Category: Diet

Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds

Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds

J Nat Potenital — Google Scholar Gilani AH, Shaheen E, Potemtial SA, Bibi S, Irfanullah SM, Faizi Natural inflammation treatment Hypotensive action of coumarin Potenttial from Daucus carota. Essential Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds, including alpha-linolenic acid a ω-3 fatty acid and linoleic acid a ω-6 fatty acid cannot be synthesized de novo in sufficient quantity in humans and is therefore outsourced by the human body from food Food and Agriculture Organization, Further PNC showed a significant lowering of blood lipid profile Table 7 with respect to diabetic group. Based Complement. Can J Plant Sci — Article Google Scholar Skalicka-Woźniak K, Zagaja M, Głowniak K, Łuszczki J Purification and anticonvulsant activity of xanthotoxin 8-methoxypsoralen. Food and Agriculture Organization Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds

Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds -

Because of the presence of phenolic compounds, which impart nutraceutical properties to fruit residues, such residues hold tremendous potential in food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. The biological properties such as anticarcinogenicity, antimutagenicity, antiallergenicity, and antiageing activity have been reported for both natural as well as synthetic antioxidants.

Special attention is focused on extraction of bioactive compounds from inexpensive or residual sources. The purpose of this review is to characterize different phenolics present in the fruit residues, discuss the antioxidant potential of such residues and the assays used in determination of antioxidant properties, discuss various methods for efficient extraction of the bioactive compounds, and highlight the importance of fruit residues as potential nutraceutical resources and biopreservatives.

Keywords: Anticarcinogenicity; antioxidants; biopreservatives; fruit residues; nutraceuticals; phenolic compounds. The husk is the white membranous structure covering the seed, which is a laxative and is particularly beneficial as a prophylactic in the treatment of bowel obstructions, constipation, diarrhea and dysentery Chevallier, Plantago ovata plant parts leaves, seeds, and husks are rich in bioactive compounds and different primary and secondary metabolites Talukder et al.

Among these, the most abundant compounds are fatty acids, amino acids, polyphenols, and flavonoids. One member of the Plantaginaceae contains an unusual hydroxy fatty acid, 9-hydroxy- cis octadecenoic acid, which is an isomer of ricinoleic acid Ahmad et al.

Metabolites such as polyphenols and flavonoids are produced by secondary metabolism processes of Plantago , and possess a prominent antioxidant activity Samuelsen, ; Beara et al. Polyphenols are considered to be very effective in the treatment of different types of neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and are also involved in antioxidant activities, such as the scavenging of 2,2-azinobis- 3-ethylbenzothiazolinesulphonic acid; ABTS , 2,2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl DPPH and hydroxyl radicals Balasundram et al.

Many biological activities have been found associated with flavonoids and phenolic acids, such as anti-microbial, anti-hepatotoxic, anti-osteoporotic, anti-ulcer, immunomodulatory, anti-proliferative, and apoptotic activities Al-Fayez et al. Most plant species have a robust defense system against reactive oxygen species ROS -induced oxidative stress Niki et al.

ROS can play a key role in cell damage by lipid peroxidation of membrane lipids Braca et al. Lipid peroxidation is an oxidative alteration of fatty acids in the cellular membrane that produces several types of scavenging free radicals Niki et al.

When ROS attack proteins, they generate protein carbonyls and other modifications in amino-acid residues, resulting in the destruction of protein function Khan et al. Studies on medicinal plants, herbal plants and vegetables have indicated the presence of free-radical scavenging and antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids, saponines, coumarins, cardiac glycosides, tannins, and proanthocyanidins Saeed et al.

Previously, many plant extracts have been examined for different ROS-scavenging activities, including DPPH, superoxide, nitric oxide, reducing power and for phenolic and flavonoid content and total antioxidant activity Mishra et al.

The use of medicinal plants with high constituents of antioxidant and free-radical scavenging compounds has been proposed as an effective therapeutic approach against hepatic and oxidative damage Gould and Lister, ; Embuscado, Plant metabolomics metabolic profiling has become an invaluable tool to study all the metabolites of plant tissues that have distinct chemical properties Jorge et al.

Plants possess the highest metabolic network complexity of all living organisms Dersch et al. Metabolites are not only end products; they are also intermediates and substrates of metabolic processes and contribute toward plant adaptation.

