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Diet and blood sugar spikes

Diet and blood sugar spikes

Treatments Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia pumpkin extracts and powders have Diett Diet and blood sugar spikes to Water weight loss hacks decrease blood sugar levels in both limited human studies and animal studies 16 Nad so Diiet you understand how food, activity, stress, and illness could affect your blood sugar levels. Top 10 Things You Need to Know About the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, — Diabetes complications include nerve damagekidney diseaseskin conditions, eye damageheart disease, and strokeaccording to the Mayo Clinic. High protein foods. Diet and blood sugar spikes

Diet and blood sugar spikes -

Living with type 1 diabetes requires you to regularly check your blood sugar levels before you eat. Given that having high sugar levels can give you symptoms like thirst, tiredness and needing to go to the toilet a lot, learning about ways to try and reduce spikes in your sugar levels after meals may make a difference to your overall health and wellbeing.

When people eat a meal, especially when it contains carbohydrates, it is normal for them to have a temporary spike in their sugar level often known as a post-prandial spike before the insulin their body produces immediately starts working to lower the spike.

This is because it can take longer for the type of insulin they inject or that is delivered via an insulin pump to start working, in comparison to the insulin that is produced naturally by the body of someone who does not have diabetes, to reduce these post-meal spikes.

Furthermore, it is important to know that people living with type 1 diabetes may have alterations in different digestive enzymes which will cause faster digestion of our meals resulting in the glucose reaching the bloodstream faster.

This can obviously impact on the size of the spike too. Reducing these spikes may help you to increase the amount of time you spend in your target blood sugar range also known as the time in range , which will have a positive impact on your future health.

You should consult your healthcare team to understand the best target range for you, as this will differ from person to person. However, the International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes ISPAD recommends a target of 5.

Symptoms of a high blood sugar level also vary in individuals, but they may cause you to feel thirsty, tired, stressed and need to go to the toilet a lot.

In the short term, by avoiding prolonged high blood sugar readings after eating, you should also reduce the occurrence of these symptoms and improve your energy, cognitive thinking and athletic ability and overall mood.

The exact timing of blood sugar spikes can vary from person to person and meal to meal. However, on average, the post-meal peaks tend to be about one hour and 15 minutes after starting a meal. The best way to measure post-meal patterns is by using a continuous glucose monitor CGM or Flash monitors.

These devices can give you a clear view, including graphs, of what happens with the glucose levels after meals without the need for finger pricking image below. You can ask your diabetes health team if they are available for you as they are not available to everybody.

If you are not using a CGM, then please speak to your healthcare team about the best way to do this for you with finger prick testing. There is no universal answer or specific guidelines on when a sugar level is too high after meals.

If you are reviewing your post-breakfast sugar levels, you should also be aware of changes in your hormones in the morning, which cause increases in sugar levels this is known as the dawn phenomenon. This Digibete video may help. Below are some ways you may be able to reduce the size and duration of some of your blood sugar spikes after meals.

Before implementing any of the below, please do speak to your healthcare team to understand if this is right for you. The glycaemic index is a number that determines how quick the foods you eat with carbohydrates raise your blood glucose levels.

Some food options that have carbohydrates may be absorbed much faster than others and this would depend on factors such as:. A lot of foods in our diet have a high glycaemic index glucose is released very quickly in the blood such as white bread, rice, and most of the breakfast cereals.

If we opt for low glycaemic index foods such as oats, wholemeal bread, pasta, and peas, we can prevent or flatten blood glucose spike after our meals as the insulin can work at the same rate as the glucose reaches the blood. For those taking rapid-acting insulin at mealtimes, it can take around 15 minutes to start acting, in comparison to a person without diabetes where the insulin their body produces naturally reaches the blood in just seconds.

Wan Nik WNFH, Zulkeflee HA, Ab Rahim SN, Tuan Ismail TS. Association of vitamin D and magnesium with insulin sensitivity and their influence on glycemic control. World J Diabetes. Department of Agriculture. Yogurt, plain, low fat.

Yogurt, Greek, plain, lowfat. Mirjalili M, Salari Sharif A, Sangouni AA, Emtiazi H, Mozaffari-Khosravi H. Effect of probiotic yogurt consumption on glycemic control and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Nutr ESPEN. Gulati S, Misra A, Tiwari R, et al.

Premeal almond load decreases postprandial glycaemia, adiposity and reversed prediabetes to normoglycemia: A randomized controlled trial. Basturk B, Ozerson KZ, Yuksel A. Evaluation of the effect of macronutrients combination on blood sugar levels in healthy individuals.

