [ 15 , 49 ]. Several studies have suggested that adding PRO to CHO supplementation after exercise may help to promote greater recovery of muscle glycogen and attenuate muscle damage.

Ivy and colleagues [ 69 ] instructed cyclists to complete a 2. While glycogen replenishment did not differ between the two CHO conditions low CHO [ Both authors concluded that ingestion of either CHO preparation resulted in greater restoration of muscle glycogen when compared to a placebo.

Furthermore, the availability of essential amino acids EAA following exercise, especially the branched-chain amino acids, have been reported to influence recovery by optimizing PRO re-synthesis as well as glycogen re-synthesis rates after exercise [ 61 , 69 , 70 , 72 — 74 ].

As these studies suggest, the ingestion of CHO 1 — 1. A single bout of resistance training modestly stimulates PRO synthesis, but also further stimulates PRO breakdown resulting in an overall negative PRO balance after exercise [ 75 , 76 ]; an effect which shifts PRO balance more towards neutral as training status progresses [ 76 ].

Infusion or ingestion of amino acids increases amino acid concentrations at rest or after resistance exercise [ 77 ]. In addition, providing CHO in combination with amino acids immediately before or after exercise may further increase amino acid availability and post-exercise PRO synthesis [ 73 , 78 ].

Consequently, increasing the concentration and availability of amino acids in the blood is an important consideration when attempting to promote increases in lean tissue and improve body composition with resistance training [ 77 , 79 ].

Ingestion of a large dose of CHO g alone and within 1 h after resistance exercise causes marginal improvements in overall PRO synthesis while maintaining a negative net PRO balance [ 78 ].

While no studies have found CHO to be detrimental, it is not the ideal nutrient in isolation to consume after resistance exercise. Its inclusion, however, is an important consideration regarding stimulation of glycogen re-synthesis and enhanced palatability [ 69 , 72 ].

The EAAs, however, in dosages ranging from 6 — 40 grams have routinely been shown to play a primary role in promoting muscle PRO synthesis [ 74 , 80 ], though adding CHO to them may enhance this effect [ 9 , 81 ]. Regarding post-exercise timing, ingestion of amino acids after resistance exercise has been shown at many different time points to stimulate increases in muscle PRO synthesis, cause minimal changes in PRO breakdown and increase overall PRO balance [ 74 , 75 , 80 ].

Unfortunately, the optimal time point for supplementation has not yet been demonstrated. Similar changes have been found in studies that have administered amino acids alone, or with CHO, immediately, 1 h, 2 h and 3 h after exercise [ 9 , 74 , 79 , 81 ].

Levenhagen et al. They reported significantly greater levels of PRO synthesis when the nutrients were ingested immediately before the exercise bout. In summary, the optimal dosage and ratio of EAAs and CHO necessary to optimize protein balance is not currently known.

A summary of relevant findings is provided in Table 2 Additional File 2. In an attempt to stimulate greater adaptations associated with resistance training researchers have investigated the impact of administering varying combinations of CHO and PRO after 1 — 3 h post-exercise each exercise bout over the course of training [ 8 , 10 , 32 , 84 — 91 ].

The collective findings of these studies support the rationale for post-exercise administration of CHO and PRO to facilitate greater improvements in strength and body composition. Additionally, PRO source may be an important consideration as studies have suggested that whey PRO may exhibit a faster kinetic digestive pattern when compared to casein PRO [ 92 , 93 ].

Furthermore, this faster kinetic pattern for whey PRO is responsible for greater increases in PRO synthesis upon ingestion, with little to no impact over PRO breakdown. Casein PRO, on the other hand, releases its amino acids at a slower rate from the gut. This kinetic pattern results in little control over PRO synthesis, but a powerful attenuation of PRO breakdown.

When both of these milk PRO sources are compared using area under the curve analysis, results suggest that casein may be responsible for a greater overall improvement in PRO balance when compared to whey [ 92 , 93 ]. Cr is a popular dietary supplement that has been heavily researched for its ability to increase performance and facilitate positive training adaptations [ 94 , 95 ].

For example, Tarnopolsky et al. Changes in fat-free mass, muscle fiber area, 1 RM, and isokinetic strength improved in both groups, but were not different among groups. Another study had participants resistance train for 11 weeks while consuming daily one of the following: 1 0.