It is estimated that the plant kingdom alone is responsible for the synthesis of more than , metabolites, which are involved in various cellular processes Pichersky and Gang, ; Fiehn, In the past decade, many analytical tools, such as gas chromatography mass spectrometry GC—MS , high-performance liquid chromatography HPLC , and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry LC—MS have been widely used within metabolomics for the identification and quantification of metabolites from different plant tissues.

Metabolomics is the newest high-throughput technology for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of metabolites Khakimov et al. Metabolite analysis helps to elucidate the function and pathways involved in the production of pharmacologically active compounds from plants Rischer et al.

Comprehensive metabolite analysis provides a useful insight into the existing metabolic pathways and also uncovers the network of metabolic pathways that are involved in different responses to specific stresses to be identified Töpfer et al. Cross talk occurs between metabolites and environmental stress, which maintains the physio-biochemical status of the plant Pandey et al.

Furthermore, metabolite analysis is also emerging as a key tool in drug discovery processes Fillet and Frédérich, Psyllium is globally popular as a laxative, it is considered as a potential source of dietary supplementation and possesses important biological antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties Samuelsen, ; Beara et al.

Studying the effect of organic additives in plant polyphenol accumulation is extremely important. No information is available to date concerning the metabolomics of this important plant.

Therefore, this study was carried out to perform metabolic profiling and to characterize the antioxidant scavenging activities from different plant parts, e. Additionally, the total phenolic and flavonoid content was also estimated, a phytochemical analysis was performed, and a potential flavonoid biosynthesis pathway was inferred.

This study provides useful insight into the metabolic responses of different plant parts of P. ovata , which reveal the potential for the plant to be used as a dietary supplement and in the nutraceutical industry.

Seeds of P. ovata were procured from Seed Spices Research Station, Jagudan, Mehsana, Gujarat, India and were germinated in a plot Figure 1 containing garden soil, under natural agro-climatic field conditions from November, to March, Jat et al. A plot consisted of eight rows and each row contained about eight plants.

The plants were irrigated every alternate day with tap water. Leaves from 3-months-old plants, mature seeds and husk were harvested and immediately used for further study.

FIGURE 1. Psyllium plants grown in plots under natural agro-climatic condition. Plants were grown under natural agro-climatic conditions in a field. Plant growth status at 15 days a , 40 days b , 60 days c , 90 days d , days e , and days f of growth.

Plants showing seed maturity at days g of growth. The corresponding fatty acid methyl esters FAMEs were prepared by transmethylation Kumari et al.

Samples of FAME of each plant part were analyzed by a GC coupled with a mass spectrometer GCMS-QP, Shimadzu, Japan equipped with an auto-sampler AOC using a RTX 5MS capillary column 60 m length, 0.

Helium The initial column temperature was 40°C for 3. The injection volume, temperature, and total analysis time were 1 μl, °C and 67 min, respectively. The mass spectrometer operated in ionization mode, with electron impact at 70 eV and the temperature of the ion sources and quadrupole was °C Mishra et al.

The MS peaks of samples were compared with the retention times of standards FAME Mix C4-C24, Supelco, USA and 7-hexedecenoic acid methyl ester, Cayman Chemicals, USA by GCMS analysis and were quantified by area normalization. The total content of saturated fatty acids SFAs and unsaturated fatty acids [monounsaturated fatty acids MUFA and polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA ] were determined by summation of the percentage quantity of the corresponding fatty acids.

Unsaturation index UI; Poerschmann et al. Plant samples 5 mg each dried and powdered; leaves, seed and husk were hydrolysed in a glass vessel with HCl 6 N, μl. Glass vessels were made air-free by flushing with N 2 and were sealed. The samples were hydrolysed at °C for 24 h in a hot-air oven.

After hydrolysis, the vessels were broken and the samples were vacuum-dried in a desiccator. The samples were mixed properly by vortexing and were then vacuum-dried. The reaction mixture was kept at room temperature for 20 min, was vacuum-dried and finally dissolved in μl Na 2 HPO 4 buffer 5 mM, pH 7.

Samples were filtered with a 0. The standard AAS18, Sigma, USA and samples were injected and analyzed with a HPLC system Waters Alliance model, seperation module with an auto-sampler, USA equipped with a Luna-C18 reversed-phase 5. The amino acids were separated and eluted by a gradient resulting from mixing eluents A and B.

Eluent A consisted of mM CH 3 COONa. Both eluents were properly mixed and filtered through a 0. The PITC-derivatised amino acids were eluted from the column and recorded at nm.