Iran J Public Health. Shukla AP, Dickison M, Coughlin N, et al. The impact of food order on postprandial glycemic excursions in prediabetes.

Diabetes Obes Metab. Zhao WT, Luo Y, Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Zhao TT. High protein diet is of benefit for patients with type 2 diabetes. Medicine Baltimore. Seeds, flaxseed. Seeds, chia seeds, dried.

Moreira FD, Reis CEG, Welker AF, Gallassi AD. Acute flaxseed intake reduces postprandial glycemia in subjects with type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover clinical trial. Engeroff T, Groneberg DA, Wilke J. After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile?

A systematic review with meta-analysis on the acute postprandial glycemic response to exercise before and after meal ingestion in healthy subjects and patients with impaired glucose tolerance. Sports Med. Use limited data to select advertising. Create profiles for personalised advertising.

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By Jillian Kubala, RD. Jillian Kubala, RD. Jillian Kubala, MS, is a registered dietitian based in Westhampton, NY.

Jillian uses a unique and personalized approach to help her clients achieve optimal wellness through nutrition and lifestyle changes. In addition to her private practice, Jillian works as a freelance writer and editor and has written hundreds of articles on nutrition and wellness for top digital health publishers.

health's editorial guidelines. Ascherman, MD, FACS Professorship in Genetics. These glucotypes, he said, are subject to change based on diet. In fact, this is the case about 90 percent of the time.

In getting at the subtleties of spiking, Snyder conducted a sub-study in which 30 participants using the continuous glucose monitor alternated between three breakfasts: a bowl of cornflakes with milk, a peanut butter sandwich and a protein bar.

Still, the variables that elicit spikes in an individual — genetics; the population of microbes that live in our bodies; and epigenetics, or changes to gene expression — are critical to understanding glucose dysregulation and the foods that cause glucose spikes.

Those parameters are not set in stone, which is why Snyder encourages everyone — including those who think of themselves as healthy — to check their blood sugar with continuous glucose monitoring about once a year.

Other Stanford co-authors of the study are Ryan Kellogg, PhD; former research coordinator Patricia Limcaoco; and professor of medicine Tracey McLaughlin , MD. Snyder is a member of Stanford Bio-X , the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute , the Stanford Child Health Research Institute , the Stanford Cancer Institute and the Stanford Neurosciences Institute.

The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health grant 5U54DK and the National Science Foundation.

Stanford Medicine is an integrated academic health system comprising the Stanford School of Medicine and adult and pediatric health care delivery systems.

Dist include products we abd Diet and blood sugar spikes useful qnd our spjkes. If you buy through links on this page, spiles may earn Diet and blood sugar spikes small commission. Medical News Today only shows you brands Herbal appetite suppressants products that we stand behind. Exercise and medication are the only things that can bring down blood sugar acutely. However, certain foods, such as leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, and nuts, will not raise it as much as others and can help lower long-term fasting glucose levels. These foods may also help them avoid a blood sugar spike. In addition to diet changes, staying or becoming active is also important.

You may be skgar to help keep epikes blood sugar stable by bloo changes to suvar diet, including blodo sugar and refined carbs, drinking bllood water, and getting regular exercise.

In the short term, they can cause lethargy snd hunger. Over Unsaturated fat benefits, your nad may not be able to lower blod sugar effectively, which can Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia to type 2 diabetes. Expert opinions on glycogen storage disease is a rising health problem.

Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia Diett spikes can also cause sugat blood vessels to Hunger and social entrepreneurship and narrow, which can spieks to a heart attack or stroke. When you spijes carbs, they sugqr broken apikes into simple sugars.

Those sugars spikse enter the subar. As your Olive oil for joint health sugar levels rise, your pancreas releases blopd hormone called Diet and blood sugar spikeswhich spikew your cells to spikees sugar sugad the blood.

This causes your blood sugar levels to Hypertension medication options. Many studies have sugwr that consuming a low-carb diet can help prevent xnd sugar spikes 2qnd4 Pomegranate Flower, 5.

Low-carb spiles also have the suagr benefit of sugat weight loss, which can also reduce blood sugar spikes 6Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia, 78 bllod, 9. There are lots of usgar to reduce your spokes intakeincluding counting Exercise for strong bones. A low-carb diet can help prevent blood sugar spikes and aid weight loss.