Supplementation in the first three groups resulted in greater increases in 1 RM strength and muscle hypertrophy when compared to CHO only, but no differences were found among the groups ingesting Cr in conjunction with either CHO or PRO [ 85 ].

In contrast, two published studies have suggested that the addition of Cr may be responsible for greater increases in muscle hypertrophy. The first study had participants complete heavy resistance training for 10 weeks while ingesting one of the following isoenergetic groups: 1 1.

Similarly, Kerksick and colleagues [ 88 ] had participants complete 12 weeks of resistance training while ingesting a blend of whey and casein PRO, with or without Cr. While all groups saw increases in strength and muscle mass, those groups ingesting Cr with the PRO blend experienced greater gains in body mass and fat-free mass.

Though these findings are somewhat mixed, the available data does provide support that adding Cr to a post-exercise regimen of CHO and PRO may help to facilitate greater improvements in body composition during resistance training [ 84 , 85 , 88 , 90 ].

The addition of CHO may increase PRO synthesis even more, while pre-exercise consumption may result in the best response of all [ 9 ]. The scientific literature associated with nutrient timing is an extremely popular, and thus ever-changing, area of research. Upon reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn at this point in time:.

whey and casein exhibit different kinetic digestion patterns and may subsequently differ in their support of training adaptations. However, including small amounts of fat does not appear to be harmful, and may help to control glycemic responses during exercise.

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Berardi JM, Price TB, Noreen EE, Lemon PW: Postexercise muscle glycogen recovery enhanced with a carbohydrate-protein supplement. Tarnopolsky MA, Bosman M, Macdonald JR, Vandeputte D, Martin J, Roy BD: Postexercise protein-carbohydrate and carbohydrate supplements increase muscle glycogen in men and women.

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Rasmussen BB, Tipton KD, Miller SL, Wolf SE, Wolfe RR: An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise. Cribb PJ, Williams AD, Hayes A: A creatine-protein-carbohydrate supplement enhances responses to resistance training. Cribb PJ, Williams AD, Stathis CG, Carey MF, Hayes A: Effects of whey isolate, creatine, and resistance training on muscle hypertrophy.

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J Physiol. Download references. Department of Health and Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, , USA. Endocrinology and Diabetes Section, Department of Pediatrics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, , USA. Center for Physical Development Excellence, Department of Physical Education, United States Military Academy, Brewerton Road, West Point, NY, , USA.

Division of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Science, The Center for Applied Health Sciences, Fairlawn, OH, , USA. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, , USA. Department of Biology, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH, , USA.

Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, , USA. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar.

Correspondence to Chad Kerksick. CK — primarily responsible for drafting manuscript and incorporated revisions suggested by co-authors. TH, JS, BC, CW, RK, DK, TZ, HL, JL, JI, JA — All co-authors were equally responsible for writing, revising, and providing feedback for submission.

All authors reviewed content for scientific merit and provided general recommendations in relation to the direction of the manuscript.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript. Additional file 1: Table 1 — Summary table of pre-exercise nutrition studies Adapted from Hawley and Burke [ 22 ]. DOC 62 KB.

Additional file 2: Table 2 — Summary table of studies involving protein metabolism and nutrient timing after exercise. DOC 68 KB. Additional file 3: Table 3 — Summary table of studies involving post-exercise nutrition administration and resistance training.

DOC 61 KB. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Reprints and permissions. Kerksick, C.

et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: Nutrient timing. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 5 , 17 Download citation. Certain athletes are prone to performing significantly more volume than this i.

For example, training a muscle group with sets in a single session is done roughly once per week, whereas routines with sets are done twice per week. In scenarios of higher volume and frequency of resistance training, incomplete resynthesis of pre-training glycogen levels would not be a concern aside from the far-fetched scenario where exhaustive training bouts of the same muscles occur after recovery intervals shorter than 24 hours.

However, even in the event of complete glycogen depletion, replenishment to pre-training levels occurs well-within this timeframe, regardless of a significantly delayed post-exercise carbohydrate intake. For example, Parkin et al [ 33 ] compared the immediate post-exercise ingestion of 5 high-glycemic carbohydrate meals with a 2-hour wait before beginning the recovery feedings.