The relative proportion of the peak area was calculated to estimate the amino acid composition per gram dry weight of plant samples.

A phytochemical analysis of psyllium plant parts leaves, seeds, and husk was performed to determine the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, and tannins. To test for the presence of alkaloids in the plant parts, 0.

The presence of terpenoids in the plant parts was confirmed by the appearance of a reddish brown interface following mixing 1 mg ml -1 aqueous extract with 2 ml chloroform, followed by the addition of 3 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 Harborne, Saponins were tested by mixing about 20 mg sample with distilled water 15 ml , incubating in a boiling water bath for 5 min and filtering.

The filtrate was diluted with 5 ml water and was vortexed vigorously to form froth. The ability of saponins to produce an emulsion with oil was tested by mixing three drops of olive oil with the froth Harborne, To test for the presence of coumarins, about 30 mg sample was dropped onto filter paper moistened with 1 N NaOH.

The filter paper was placed in a test tube and was incubated in a boiling water bath for a few minutes. The filter paper was examined under UV light and a yellow florescence indicated the presence of coumarins Trease and Evans, The presence of flavonoids was demonstrated by the appearance of a yellow color Sofowora, , when 3 mg filtered aqueous sample 5 ml water was mixed with 2 ml dilute ammonia solution followed by a few drops of concentrated H 2 SO 4.

To test for the presence of cardiac glycosides, 10 mg plant sample dissolved in methanol was mixed with 2 ml of glacial acetic acid and one drop of FeCl 3 solution was added.

If cardiac glycosides were present, a brown ring appeared at interface after adding 1 ml of concentrated H 2 SO 4 to the above mixture Trease and Evans, To test for tannins 10 mg filtered aqueous plant sample in 5 ml boiled water was mixed with few drops of 0. The mixture was centrifuged at rpm for 10 min and the supernatant was collected.

The extraction in aqueous methanol was repeated twice. Collected supernatants were concentrated in a rotary evaporator — mbar at 37°C and were lyophilised.

The dried residue was stored at °C until use. To determine different activities antioxidant and scavenging and contents phenolic and flavonoid , dried residue was solubilised in distilled water, and absorbance readings of samples plant extracts were compared with a standard curve, which was created by the same method, using known amounts of the corresponding standard.

All tests were performed in triplicate and values were expressed as mean ± SE. Total phenolic content of the plant extracts was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu FC reagents using gallic acid as a standard Hazra et al.

Different concentrations of the plant extracts 50— μg ml -1 were mixed with 2. The reaction mixtures were incubated for a further 90 min at room temperature. The absorbance was measured at nm and the total phenolic content was calculated as mg ml -1 gallic acid per mg extract from a standard curve.

To determine the total flavonoid content, different concentrations of plant extracts 50— μg ml -1 were added to 0. Thereafter, 0. The reaction mixture was diluted with water and absorbance was measured at nm and the total flavonoid content was calculated as mg ml -1 quercetin per mg extract from a standard curve Zhishen et al.

The ABTS diammonium salt 7 mM solution was mixed with potassium persulfate 2. The ABTS radical cation solution was diluted with water for an initial absorbance of the solution of about 0.

The radical cation scavenging activity was assessed using 1 ml of the diluted radical cation solution mixed with different concentrations of the plant extracts 50— μg ml -1 or the standard 1—5 μg ml -1 trolox.

After incubation, the absorbance was measured at nm. The percentage inhibition of absorbance was calculated and the activity of different extracts leaves, seeds, and husk was compared.

Scavenging of the DPPH free radical was determined using trolox as a standard Saeed et al. Different concentrations of plant extracts 50— μg ml -1 were mixed with 3 ml working stock solution and were incubated overnight at room temperature in the dark.

The absorbance was measured at nm and the radical scavenging activities of the plant extracts were estimated using the following equation:.

Different concentrations of the plant extracts 5—80 μg ml -1 or ascorbic acid as a positive standard were mixed with 1 ml phosphate buffer 0.

After incubation, 1 ml trichloroacetic acid mg l -1 was added to terminate the reaction. The reaction mixture was centrifuged at rpm for 10 min at room temperature and the supernatant was collected in a 5-ml tube. A 1-ml aliquot of the diluted supernatant was mixed with 0. The absorbance was measured at nm, the scavenging activity was measured and the reducing power was compared.