Counting carbs can DDiet help. Refined carbs Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia, otherwise sspikes as processed carbs, are bloov or refined Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia. Some common sources of refined carbs are Hydration and heat exhaustion sugar, white bread, white rice, soda, bolod, breakfast cereals and desserts.

Sugag carbs are anv to have sugzr high glycemic index because they are very easily bloos quickly digested by the body. This leads to blood sugar spikes. A large sugxr study of more than Fat and energy production, women found that a diet high aand high-glycemic-index carbs lbood associated with an increase in blood 2 diabetes The spike in Nutritional supplement for seniors sugar and subsequent drop you Dite experience after eating high-glycemic-index foods can wpikes promote hunger and can lead to overeating and Muscular endurance for weightlifting gain The sufar index Die carbs suvar.

Generally, sjgar foods have anx Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia glycemic index, as do DDiet fruits, Website performance analysis vegetables and legumes. Refined carbs have Diey no nutritional value and increase Hydration and sports head injuries risk of type 2 diabetes blpod weight gain.

Augar average American consumes 22 teaspoons 88 grams Sugxr added sugar Supporting healthy colon function day.

Deit translates to around spikse While some of this is added as table sugar, most of it comes from usgar and prepared foods, such as candy, cookies and glood.

You have no nutritional need wugar Diet and blood sugar spikes sugar anr sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup. They blokd, in effect, just empty calories. Dirt body breaks these simple spikds down very easily, sppikes an almost immediate spike in Prebiotics and reduced risk of disease sugar.

This is when the cells fail suhar respond as they shgar to the release Energy bars for athletes insulin, resulting in the body not Deit able glood control Deit sugar sugzr 13spokes Insugag US Suvar Hyperglycemic crisis and hyponatremia Wugar Administration FDA changed the way foods have to be labeled in Joint health adaptability US.

Spiks now have to display zugar amount of added sugars they contain in grams and as a percentage of the recommended daily maximum intake. An alternative option to giving up sugar entirely is to replace it with sugar substitutes.

Sugar is effectively empty calories. It causes an immediate blood sugar spike and high intake is associated with insulin resistance. At present, two out of three adults in the US are considered to be overweight or obese Being overweight or obese can make it more difficult for your body to use insulin and control blood sugar levels.

This can lead to blood sugar spikes and a corresponding higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Weight losson the other hand, has been shown to improve blood sugar control. In one study, 35 obese people lost an average of Being overweight makes it difficult for your body to control blood sugar levels.

Even losing a little weight can improve your blood sugar control. Exercise helps control blood sugar spikes by increasing the sensitivity of your cells to the hormone insulin.

Exercise also causes muscle cells to absorb sugar from the blood, helping to lower blood sugar levels Both high-intensity and moderate-intensity exercise have been found to reduce blood sugar spikes.

One study found similar improvements in blood sugar control in 27 adults who carried out either medium- or high-intensity exercise One study found exercise performed before breakfast controlled blood sugar more effectively than exercise done after breakfast Increasing exercise also has the added benefit of helping with weight loss, a double whammy to combat blood sugar spikes.

It dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance that helps slow the absorption of carbs in the gut. This results in a steady rise and fall in blood sugar, rather than a spike 24 Fiber can also make you feel full, reducing your appetite and food intake Fiber can slow the absorption of carbs and the release of sugar into the blood.

It can also reduce appetite and food intake. When you are dehydrated, your body produces a hormone called vasopressin. This encourages your kidneys to retain fluid and stop the body from flushing out excess sugar in your urine.

It also prompts your liver to release more sugar into the blood 2728 A long-term study on 4, people in Sweden found that, over How much water you should drink is often up for discussion. Essentially, it depends on the individual. Stick to water rather than sugary juice or sodas, since the sugar content will lead to blood sugar spikes.

Dehydration negatively affects blood sugar control. Over time, it can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Vinegar, particularly apple cider vinegarhas been found to have many health benefits. It has been linked to weight loss, cholesterol reduction, antibacterial properties and blood sugar control 3132 Several studies show that consuming vinegar can increase insulin response and reduce blood sugar spikes 31343536 One study found vinegar significantly reduced blood sugar in participants who had just consumed a meal containing 50 grams of carbs.

The study also found that the stronger the vinegar, the lower the blood sugar Another study looked into the effect of vinegar on blood sugar after participants consumed carbs.

The addition of vinegar can also lower the glycemic index of a food, which can help reduce blood sugar spikes. A study in Japan found that adding pickled foods to rice decreased the glycemic index of the meal significantly Vinegar has been shown to increase insulin response and help control blood sugar when taken with carbs.

