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Immune system resilience

Immune system resilience

Resiliencee manages this IAA; the IAA number Immune system resilience AAI Tesilience out sugars. Then it outlines a personalized, step-by-step program blending defense-building foods with lifestyle strategies, including important advice on movement, sleep, and stress-relief. This is why it is imperative that you work with a personalized practitioner who understands your immune function, inflammatory status, insulin regulation, and nutrient status. Immune system resilience

Immune system resilience -

According to the researchers, low levels of inflammatory stress combined with highly competent immune responses were most protective for health. Still, some people managed to maintain high immune function even in the face of lots of inflammatory stress, a finding that raises new opportunities for research into longevity and health.

The ability to respond effectively is called immunocompetence, which the researchers assessed by two different metrics. The first metric involves measuring the proportional mix of two different types of T-cells, which are the white blood cells that activate when the body responds to threats.

Researchers identified a specific mix that predicted the best immunocompetence. They created an immune health grade IHG to capture how well people align with this mix on a scale of one to four, with IHG-I being the most protective and IHG-IV being the least.

A simple lab test can measure that mix for individuals. Some of our genes change their expression in response to infections or other inflammatory stressors. The researchers found one pattern of gene expression that was associated with survival, which they called survival-associated signature or SAS SAS-1 comprised genes related to immune competence and higher expression of these genes correlated with survival.

They also found another cluster of genes and gene expression associated with lower resilience and premature death. That mortality-associated cluster they termed MAS MAS-1 comprised genes related to inflammation and higher expression of these genes correlated with mortality.

When the body kicks into gear — whether in response to the flu or simply to allergy season — that response is known as inflammation. The researchers found that, like the T-cell metric, these patterns of gene expression can be used as a proxy for overall immune resilience.

A mix of high SAS-1 gene expression and low MAS-1 gene expression, which the researchers labeled optimal immune resilience, correlated with general longevity, as well as a wide variety of specific positive health outcomes, like survival from sepsis and COVID, resistance to acquiring HIV infection, a slower rate of progression to AIDS, avoiding recurring cancer after a kidney transplant, and avoiding flu symptoms.

To tease apart the roles of immunocompetence and inflammation in immune resilience, the researchers looked at people likely to face high, medium and low levels of immune stressors in their daily lives.

For low levels, they looked at thousands of people participating in studies on aging. For medium levels, they looked at people with autoimmune disorders, kidney transplants or COVID infections, along with sex workers exposed to sexually transmitted infections.

For high levels of immune system activation, they looked at people living with HIV, who experience consistent inflammatory stress because their immune systems misread lots of things as threats.

The researchers found that immune resilience can change during inflammatory stress. In T-cell readings before and after flu season or COVID, as well as after volunteer challenges with common respiratory viruses, the researchers found that immune resilience goes down while the immune system is actively inflamed and fighting a threat.

For most people, once the threat had passed, the metrics of immune resilience returned to levels that preceded the threat. But for other people, metrics dropped and stayed lower for months.

The researchers found that periods of inflammatory stress can degrade immunocompetence, making our bodies less effective at responding to future risks. A sweeping look at the complexity of our immune system, with a natural, science-based program to help protect against viruses and other pathogens.

Some people can fight off infections relatively easily, with minor symptoms, while others suffer severely. But how? The answer goes beyond popping vitamin C and zinc during flu season. As clinical nutritionist Romilly Hodges reveals, our immune system is intricate and multifaceted, and powerfully impacted by what we eat, as well as by our lifestyle routines.

Immune Resilience offers a fascinating tour of the incredible ways our bodies protect us against disease, with assessments throughout to help the reader identify their weak areas. Then it outlines a personalized, step-by-step program blending defense-building foods with lifestyle strategies, including important advice on movement, sleep, and stress-relief.

Romilly Hodges, MS, CNS, CDN, is a practicing clinical nutritionist. She helps individuals and families improve their health and symptoms of disease through nutritional and lifestyle interventions. During her time in practice, she has honed an expertise in natural interventions to… More about Romilly Hodges.

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Lancet HIV 4 , e67—e73 Download references. The two main sources of funding for the data presented herein are those awarded to S. and J. was supported by grants from the Veterans Affairs VA [VA Research Center for AIDS and HIV Infection, VA Center for Personalized Medicine IP1 CXA1 , and a VA MERIT award]; the National Institutes of Health NIH MERIT award R37AI ; the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award; the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation; the Burroughs Wellcome Clinical Scientist Award in Translational Research; and the Senior Scholar Award from the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund.

and M. A portion of the material presented is based on research sponsored by the U. Air Force under agreement number FA United States Air Force 59th Medical Wing Intramural Award to J. This study was also supported by the Infectious Disease Clinical Research Program IDCRP , a Department of Defense program executed by the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences through a cooperative agreement with The Henry M.

Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. The Kenya Majengo Observational female sex worker Cohort Study was supported by grants from the NIH R01 AI , the Canadian Institutes of Health Research HOP , the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , and the CIHR through the Grand Challenges in Global Health Initiative to F.

The HIV- UCSD cohort was supported by National Institute of Mental Health NIMH P30 grant PI: R. Heaton, MH , MARC from National Institute on Drug Abuse P50 grant PI: I.

Grant DA , and ProM from NIMH R01 grant PI: S. Woods, MH was supported by K24 MH from the National Institute of Mental Health. The renal transplant recipient cohort and MJB were supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellowship and Oxford Hospitals Research Services Committee.

acknowledges the support of the UK National Institute for Health Research through the Local Clinical Research Network. The HIV- Kenyan Schistosoma haematobium children cohort was supported by NIH grant AI C.