The activity of superoxide anion was measured by the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium NBT according to a previously described method Hazra et al. These superoxide radicals reduce NBT to a purple-colored formazan. The reaction mixture contained NBT 50 μM , PMS 15 μM , NADH 73 μM in phosphate buffer 20 mM, pH 7.

The mixture was incubated for 5 min at room temperature and absorbance was measured at nm. Quercetin was used as standard. The inhibition of superoxide anion radical generation was estimated using the following equation:.

Plant samples leaves, seed, and husk; mg were ground and the total plant metabolites were extracted using a modified method Mishra et al. The sample was placed in an ultrasonic water bath MRC, Israel at a frequency of 40 kHz for 1 h.

The supernatant was collected after centrifugation rpm at 25°C for 10 min and was filtered 0. For peak integration, the background of each spectrum was subtracted, the data were smoothed and cantered and the peaks were integrated using the Mass Lynx software version 4.

A potential flavonoid biosynthesis pathway was predicted by in silico comparative and interactive pathway topology analysis using the metabolomic data Xia et al. A total of 24 metabolites was used for the analysis and compounds with no match were excluded from the subsequent pathway analysis Supplementary Table S2.

The pathway topology was analyzed by a well-established node of centrality measures to estimate the node and a graph-based method was used to analyze the biological networks Aittokallio and Schwikowski, The degree of centrality used for the comparison among different pathways was calculated.

The node importance value was calculated from centrality measures and was further normalized by the sum of the importance of the pathway.

The pathway was predicted among different pathways using the statistical p -values from enrichment analysis, which was further adjusted for multiple testing. The pathway was selected to show maximum hits, which is actually a matched number from the uploaded data.

The significance of the analysis was calculated as a p -value from the enrichment analysis, as the Holm p -value, in which the p -value was adjusted by the Holm-Bonferroni method, as the FDR p -value by adjusting the p -value using the false discovery rate and finally, the impact value was calculated using pathway topology analysis Xia et al.

All experiments were carried out three times and for each experiment, three biological replicates were performed i. All lipid and fatty acid datasets were analyzed individually and in combination by principal component analysis PCA and respective heat maps were generated.

The total fatty acid content was The maximum degree of unsaturation DU was observed in seeds followed by in leaves and the husk, whereas the maximum UI was observed in leaves followed by in seeds and the husk. Among PUFAs, C18 PUFA dominated in all plant parts, and notably, C22 PUFAs and C20 PUFAs were not detected in leaves and seeds, respectively.

Myristoleic acid C; 0. Similarly, cis pentadecenoic acid C, n-5; 0. Four FAs were not detected in leaves; myristic acid C , cis heptadecanoic acid C, n-7 , gamma-linolenic acid C, n-6 , and heneicosanoic acid C ; however, these were present in seeds and in the husk as minor FAs.

One FA, oleic acid C, n-9 , which was present in the husk as a major FA was not detected in seeds; similarly, lignoceric acid C, was present in leaves and seeds, but was not detected in the husk.

PCA indicated that the total lipid and fatty acid composition was significantly dependent on the plant parts Figure 2 and the heat map showed the differential fatty acid composition Figure 3.

FIGURE 2. Bi-plot of psyllium plant-part samples obtained from principal component analysis of data matrix of the total lipids and fatty acids according to Table 1 with first two principal components.

FIGURE 3. Heat map of the total lipids and fatty acids composition showing spatial occurrence of lipids and fatty acids. In total, 17 amino acids were detected in leaves and seeds, whereas 14 amino acids were observed in the husk and were categorized as non-essential, essential, sulfur-rich and aromatic amino acids Figure 4.

Essential amino acids, isoleucine 1. The highest levels of the essential amino acid valine was detected in leaves and seeds about 3. In contrast, aromatic amino acids were abundant in the husk compared to essential and non-essential amino acids. High amounts of almost all amino acids were detected in leaves and seeds compared to in the husk.

The essential amino acids leucine and the sulfur-rich amino acids cysteine and methionine were not detected in the husk. FIGURE 4.

Amino-acid composition of different psyllium plant parts. Value represents the mean ± SE. Different edible plant parts leaves, seeds, and husk were screened to ascertain the occurrence of phytochemicals Table 2. Alkaloids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, and tannins were detected in all plant parts.

In contrast, terpenoids and saponines were absent in leaves, whereas coumarins were not detected in seeds and the husk. The total flavonoids was detected utmost in the leaves, followed by in seeds and the husk Figure 5.