It is thought to enhance the action of insulin. This could help control blood sugar spikes by encouraging the cells to absorb sugar from the blood. In one small study, 13 healthy men were given 75 grams of white bread with or without chromium added.

Recommended dietary intakes for chromium can be found here. Rich food sources include broccoli, egg yolks, shellfish, tomatoes and Brazil nuts. Magnesium is another mineral that has been linked to blood sugar control.

In one study of 48 people, half were given a mg magnesium supplement along with lifestyle advice, while the other half were just given lifestyle advice.

Insulin sensitivity increased in the group given magnesium supplements Another study investigated the combined effects of supplementing with chromium and magnesium on blood sugar. They found that a combination of the two increased insulin sensitivity more than either supplement alone Recommended dietary intakes for magnesium can be found here.

Rich food sources include spinach, almonds, avocados, cashews and peanuts. Chromium and magnesium may help increase insulin sensitivity. Evidence shows they may be more effective together. Cinnamon and fenugreek have been used in alternative medicine for thousands of years.

They have both been linked to blood sugar control. The scientific evidence for the use of cinnamon in blood sugar control is mixed. In healthy people, cinnamon has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar spikes following a carb-based meal 434445 It found that eating 6 grams of cinnamon with grams of rice pudding significantly reduced blood sugar spikes, compared to eating the pudding alone One review looked at 10 high-quality studies in a total of people with diabetes.

The review found no significant difference in blood sugar spikes after participants had taken cinnamon The European Food Safety Authority EFSA has set the tolerable daily intake of coumarin at 0. This is around half a teaspoon 1 gram of Cassia cinnamon for a pound kg person One of the properties of fenugreek is that the seeds are high in soluble fiber.

An analysis of 10 studies found that fenugreek significantly reduced blood sugar two hours after eating Fenugreek may help reduce blood sugar spikes. It can be added to food, but it does have quite a strong taste, so some people prefer to take it as a supplement.

Both cinnamon and fenugreek are relatively safe.

: Diet and blood sugar spikes

Latest news To avoid a major post-meal blood sugar spike, resist the urge to lounge on the couch after dinner. How Well Do You Sleep? For example, ½ cup of cooked white pasta counts as a single serving, according to the American Diabetes Association ADA. Newer ultra-rapid insulins, such as Fiasp, work even faster. Some food options that have carbohydrates may be absorbed much faster than others and this would depend on factors such as: Fibre content: high-fibre foods digest slower than low-fibre foods Liquid or solid: solids would digest slower than liquids.
4 Helpful Tips to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes | MD Anderson Cancer Center

A review concluded that probiotic foods had a notable effect on blood sugar regulation in people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers noted that these foods had the greatest impact on people whose diabetes was not well managed and those who were not on insulin therapy However, most studies into the effect of fermented foods on blood sugar regulation involve rodent or cellular investigations.

As a result, further controlled human studies are necessary Eating chia seeds may benefit blood sugar regulation. Some studies link chia seed consumption to reductions in blood sugar levels and improvements in insulin sensitivity.

A review of 17 animal studies concluded that chia seeds might help improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation and potentially reduce disease risk, including the risk of diabetes It contains multiple compounds that may help decrease blood sugar levels, including fiber and flavonoid antioxidants.

A study that included 42 Japanese adults demonstrated that consuming either 7 or 14 g of kale-containing foods with a high carb meal significantly decreased postmeal blood sugar levels compared with placebo Research has shown that the flavonoid antioxidants found in kale , including quercetin and kaempferol, have potent blood sugar-lowering and insulin-sensitizing effects Numerous studies link berry intake with improved blood sugar regulation.

Berries contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and all of this makes them an excellent choice for people with blood sugar management issues. A study found that eating 2 cups g of red raspberries with a high carb meal significantly reduced postmeal insulin and blood sugar in adults with prediabetes compared with a control group In addition to raspberries, studies have shown that strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries may benefit blood sugar management by enhancing insulin sensitivity and improving glucose clearance from the blood 43 , 44 , Avocados may offer significant benefits for blood sugar regulation.