No significant between-group differences were seen in glycogen levels at 8 hours and 24 hours post-exercise. In further support of this point, Fox et al. Another purported benefit of post-workout nutrient timing is an attenuation of muscle protein breakdown.

This is primarily achieved by spiking insulin levels, as opposed to increasing amino acid availability [ 35 , 36 ]. Studies show that muscle protein breakdown is only slightly elevated immediately post-exercise and then rapidly rises thereafter [ 36 ].

In the fasted state, muscle protein breakdown is significantly heightened at minutes following resistance exercise, resulting in a net negative protein balance [ 37 ].

Although insulin has known anabolic properties [ 38 , 39 ], its primary impact post-exercise is believed to be anti-catabolic [ 40 — 43 ]. The mechanisms by which insulin reduces proteolysis are not well understood at this time.

Down-regulation of other aspects of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway are also believed to play a role in the process [ 45 ]. Given that muscle hypertrophy represents the difference between myofibrillar protein synthesis and proteolysis, a decrease in protein breakdown would conceivably enhance accretion of contractile proteins and thus facilitate greater hypertrophy.

Accordingly, it seems logical to conclude that consuming a protein-carbohydrate supplement following exercise would promote the greatest reduction in proteolysis since the combination of the two nutrients has been shown to elevate insulin levels to a greater extent than carbohydrate alone [ 28 ].

However, while the theoretical basis behind spiking insulin post-workout is inherently sound, it remains questionable as to whether benefits extend into practice.

This insulinogenic effect is easily accomplished with typical mixed meals, considering that it takes approximately 1—2 hours for circulating substrate levels to peak, and 3—6 hours or more for a complete return to basal levels depending on the size of a meal.

For example, Capaldo et al. This meal was able to raise insulin 3 times above fasting levels within 30 minutes of consumption. At the 1-hour mark, insulin was 5 times greater than fasting. At the 5-hour mark, insulin was still double the fasting levels. In another example, Power et al.

The inclusion of carbohydrate to this protein dose would cause insulin levels to peak higher and stay elevated even longer. Therefore, the recommendation for lifters to spike insulin post-exercise is somewhat trivial. The classical post-exercise objective to quickly reverse catabolic processes to promote recovery and growth may only be applicable in the absence of a properly constructed pre-exercise meal.

Moreover, there is evidence that the effect of protein breakdown on muscle protein accretion may be overstated. Glynn et al. These results were seen regardless of the extent of circulating insulin levels.

Thus, it remains questionable as to what, if any, positive effects are realized with respect to muscle growth from spiking insulin after resistance training. Perhaps the most touted benefit of post-workout nutrient timing is that it potentiates increases in MPS. Resistance training alone has been shown to promote a twofold increase in protein synthesis following exercise, which is counterbalanced by the accelerated rate of proteolysis [ 36 ].

It appears that the stimulatory effects of hyperaminoacidemia on muscle protein synthesis, especially from essential amino acids, are potentiated by previous exercise [ 35 , 50 ]. There is some evidence that carbohydrate has an additive effect on enhancing post-exercise muscle protein synthesis when combined with amino acid ingestion [ 51 ], but others have failed to find such a benefit [ 52 , 53 ].

However, despite the common recommendation to consume protein as soon as possible post-exercise [ 60 , 61 ], evidence-based support for this practice is currently lacking. Levenhagen et al. Employing a within-subject design,10 volunteers 5 men, 5 women consumed an oral supplement containing 10 g protein, 8 g carbohydrate and 3 g fat either immediately following or three hours post-exercise.

A limitation of the study was that training involved moderate intensity, long duration aerobic exercise. In contrast to the timing effects shown by Levenhagen et al. Notably, Fujita et al [ 64 ] saw opposite results using a similar design, except the EAA-carbohydrate was ingested 1 hour prior to exercise compared to ingestion immediately pre-exercise in Tipton et al.

Adding yet more incongruity to the evidence, Tipton et al. Collectively, the available data lack any consistent indication of an ideal post-exercise timing scheme for maximizing MPS.

It also should be noted that measures of MPS assessed following an acute bout of resistance exercise do not always occur in parallel with chronic upregulation of causative myogenic signals [ 66 ] and are not necessarily predictive of long-term hypertrophic responses to regimented resistance training [ 67 ].