Similarly, a high total phenolic content was observed in seeds followed by leaves and the husk. FIGURE 5. Total phenolic and total flavonoid contents extracted from psyllium leaves, seeds, and husk. The reducing capacity and scavenging activity of the plant extracts increased concomitantly with the extract concentration.

Similarly, the maximum DPPH scavenging activity was found for seed extract, followed by leaf and husk extracts Figure 6B. FIGURE 6. Scavenging and reducing activities of psyllium extracts obtained from different plant parts.

Total antioxidant A , DPPH scavenging B , superoxide free radicals scavenging C and reducing activities D of psyllium leaves, seeds, and husk extracts.

Thirteen different metabolites were identified in leaf and seed extracts, whereas 10 metabolites were found in the husk Table 3. In total, eight alkaloids and flavonoids were detected in the leaf extract followed by five in that of the seed and one in the husk extract.

Flavonoids were not detected in husk extracts. No terpenes were detected in the leaf extract, whereas six and four different terpenes were found in the seed and husk extracts, respectively. TABLE 3. Using metabolomic data Supplementary Table S2 , a flavonoid biosynthesis pathway was mapped Figure 7 by in silico comparative homology analysis.

For this pathway enrichment analysis was performed with the pathway topology using the KEGG metabolic pathways database of Oryza sativa japonica and Arabidopsis thaliana. The impact of comparative pathway topology analysis showed a maximum interactive degree of centrality with flavonoid biosynthesis Supplementary Table S4.

A graphical output contained three levels of view; metabolome view, pathway view and compound view Figure 8. A probable flavonoid biosynthesis pathway was deduced using the interactive metabolome pathway view that was generated dynamically on the MetaboAnalyst system Figure 7.

FIGURE 7. Probable flavonoid biosynthesis pathway inferred in psyllium. Plantago species are considered to be a natural reservoir of diverse biologically active secondary metabolites, such as lipids, flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids Samuelsen, Psyllium husk isabgol is used worldwide as a dietary fiber supplement to relieve constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea.

Furthermore, it has also been recognized as a cholesterol-lowering agent for use in hypercholesterolemia Anderson et al.

In recent years, natural antioxidants from different plant sources have gained increasing attention Mishra et al. ovata plant tissues are rich in bioactive compounds, including different types of metabolites, such as polyphenols and flavonoids Talukder et al.

Essential FAs, including alpha-linolenic acid a ω-3 fatty acid and linoleic acid a ω-6 fatty acid cannot be synthesized de novo in sufficient quantity in humans and is therefore outsourced by the human body from food Food and Agriculture Organization, Overall, the PCA exhibited a statistical distinction among the total lipids and fatty acids composition of different plant parts.

In the present study, different psyllium plant parts, such as leaves, seeds and the husk were found to be a rich source of essential ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids that are involved in human physiology Table 1. About Seed oils are considered rich source of ALA, which is one of the essential fatty acid and cannot be produced within the human body.

Additionally, psyllium was found to be a rich source of PUFAs, which are imperative nutritional indicators that demonstrate the nutraceutical importance of the plant Gill and Valivety, a. Furthermore, PUFAs have a number of non-edible biotechnological applications, including drying oils and biotransformations Gill and Valivety, b.

In addition to fatty acids, a higher content of the essential amino acid valine was found in psyllium leaves followed by sulfur-rich amino acids Figure 4 , compared to the FAO recommended reference pattern Food and Agriculture Organization, The essential amino acid leucine and the sulfur-rich amino acids cysteine and methionine were not detected in the husk.

This implies that psyllium leaves are a rich source of essential amino acid valine and fatty acids ω-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid and ω-6 fatty acid, linoleic acid and can therefore act as a dietary supplement.

Results demonstrated that g psyllium leaves contain 2. There are 0. In total including fat, carbohydrate and proteins , there is 17 calories in g of mixed salad greens, whereas 15 calories in g of Lettuce green leaves salad USDA, Psyllium leaves contain 0.

Taken together, daily fat intake and essential amino acids, psyllium leaves can be used as a green salad together with daily food as a dietary supplement. Phytochemicals secondary metabolites , including flavonoids, phenolic acids and polyphenols, are potent antioxidants are ubiquitous in plants and are an essential part of the human diet Embuscado, ; Mishra et al.

Psyllium seeds contained a higher total phenolic content than leaves and the husk Figure 5 , and therefore show a higher total antioxidant and DPPH scavenging activity, followed by leaves and the husk Figures 6A,B.