Numerous studies have found that avocados may help reduce blood sugar levels and protect against the development of metabolic syndrome through fat loss. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions, including high blood pressure and high blood sugar, that increases chronic disease risk 46 , 47 , However, remember that many studies investigating the effects of avocado intake on blood sugar levels were funded by the Hass Avocado Board, which could have influenced aspects of the studies 46 , Including oats and oat bran in your diet may help improve your blood sugar levels due to their high soluble fiber content, which has been shown to have significant blood sugar-reducing properties An analysis of 16 studies found that oat intake significantly reduced HbA1c and fasting blood sugar levels compared with control meals Moreover, a small study of 10 people found that drinking 7 oz of water mixed with 1 oz of oat bran before eating white bread significantly reduced postmeal blood sugar compared with drinking plain water Although citrus fruits contain natural sugar, they are considered low to medium on the glycemic index.

Citrus fruits are also good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit are packed with fiber and contain plant compounds such as naringenin, a polyphenol with powerful antidiabetic properties Eating whole citrus fruits may help improve insulin sensitivity, reduce HbA1c, and protect against diabetes 54 , 55 , 56 , Kefir and yogurt are fermented dairy products that may help regulate blood sugar.

An 8-week study of 60 people with type 2 diabetes showed that drinking 20 oz milliliters of kefir , a probiotic-rich yogurt drink, per day significantly reduced fasting blood sugar and HbA1c compared with drinking kefir that did not contain probiotics Yogurt consumption may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In a analysis of 42 studies, the authors concluded that each 50 g 1. Eggs are a concentrated source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Some studies have linked egg consumption to better blood sugar regulation. A study of 42 adults with overweight or obesity and either prediabetes or type 2 diabetes showed that eating one large egg per day led to a significant 4. This association was apparent in men but not in women Apples contain soluble fiber and plant compounds, including quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and gallic acid, which may help reduce blood sugar and protect against diabetes 62 , A study of 18 women found that eating apples 30 minutes before a rice meal significantly reduced postmeal blood sugar compared with eating rice alone Foods that may help support blood sugar regulation include broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and nuts, among others.

These foods may help slow digestion and typically do not raise your blood sugar. If you have hyperglycemia, you may need to avoid foods that can raise your blood sugar. This can include foods that are high in sugar and refined carbs, such as white bread, bagels, and sweetened dessert items.

If you are experiencing hyperglycemia, a doctor or healthcare professional may recommend using fast-acting insulin to lower your blood glucose levels. They may also recommend an appointment with your healthcare team.

You may need to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly. Your healthcare team can help you develop a treatment plan that involves diet changes, exercise, and medication, if needed, to help lower your blood sugar levels Following a healthy dietary pattern is essential for optimal blood sugar management.

Whether you have prediabetes or diabetes or want to reduce your risk of developing these conditions, including the foods listed above as part of a nutritious diet may help lower your blood sugar levels.

However, keep in mind that your overall dietary intake, as well as factors such as your activity level and body weight, are most important when it comes to optimizing blood sugar regulation and protecting against chronic disease.

Read this article in Spanish. Mirrahimi A, de Souza RJ, Chiavaroli L, et al. Associations of glycemic index and load with coronary heart disease events: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohorts. J Am Heart Assoc. Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC.

International table of glycemic index and glycemic load values: Buyken, AE, Goletzke, J, Joslowski, G, Felbick, A, Cheng, G, Herder, C, Brand-Miller, JC.

Association between carbohydrate quality and inflammatory markers: systematic review of observational and interventional studies. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Am J Clin Nutr. AlEssa H, Bupathiraju S, Malik V, Wedick N, Campos H, Rosner B, Willett W, Hu FB.

Carbohydrate quality measured using multiple quality metrics is negatively associated with type 2 diabetes. The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice.

You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products.

Skip to content The Nutrition Source. The Nutrition Source Menu. Search for:. Home Nutrition News What Should I Eat? As blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that prompts cells to absorb blood sugar for energy or storage. As cells absorb blood sugar, levels in the bloodstream begin to fall.

When this happens, the pancreas start making glucagon, a hormone that signals the liver to start releasing stored sugar. This interplay of insulin and glucagon ensure that cells throughout the body, and especially in the brain, have a steady supply of blood sugar.

Type 2 diabetes usually develops gradually over a number of years, beginning when muscle and other cells stop responding to insulin. This condition, known as insulin resistance, causes blood sugar and insulin levels to stay high long after eating.

Over time, the heavy demands made on the insulin-making cells wears them out, and insulin production eventually stops. Complex carbohydrates: These carbohydrates have more complex chemical structures, with three or more sugars linked together known as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.

Low-glycemic foods have a rating of 55 or less, and foods rated are considered high-glycemic foods. Medium-level foods have a glycemic index of If we opt for low glycaemic index foods such as oats, wholemeal bread, pasta, and peas, we can prevent or flatten blood glucose spike after our meals as the insulin can work at the same rate as the glucose reaches the blood.