Moreover, the post-exercise rise in MPS in untrained subjects is not recapitulated in the trained state [ 68 ], further confounding practical relevance.

Thus, the utility of acute studies is limited to providing clues and generating hypotheses regarding hypertrophic adaptations; any attempt to extrapolate findings from such data to changes in lean body mass is speculative, at best.

A number of studies have directly investigated the long-term hypertrophic effects of post-exercise protein consumption. The results of these trials are curiously conflicting, seemingly because of varied study design and methodology.

Moreover, a majority of studies employed both pre- and post-workout supplementation, making it impossible to tease out the impact of consuming nutrients after exercise. Esmarck et al. Thirteen untrained elderly male volunteers were matched in pairs based on body composition and daily protein intake and divided into two groups: P0 or P2.

Subjects performed a progressive resistance training program of multiple sets for the upper and lower body. Training was carried out 3 days a week for 12 weeks.

At the end of the study period, cross-sectional area CSA of the quadriceps femoris and mean fiber area were significantly increased in the P0 group while no significant increase was seen in P2.

These results support the presence of a post-exercise window and suggest that delaying post-workout nutrient intake may impede muscular gains. In contrast to these findings, Verdijk et al. Twenty-eight untrained subjects were randomly assigned to receive either a protein or placebo supplement consumed immediately before and immediately following the exercise session.

Subjects performed multiple sets of leg press and knee extension 3 days per week, with the intensity of exercise progressively increased over the course of the 12 week training period.

No significant differences in muscle strength or hypertrophy were noted between groups at the end of the study period indicating that post exercise nutrient timing strategies do not enhance training-related adaptation. It should be noted that, as opposed to the study by Esmark et al.

In an elegant single-blinded design, Cribb and Hayes [ 70 ] found a significant benefit to post-exercise protein consumption in 23 recreational male bodybuilders. Subjects were randomly divided into either a PRE-POST group that consumed a supplement containing protein, carbohydrate and creatine immediately before and after training or a MOR-EVE group that consumed the same supplement in the morning and evening at least 5 hours outside the workout.

Results showed that the PRE-POST group achieved a significantly greater increase in lean body mass and increased type II fiber area compared to MOR-EVE. Findings support the benefits of nutrient timing on training-induced muscular adaptations.

The study was limited by the addition of creatine monohydrate to the supplement, which may have facilitated increased uptake following training. Moreover, the fact that the supplement was taken both pre- and post-workout confounds whether an anabolic window mediated results.

Willoughby et al. Nineteen untrained male subjects were randomly assigned to either receive 20 g of protein or 20 grams dextrose administered 1 hour before and after resistance exercise.

Training was performed 4 times a week over the course of 10 weeks. At the end of the study period, total body mass, fat-free mass, and thigh mass was significantly greater in the protein-supplemented group compared to the group that received dextrose.

Given that the group receiving the protein supplement consumed an additional 40 grams of protein on training days, it is difficult to discern whether results were due to the increased protein intake or the timing of the supplement. In a comprehensive study of well-trained subjects, Hoffman et al.

Seven participants served as unsupplemented controls. Workouts consisted of 3—4 sets of 6—10 repetitions of multiple exercises for the entire body. Training was carried out on 4 day-a-week split routine with intensity progressively increased over the course of the study period.

After 10 weeks, no significant differences were noted between groups with respect to body mass and lean body mass. The study was limited by its use of DXA to assess body composition, which lacks the sensitivity to detect small changes in muscle mass compared to other imaging modalities such as MRI and CT [ 76 ].

Hulmi et al. High-intensity resistance training was carried out over 21 weeks. Supplementation was provided before and after exercise. At the end of the study period, muscle CSA was significantly greater in the protein-supplemented group compared to placebo or control.

A strength of the study was its long-term training period, providing support for the beneficial effects of nutrient timing on chronic hypertrophic gains.

Again, however, it is unclear whether enhanced results associated with protein supplementation were due to timing or increased protein consumption.

Most recently, Erskine et al. Subjects were 33 untrained young males, pair-matched for habitual protein intake and strength response to a 3-week pre-study resistance training program.