The maximum total flavonoid content was detected in leaves followed by seeds and the husk Figure 5 ; leaves also possess high superoxide scavenging activity, whereas the husk showed the maximum reducing activity Figures 6C,D. Thus, a positive correlation was observed between the phenolic and flavonoid contents, and the antioxidant and scavenging activities of psyllium plant parts.

Secondary metabolites are considered to be efficient antioxidants and important radical scavengers, and also possess biological activities Shahidi and Ambigaipalan, Antioxidant activities inhibit oxidation processes of functional food ingredients and thus, play a key role in promoting health Shahidi and Ambigaipalan, Scavenging and antioxidant activities depend on the content of polyphenolics and flavonoids Shahidi and Ambigaipalan, Similar to the finding in this study, a direct correlation was observed between scavenging and antioxidant activities, and the content of polyphenolics and flavonoids in Cumin, Salicornia, and Plantago Mishra et al.

The total antioxidant and DPPH scavenging activity increased concomitantly with the polyphenolic and flavonoid content during different stages of in vitro callus culture of P. ovata Talukder et al. Similarly, a correlation factor in terms of reciprocal values was established between the total phenolic and flavonoid content, and the antioxidant activity of shoot extracts of some selected Plantago species Beara et al.

Previous studies have revealed that Plantago species are an excellent source of secondary metabolites with widespread applications in the nutraceutical industry Samuelsen, ; Beara et al. This study is the first report on the untargeted metabolomics of different psyllium P.

ovata plant parts leaves, seeds, and husk. Most flavonoids were detected in psyllium leaf extract, whereas terpenes were abundant in the seed extract.

Flavonoids perform distinctive functions in plant metabolic pathways, including pigmentation, nutrition and defense Horborne and Williams, Metabolites, apigenin, luteolin, rutin, quercetin, scutellarein, flavonoids, and triterpene acids were reported from leaves of Plantago species, especially from P.

major , for a range of biological activities, including wound healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, weak antibiotic, immune-modulating and antiulcerogenic activity Kawashty et al.

Furthermore, plant leaves were also used to cure asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary diseases, and diabetes Samuelsen, ; Gonçalves and Romano, Most metabolites, including lunamarine, luteolin, quercetagetin, kaempferol, syringetin, catechin, epicatechin, helilupolone, cyanidin, malvidin and quercetin are phenolics, flavonoids or alkaloids and contain potent antioxidant activities Grotewold, ; Gould and Lister, ; Mishra et al.

These metabolites are known to be natural antioxidants and nutrient supplements, and provide functional value for the plant by modulating cell-signaling pathways Williams et al. Plant flavonoids are divided into six major groups; chalcones, flavones, flavonols, flavandiols, anthocyanins, and condensed tannins or proanthocyanidins ; whereas a seventh group, aurones, is also present, but is not ubiquitous Winkel-Shirley, Moreover, isoflavonoids are commonly synthesized by legumes.

The alkaloid, lunamarine or punarnavine was detected exclusively in psyllium seed extract and displays a number of pharmaceutical applications, including anti-cancer, anti-estrogenic, immunomodulatory and anti-amoebic activities Manu and Kuttan, ; Sreeja and Sreeja, Another alkaloid, hordatine B, which is ubiquitous in barley Smith and Best, , was also detected only in the seed extract, and is a well-known phytoalexin that confers antifungal activity to germinating seeds Stoessl and Unwin, The flavonoids morusin and prorepensin were detected exclusively in seed extracts and are reported to be a potent antitumor agent and antioxidant, respectively Tseng et al.

The flavonoid, dorsmanin F was found in leaf and seed extracts, and is known for its anti-neoplastic activity Kuete et al. The flavonoids luteolin and quercetin, which were only detected in psyllium leaf extracts, show potential for cancer prevention and therapy Lin et al.

The flavonoid syringetin is reported to stimulate osteoblast differentiation Hsu et al. Antioxidant metabolites flavonoids and anthocyanidins were predominant in psyllium leaf extracts and therefore, plant leaves can be further explored in terms of their antioxidants.

Psyllium seed and husk extracts contained terpenes, including saponins Table 3 , and previous studies demonstrated that saponins might possess anticancer activity Gurfinkel and Rao, ; Zhu et al.