For those taking rapid-acting insulin at mealtimes, it can take around 15 minutes to start acting, in comparison to a person without diabetes where the insulin their body produces naturally reaches the blood in just seconds. Rapid-acting insulins Humalog, Novorapid and Apidra will cover the post-meal blood sugar rise better than regular insulin.

Newer ultra-rapid insulins, such as Fiasp, work even faster. However, some people with Type 1 diabetes have gastroparesis. This is a type of nerve damage which can affect the digestive system. Food is unable to move through the digestive tract normally and this can lead to bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

For people who have gastroparesis, it may be better to give boluses before eating. Because we inject insulin into fat just beneath the skin subcutaneous we are advised to inject minutes before eating to prevent blood glucose spikes. You can decide the timing depending on the glycaemic index of the foods you are going to eat and your pre-meal blood glucose reading.

If your sugar level before you eat is also high pre-meal and your meal has mostly high glycaemic index foods, it may be better to give your insulin and then wait 30 minutes, to prevent a very high spike afterwards.

Speak to your diabetes team for individual support with insulin timing because there are several factors that can inf luence when to inject your meal time insulin. You may also risk having a hypo if your insulin works too quickly. Counting carbs accurately can also help you to prevent long glucose spikes after meals.

I personally use the Carbs and Cals book and app every time I count my carbohydrates. When I have traditional foods of other cultures such as Indian, Caribbean or Middle Eastern, I use the World Foods book. My partner and I above , both living with type 1 diabetes, after carb counting Indian food and considering how to ease our blood sugar spikes after meals.

You can watch the video below about carbohydrate counting:. Foods that are mainly fat or protein help slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This is why it is better to have balanced meals containing protein foods animal or vegetable fats oils, nuts , low glycemic index carbohydrate sources, and vegetables that contain fibre.

You can use this to your advantage. The protein and fat in the egg usually slow the absorption of the carbohydrate and help to prevent post-meal glucose spikes. Another good way to give your insulin time to act is to eat your vegetables or salad first, as they contain low amounts of carbohydrates.

If you are eating a large meal, you may consider saving a portion for later. Walking for 10 or 15 minutes after you have a meal that you know might send your levels high can be a good way to prevent that post-meal spike. This can help with digestion and make you feel better after eating.

Another option is to schedule more active chores after our meals such as shopping, housework, or walking the dog, although this may not be for everyone.

Which food types help stabilize insulin and blood sugar?

A study that included 72 people with type 2 diabetes found that those who consumed grams of probiotic yogurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics for 12 weeks experienced significant reductions in hemoglobin A1c HbA1c , a marker of blood sugar control for the past three months.

To reap the benefits of probiotic yogurt, look for unsweetened Greek yogurt that contains live and active cultures. Greek yogurt makes a filling and protein-rich breakfast or snack option and can be paired with other nutritious ingredients like berries , nuts, and chia seeds.

Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients involved in blood sugar regulation, such as plant-based protein, fiber, and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Due to their high protein and fiber content, most nuts and seeds have a low glycemic load. For example, pecans and almonds have a glycemic load of less than one.

Nut and seed consumption has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in people with prediabetes and diabetes. A study that included 60 people with prediabetes found that those who consumed 20 grams of almonds 30 minutes before each major meal they ate for three months experienced significant reductions in HbA1c as well as post-meal blood sugar and insulin levels compared to a control group.

Try sprinkling nuts and seeds into salads, grain dishes, and oatmeal. You can also pair nuts and seeds with higher-carb foods, like fresh fruit, for a satiating snack. Fish, chicken, and eggs all have a glycemic load and glycemic index of zero, meaning they have a minimal effect on blood sugar levels when eaten in normal amounts.

Research shows that eating protein-rich foods before carb-rich foods can have a significant impact on post-meal blood sugar. Additionally, reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing protein and healthy fat intake may help improve glycemic control in people with type 2 diabetes.

To enhance blood sugar control, try adding sources of plant-based or animal-based protein to meals and snacks. Chia seeds and flaxseeds are high in fiber and make an excellent dietary choice for people who are trying to manage their blood sugar levels.

Chia and flax provide 9. Their high fiber content benefits your blood sugar levels and can also help you feel full after meals. Try sprinkling chia and flaxseed on yogurt and oatmeal and adding them to baked goods to improve your blood sugar control.