After a 6-week washout period where no training was performed, subjects were then randomly assigned to receive either a protein supplement or a placebo immediately before and after resistance exercise. Training consisted of 6— 8 sets of elbow flexion carried out 3 days a week for 12 weeks.

No significant differences were found in muscle volume or anatomical cross-sectional area between groups. The hypothesis is based largely on the pre-supposition that training is carried out in a fasted state.

During fasted exercise, a concomitant increase in muscle protein breakdown causes the pre-exercise net negative amino acid balance to persist in the post-exercise period despite training-induced increases in muscle protein synthesis [ 36 ]. Thus, in the case of resistance training after an overnight fast, it would make sense to provide immediate nutritional intervention--ideally in the form of a combination of protein and carbohydrate--for the purposes of promoting muscle protein synthesis and reducing proteolysis, thereby switching a net catabolic state into an anabolic one.

Over a chronic period, this tactic could conceivably lead cumulatively to an increased rate of gains in muscle mass. This inevitably begs the question of how pre-exercise nutrition might influence the urgency or effectiveness of post-exercise nutrition, since not everyone engages in fasted training.

Tipton et al. Although this finding was subsequently challenged by Fujita et al. These data indicate that even minimal-to-moderate pre-exercise EAA or high-quality protein taken immediately before resistance training is capable of sustaining amino acid delivery into the post-exercise period.

Given this scenario, immediate post-exercise protein dosing for the aim of mitigating catabolism seems redundant. The next scheduled protein-rich meal whether it occurs immediately or 1—2 hours post-exercise is likely sufficient for maximizing recovery and anabolism.

On the other hand, there are others who might train before lunch or after work, where the previous meal was finished 4—6 hours prior to commencing exercise. This lag in nutrient consumption can be considered significant enough to warrant post-exercise intervention if muscle retention or growth is the primary goal.

Layman [ 77 ] estimated that the anabolic effect of a meal lasts hours based on the rate of postprandial amino acid metabolism. However, infusion-based studies in rats [ 78 , 79 ] and humans [ 80 , 81 ] indicate that the postprandial rise in MPS from ingesting amino acids or a protein-rich meal is more transient, returning to baseline within 3 hours despite sustained elevations in amino acid availability.

In light of these findings, when training is initiated more than ~3—4 hours after the preceding meal, the classical recommendation to consume protein at least 25 g as soon as possible seems warranted in order to reverse the catabolic state, which in turn could expedite muscular recovery and growth.

However, as illustrated previously, minor pre-exercise nutritional interventions can be undertaken if a significant delay in the post-exercise meal is anticipated. An interesting area of speculation is the generalizability of these recommendations across training statuses and age groups.

Burd et al. This suggests a less global response in advanced trainees that potentially warrants closer attention to protein timing and type e.

In addition to training status, age can influence training adaptations. The mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are not clear, but there is evidence that in younger adults, the acute anabolic response to protein feeding appears to plateau at a lower dose than in elderly subjects.

Illustrating this point, Moore et al. In contrast, Yang et al. These findings suggest that older subjects require higher individual protein doses for the purpose of optimizing the anabolic response to training.

The body of research in this area has several limitations. First, while there is an abundance of acute data, controlled, long-term trials that systematically compare the effects of various post-exercise timing schemes are lacking. The majority of chronic studies have examined pre- and post-exercise supplementation simultaneously, as opposed to comparing the two treatments against each other.

This prevents the possibility of isolating the effects of either treatment. That is, we cannot know whether pre- or post-exercise supplementation was the critical contributor to the outcomes or lack thereof.

Another important limitation is that the majority of chronic studies neglect to match total protein intake between the conditions compared. Further, dosing strategies employed in the preponderance of chronic nutrient timing studies have been overly conservative, providing only 10—20 g protein near the exercise bout.

More research is needed using protein doses known to maximize acute anabolic response, which has been shown to be approximately 20—40 g, depending on age [ 84 , 85 ].

There is also a lack of chronic studies examining the co-ingestion of protein and carbohydrate near training. Thus far, chronic studies have yielded equivocal results.

On the whole, they have not corroborated the consistency of positive outcomes seen in acute studies examining post-exercise nutrition. Another limitation is that the majority of studies on the topic have been carried out in untrained individuals.