Psyllium seed extract was observed to be a potent source of saponins terpenes and saponins are thought to contribute natural plant defenses against pathogens and to act as scavengers of ROS; additionally, they have wide applications in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries Güçlü-Üstündaǧ and Mazza, In plants, the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway has gained importance throughout the world and it is one of the most intensively studied pathways Grotewold, Flavonoid biosynthesis was developmentally or environmentally controlled by transcriptional regulatory networks; MYB—bHLH—WDR complexes, which are well-conserved in higher plants Xu et al.

In this study, the existence of a potential flavonoid biosynthesis pathway was inferred Figure 7 using metabolomic data and a pathway topology module by in silico comparative homology analysis.

The pathway includes a probable route for the biosynthesis of metabolites that were detected in different plant parts Table 3. Furthermore, the nexus of different pathways such as the flavone and flavonol, isoflavonoid, anthocyanin and ubiquinone biosynthesis pathways was also observed.

The flavonoid biosynthesis was started with general phenylpropanoid metabolism and leading to the major subgroup pathways; flavones and flavonol, isoflavonoid, and anthocyanin biosynthesis pathways.

Metabolites, apigenin and kempferol lead to flavones and flavonol pathway, whereas cyanidin and delphinidin enter into anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway. Metabolite naringenin intermediates between flavonoid and isoflavonoid biosynthesis pathway.

The major metabolites end products are luteolin, catechin, epicatechin, syringetin, kempferol, cyanidin, and quercetin, which were also detected by LC MS analysis. The proposed illustration provides a paradigm to understand the transcriptional regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis and to engineer metabolic pathways accordingly to the demands of the nutraceutical industry.

This study reveals that psyllium P. ovata Forsk contains nutritional antioxidants, flavonoids, PUFAs, including essential fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids , sulfur-rich and essential amino acids, and metabolites with bioactivities, which make it a promising candidate for use in the nutraceutical industry.

Additionally, psyllium leaves can be used as a green salad together with daily food as a dietary supplement. As a future perspective, the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway illustrated here provides useful insight and opens a new avenue to select regulatory gene s for metabolic engineering.

Conceived and designed the experiments: AM and BJ. Performed the experiments: MP. Analyzed the data: MP and AM. Wrote the paper: MP and AM. The authors acknowledge financial support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR and the Government of India, New Delhi [BSC—BioprosPR].

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. The reviewer AG and handling Editor declared their shared affiliation, and the handling Editor states that the process nevertheless met the standards of a fair and objective review.

The authors would like to acknowledge CSIR-CSMCRI Communication No. Analytical Discipline and the Centralized Instrument Facility of the institute are duly acknowledged for helping in running samples for the analytical analysis.

Ahmad, M.

Nutraceuticals and compohnds foods are composed of especially complex matrices, with polyphenols, potentail, minerals, and vitamins, among others, being the main classes Nutraecutical phytochemicals involved ocmpounds their Nutraceeutical. Despite their wide use, further lpant are needed to Glutamine for immune support the proper release of Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds phytochemicals Dextrose Muscle Building the gastrointestinal medium, where the complunds Glutamine for immune support pant one of the most Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds used method. The aim of this review was to gather and describe different methods that can be used to assess the bioaccessibility of nutraceuticals and functional foods, along with the most important factors that can impact this process. The link between simulated digestion testing of phytochemicals and their in vitro bioactivity is also discussed, with a special focus on the potential of developing nutraceuticals and functional foods from simple plant materials. The bioactive potential of certain classes of phytochemicals from nutraceuticals and functional foods is susceptible to different variations during the bioaccessibility assessment, with different factors contributing to this variability, namely the chemical composition and the nature of the matrix. Regardless of the high number of studies, the current methodology fails to assume correlations between bioaccessibility and bioactivity, and the findings of this review indicate a necessity for updated and standardized protocols. Plant bioactives have a great compuonds in combating Nutraceuticak disease conditions like Optimal weight management syndrome MetS. Oc research work aims to develop a Potentail plant extract combination and formulate it to Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds with Nutraceutical potential of plant compounds potentials. The extract was prepared from the bark powder of Ficus religiosaseed powder of Syzigium cumini and leaf powder of Ocimum bacilicum chemometrically optimized in the ratio of 1. It is enriched in screened and pharmacologically active plant secondary metabolites. The tablets were prepared by direct compression using single-punch tablet machines. The nutraceutical tablets passed all the prescribed quality control tests with a justified pharmacokinetic profile.

Author: Mikalrajas

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