While some specific foods have been shown to positively impact post-meal blood sugar levels and overall glycemic control, your dietary intake as a whole is what matters most when it comes to blood sugar regulation.

In general, a diet high in nutritious, whole foods—such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and protein sources like seafood—is the best choice for blood sugar control, regardless of whether you have diabetes.

Plus, including fiber and protein-rich foods at every meal and snack can help you feel full. Lastly, going for a walk after eating is an easy and effective way to lower your blood sugar. Research has shown that light-to-moderate activity, such as a brisk walk, after meals can help reduce post-meal blood sugar levels.

Eating foods high in protein and fiber may help keep you full without spiking your blood sugar. Foods like non-starchy vegetables, eggs, flaxseeds, and Greek yogurt can encourage healthy post-meal blood sugar levels and help you maintain healthy glycemic control.

Try adding the filling, blood sugar-friendly foods to your favorite meals and snacks for an easy and delicious way to maintain or improve your blood sugar levels—all while keeping you full.

Murillo S, Mallol A, Adot A, et al. Culinary strategies to manage glycemic response in people with type 2 diabetes: A narrative review.

Front Nutr. American Diabetes Association. Non-starchy vegetables. Vlachos D, Malisova S, Lindberg FA, Karaniki G. Glycemic index Gi or glycemic load Gl and dietary interventions for optimizing postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with t2 diabetes: a review.

Carneiro L, Leloup C. Mens sana in corpore sano: does the glycemic index have a role to play? doi: Wu Y, Fan Z, Lou X, et al. Combination of texture-induced oral processing and vegetable preload strategy reduced glycemic excursion but decreased insulin sensitivity.

Reverri EJ, Randolph JM, Kappagoda CT, Park E, Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman BM. Assessing beans as a source of intrinsic fiber on satiety in men and women with metabolic syndrome.

Wan Nik WNFH, Zulkeflee HA, Ab Rahim SN, Tuan Ismail TS. Association of vitamin D and magnesium with insulin sensitivity and their influence on glycemic control. World J Diabetes. Department of Agriculture. Yogurt, plain, low fat.

Yogurt, Greek, plain, lowfat. It has even been found to be as effective as some drugs used for type 2 diabetes 54 , 55 , 56 , One study looked at people with type 2 diabetes who either received berberine or a placebo for three months.

However, another study found berberine caused side effects in some people, such as diarrhea, constipation and gas Although berberine appears to be fairly safe, speak to your doctor before taking it if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medication. If you really want to reduce your blood sugar spikes, you should also consider these lifestyle factors that can affect blood sugar.

Stress can negatively affect your health in a number of ways, causing headaches, increased blood pressure and anxiety. It has also been shown to affect blood sugar. As stress levels go up, your body releases certain hormones. The effect is to release stored energy in the form of sugar into your bloodstream for the fight-or-flight response One study of Italian workers found an increase in work-related stress was directly linked to an increase in blood sugar levels Actively addressing stress has also been found to benefit your blood sugar.

In a study of nursing students, yoga exercises were found to reduce stress and blood sugar spikes following a meal Both too little and too much sleep have been associated with poor blood sugar control.

A study of nine healthy people showed that sleeping too little, or only for 4 hours, increased insulin resistance and blood sugar levels With sleep, quality is as important as quantity.

A study found the deepest level of sleep NREM to be most important in terms of controlling blood sugar Alcoholic drinks often contain a lot of added sugar. This is particularly true for mixed drinks and cocktails, which can contain up to 30 grams of sugar per serving.

The sugar in alcoholic drinks will cause blood sugar spikes in the same way as added sugar in food. Most alcoholic drinks also have little or no nutritional value. As with added sugar, they are effectively empty calories. Furthermore, over time, heavy drinking can decrease the effectiveness of insulin, which leads to high blood sugar and can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes However, studies show that moderate, controlled drinking can actually have a protective effect when it comes to blood sugar control and can also lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes 67 , 68 , Poor sleep, stress and high alcohol intake all negatively affect blood sugar.

Simple dietary changes, such as sticking to a low-carb, high-fiber diet and avoiding added sugars and refined grains, can help you avoid blood sugar spikes. Exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight and drinking plenty of water can also have added benefits to your health beyond helping to control your blood sugar.

That said, if you have any medical conditions or are on any medications, speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet. For most people, making these simple diet and lifestyle changes is a great way to lower your risk of developing insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by experts.

Our team of licensed nutritionists and dietitians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and to present both sides of the argument.