Muscular adaptations in those without resistance training experience tend to be robust, and do not necessarily reflect gains experienced in trained subjects. It therefore remains to be determined whether training status influences the hypertrophic response to post-exercise nutritional supplementation.

A final limitation of the available research is that current methods used to assess muscle hypertrophy are widely disparate, and the accuracy of the measures obtained are inexact [ 68 ].

As such, it is questionable whether these tools are sensitive enough to detect small differences in muscular hypertrophy. Although minor variances in muscle mass would be of little relevance to the general population, they could be very meaningful for elite athletes and bodybuilders.

Thus, despite conflicting evidence, the potential benefits of post-exercise supplementation cannot be readily dismissed for those seeking to optimize a hypertrophic response. Practical nutrient timing applications for the goal of muscle hypertrophy inevitably must be tempered with field observations and experience in order to bridge gaps in the scientific literature.

With that said, high-quality protein dosed at 0. For example, someone with 70 kg of LBM would consume roughly 28—35 g protein in both the pre- and post exercise meal. Exceeding this would be have minimal detriment if any, whereas significantly under-shooting or neglecting it altogether would not maximize the anabolic response.

Due to the transient anabolic impact of a protein-rich meal and its potential synergy with the trained state, pre- and post-exercise meals should not be separated by more than approximately 3—4 hours, given a typical resistance training bout lasting 45—90 minutes.

If protein is delivered within particularly large mixed-meals which are inherently more anticatabolic , a case can be made for lengthening the interval to 5—6 hours. This strategy covers the hypothetical timing benefits while allowing significant flexibility in the length of the feeding windows before and after training.

Specific timing within this general framework would vary depending on individual preference and tolerance, as well as exercise duration. One of many possible examples involving a minute resistance training bout could have up to minute feeding windows on both sides of the bout, given central placement between the meals.

In contrast, bouts exceeding typical duration would default to shorter feeding windows if the 3—4 hour pre- to post-exercise meal interval is maintained. Even more so than with protein, carbohydrate dosage and timing relative to resistance training is a gray area lacking cohesive data to form concrete recommendations.

It is tempting to recommend pre- and post-exercise carbohydrate doses that at least match or exceed the amounts of protein consumed in these meals. However, carbohydrate availability during and after exercise is of greater concern for endurance as opposed to strength or hypertrophy goals.

Furthermore, the importance of co-ingesting post-exercise protein and carbohydrate has recently been challenged by studies examining the early recovery period, particularly when sufficient protein is provided.

Koopman et al [ 52 ] found that after full-body resistance training, adding carbohydrate 0. Subsequently, Staples et al [ 53 ] reported that after lower-body resistance exercise leg extensions , the increase in post-exercise muscle protein balance from ingesting 25 g whey isolate was not improved by an additional 50 g maltodextrin during a 3-hour recovery period.

For the goal of maximizing rates of muscle gain, these findings support the broader objective of meeting total daily carbohydrate need instead of specifically timing its constituent doses. Collectively, these data indicate an increased potential for dietary flexibility while maintaining the pursuit of optimal timing.

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Top of Page Research Nutrient timing Njtrient Nutrient timing New Timibg Miscellaneous UNM Home. Article Pag e. NNutrient Timing: The New Nutrient timing in Fitness Performance Ashley Chambers, M. and Nutrrient Kravitz, Ph. Introduction Exercise enthusiasts in aquatic exercise and other modes of exercise regularly seek to improve their strength, stamina, muscle power and body composition through consistent exercise and proper nutrition. It has shown that proper nutritional intake and a regular exercise regimen will bolster the body in achieving optimal physiological function Volek et al.


What To Eat Before, During \u0026 After Training For Max Muscle Growth Journal of the International Society of Nuyrient Nutrition volume timinyArticle Nutrient timing 5 Ti,ing this article. Metrics Nutrient timing. Nutrient Fiber optic network flexibility is a popular nutritional strategy Nutrient timing involves the consumption Nutrient timing combinations of nutrients--primarily protein and carbohydrate--in and around an exercise session. Some have claimed that this approach can produce dramatic improvements in body composition. It has even been postulated that the timing of nutritional consumption may be more important than the absolute daily intake of nutrients. The post-exercise period is widely considered the most critical part of nutrient timing.

Author: Mulkis

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