The primary HIV infection cohort and D. were supported by NIH grants AI, AI, AI, and MH; Inter-Agency Agreement Y1-AI; and the California HIV Research Program RNSD The Sooty mangabey cohort and GS were supported by NIH grant A1 R The Chinese rhesus macaque study was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China CBA , the Knowledge Innovation Program of CAS KSCX2-EW-R , the National Natural Science Foundation of China , , U , and the Key Scientific and Technological Program of China ZX, ZX The CC mice study and J.

were supported by NIH grants AI, AI, and AI AMS was supported by the NIH T32DE COSTAR institutional research training grant. This work was also supported by NIH grant 1UL1 TR Clinical and Translational Science Award to RAC.

was supported by the NIH KAG We thank participants of the cohorts, other members of the Ahuja lab that contributed to the study, Dr. Kimberly Summers for help with study approvals, and Donna Thordsen for critical reading of the manuscript. Framingham Heart Study dbGaP Acknowledgement Statement: The Framingham Heart Study is conducted and supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute NHLBI in collaboration with Boston University Contract No.

NHC and HHSNI. This manuscript was not prepared in collaboration with investigators of the Framingham Heart Study and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Framingham Heart Study, Boston University, or NHLBI. Additional funding for SABRe was provided by Division of Intramural Research, NHLBI, and Center for Population Studies, NHLBI.

These authors contributed equally: Muthu Saravanan Manoharan, Grace C. Lee, Lyle R. McKinnon, Justin A. Meunier, Maristella Steri, Nathan Harper, Edoardo Fiorillo, Alisha M.

Smith, Marcos I. Restrepo, Anne P. Branum, Matthew J. Bottomley, Robert A. Clark, Jason F. Okulicz, Weijing He. VA Center for Personalized Medicine, South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, TX, , USA.

Sunil K. Ahuja, Muthu Saravanan Manoharan, Grace C. Lee, Justin A. Meunier, Nathan Harper, Alisha M. Branum, Fabio Jimenez, Andrew Carrillo, Lavanya Pandranki, Caitlyn A. Winter, Lauryn A. Winter, Alvaro A. Gaitan, Alvaro G. Moreira, Elizabeth A. Walter, Kristen R. Canady, Jacqueline A.

Pugh, Robert A. Ahuja, Alisha M. South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, TX, , USA. Ahuja, Grace C. Lee, Marcos I.

Restrepo, Elizabeth A. Walter, Hanh Trinh, Sandra Sanchez-Reilly, Joan M. Hecht, Jose A. Cadena Zuluaga, Antonio Anzueto, Jacqueline A. Pugh, Mohamed I. Abdalla, Sandra G. Adams, Yemi Adebayo, Joseph Agnew, Saleem Ali, Gregory Anstead, Marichu Balmes, Jennifer Barker, Deborah Baruch-Bienen, Velma Bible, Angela Birdwell, Stacy Braddy, Stephen Bradford, Heather Briggs, Judith M.

Corral, Jennifer J. Dacus, Patrick J. Danaher, Scott A. DePaul, Jill Dickerson, Jollynn Doanne, Aamir Ehsan, Samantha Elbel, Miguel Escalante, Corina Escamilla, Valerie Escamilla, Robert Farrar, David Feldman, Debra Flores, Julianne Flynn, Delvina Ford, Joanna D. Foy, Megan Freeman, Samantha Galley, Jessica Garcia, Maritza Garza, Sherraine Gilman, Melanie Goel, Jennifer Gomez, Varun K.

Goyal, Sally Grassmuck, Susan Grigsby, Joshua Hanson, Brande Harris, Audrey Haywood, Cecilia Hinojosa, Tony T. Ho, Teri Hopkins, Lynn L.

Horvath, Aneela N. Hussain, Ali Jabur, Pamela Jewell, Thomas B. Johnson, Austin C. Lawler, Monica Lee, Chadwick S. Lester, Stephanie M.

Levine, Haidee V. Lewis, Angel Louder, Charmaine Mainor, Rachel Maldonado, Celida Martinez, Yvette Martinez, Diego Maselli, Chloe Mata, Neil McElligott, Laura Medlin, Myra Mireles, Joanna Moreno, Kathleen Morneau, Julie Muetz, Samuel B.

Perez, Rogelio Perez, Rogelio Perez III, Robert E. Phillips, Patrick B. Polk, Michael A. Pomager, Kristy J. Preston, Kevin C. Proud, Michelle Rangel, Temple A. Ratcliffe, Renee L. Reichelderfer, Evan M. Renz, Jeanette Ross, Teresa Rudd, Maria E.

Sanchez, Tammy Sanders, Kevin C. Schindler, David Schmit, Raj T. Sehgal, Claudio Solorzano, Nilam Soni, Win S. Tam, Edward J. Tovar, Sadie A. Trammell Velasquez, Anna R. Tyler, Anjuli Vasquez, Maria C. Veloso, Steven G. Venticinque, Jorge A.

Villalpando, Melissa Villanueva, Lauren Villegas, Megan Walker, Andrew Wallace, Maria Wallace, Emily Wang, Stephanie Wickizer, Andreia Williamson, Andrea Yunes, Katharine H. Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, , USA.

Ahuja, Muthu Saravanan Manoharan, Marcos I. Restrepo, Lavanya Pandranki, Caitlyn A. Winter, Elizabeth A. Walter, Sandra Sanchez-Reilly, Jose A.

Pharmacotherapy Education and Research Center, School of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, , USA. College of Pharmacy, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, , USA.

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