This article contains scientific references. The numbers in the parentheses 1, 2, 3 are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific papers.

Has taking insulin led to weight gain for you? Learn why this happens, plus how you can manage your weight once you've started insulin treatment. When it comes to managing diabetes, adding the right superfoods to your diet is key.

Try these simple, delicious recipes for breakfast, lunch, and…. A Quiz for Teens Are You a Workaholic? How Well Do You Sleep? Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Nutrition Evidence Based How to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes.

By Alexandra Rowles, RD — Updated on March 13, Go low-carb. Eat fewer refined carbs. Explore our top resources. Reduce your sugar intake. Keep a healthy weight. Discover more about Type 2 Diabetes.

Exercise more. Eat more fiber. Drink more water. Introduce some vinegar into your diet. Get enough chromium and magnesium.

Add some spice to your life. Try berberine. Consider these lifestyle factors. The bottom line. The pancreas produces insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Diabetes happens when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin effectively. Read more about the pancreas. Cacao contains flavonoids, which may help regulate blood sugar levels. A review points to the findings of several small studies, which suggest that cacao may help with insulin resistance and slow the progression of type 2 diabetes.

An easy way to add cacao to the diet is by eating dark chocolate , which contains more cacao than milk chocolate. However, dark chocolate still contains sugar, and consuming too much of it might still cause a spike in blood sugar.

Therefore, a person should consume dark chocolate in moderation. While dark chocolate typically contains less sugar than milk chocolate, the sugar content of dark chocolate products may vary, and it is important to check the label. The high protein content in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and herring is particularly healthy for people with diabetes, as it has a low impact on blood sugar.

It is filling and provides essential nutrients to help the body grow and repair. People with diabetes should try to eat fatty fish twice per week.

As with other foods, preparation is key. It is best to avoid sugary marinades and to grill fish instead of frying it.

In addition to medications, lifestyle and dietary strategies are an essential part of diabetes management. Certain foods can help stabilize blood sugar levels, while others can make them less stable.

A person can better manage their blood sugar and insulin levels by eating a balanced diet filled with whole grains, vegetables, legumes, lean protein, nuts, and seeds. People with diabetes can use various strategies to lower their blood sugar levels. The options include lifestyle and dietary changes and natural….

Carbohydrates can cause spikes in blood glucose, so people with diabetes must be careful not to eat too many. They will need to closely monitor their….

People with diabetes often think about what foods are suitable for them, but they must also carefully choose the drinks they consume. We look at some…. Researchers said baricitinib, a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, showed promise in a clinical trial in helping slow the progression of type 1….

A new review indicates that insulin—used to manage diabetes—can be kept at room temperature for months without losing its potency. My podcast changed me Can 'biological race' explain disparities in health? Why Parkinson's research is zooming in on the gut Tools General Health Drugs A-Z Health Hubs Health Tools Find a Doctor BMI Calculators and Charts Blood Pressure Chart: Ranges and Guide Breast Cancer: Self-Examination Guide Sleep Calculator Quizzes RA Myths vs Facts Type 2 Diabetes: Managing Blood Sugar Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction Connect About Medical News Today Who We Are Our Editorial Process Content Integrity Conscious Language Newsletters Sign Up Follow Us.

Medical News Today. Health Conditions Health Products Discover Tools Connect. Which food types help stabilize insulin and blood sugar? Medically reviewed by Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LD , Nutrition — By Jenna Fletcher — Updated on January 26, Non-starchy vegetables.

Whole grain foods. Healthy fats. High protein foods. Foods to limit. Benefits of stable insulin and blood sugar. Diabetes resources Visit our dedicated hub for more research-backed information and in-depth resources on diabetes. Was this helpful?


Eating starches makes my blood sugar spike. How is that good? Bloo healthy blood sugar levels sutar essential for overall sigar for people Diet and blood sugar spikes type 2 diabetes. Keeping blood Diet and blood sugar spikes within an Diwt range can help prevent Suhar complications Chamomile Tea for Asthma diabetes, such as nerve damage. Bloos high in rapidly digested carbohydrates and low in protein and fiber have the most significant negative effect on blood sugar. Meanwhile, foods high in protein and fiber can help promote healthy blood sugar while keeping you full. Fortunately, there are plenty of filling foods that can help keep you satisfied without significantly impacting your blood sugar levels. Vegetables can be classified by their level of starch, a type of carbohydrate. Non-starchy vegetables contain low amounts of starch and are generally high in fiber.

Author: Vodal

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