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Insulin monitoring and self-management

Insulin monitoring and self-management

Show results from Self-manzgement journals This journal. In addition to exercising regularly, it is important Insylin Insulin monitoring and self-management spending long periods Monitoriing a seated position. Several factors increase a person's risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Data of each subject in the population set were used to optimize the population model. Article Google Scholar Pérez-Gandía, C. Supplement 1 includes a complete description of the DBC.

Insulin monitoring and self-management -

A virtual type 2 diabetes clinic using continuous glucose monitoring and endocrinology visits. Doi: Healy AM , Shubrook JH , Schwartz FL , Cummings DM , Drake AJ , Tanenberg RJ. Clin Diabetes. Pettus JH , Zhou FL , Shepherd L , et al. Incidences of severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis and prevalence of microvascular complications stratified by age and glycemic control in U.

adult patients with type 1 diabetes: a real-world study. Vigersky RA , Fish L , Hogan P , et al. The clinical endocrinology workforce: current status and future projections of supply and demand. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Clarke WL , Cox DJ , Gonder-Frederick LA , Julian D , Schlundt D , Polonsky W.

Reduced awareness of hypoglycemia in adults with IDDM. A prospective study of hypoglycemic frequency and associated symptoms.

Naranjo D , Tanenbaum ML , Iturralde E , Hood KK. Diabetes technology: uptake, outcomes, barriers, and the intersection with distress. J Diabetes Sci Technol. Polonsky W , Fisher L , Earles J , et al. Assessing psychosocial distress in diabetes: development of the Diabetes Distress Scale.

Polonsky WH , Fisher L , Hessler D , Edelman SV. Investigating hypoglycemic confidence in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Tansey M , Laffel L , Cheng J , et al. Satisfaction with continuous glucose monitoring in adults and youths with type 1 diabetes.

Diabet Med. Rasbach LE , Volkening LK , Markowitz JT , Butler DA , Katz ML , Laffel LM. Youth and parent measures of self-efficacy for continuous glucose monitoring: survey psychometric properties. Beck RW , Bergenstal RM , Cheng P , et al.

The relationships between time in range, hyperglycemia metrics, and HbA 1c. Battelino T , Danne T , Bergenstal RM , et al. Clinical targets for continuous glucose monitoring data interpretation: recommendations from the International Consensus on Time in Range.

Battelino T , Phillip M , Bratina N , Nimri R , Oskarsson P , Bolinder J. Effect of continuous glucose monitoring on hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

Sign In or Create an Account. Navbar Search Filter Journal of the Endocrine Society This issue Endocrine Society Journals Endocrinology and Diabetes Books Journals Oxford Academic Mobile Enter search term Search. Endocrine Society Journals. Advanced Search.

Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume 4. Article Contents Abstract. Materials and Methods.

Statistical Methods. Additional Information. References and Notes. Journal Article. Diabetes Telehealth Solutions: Improving Self-Management Through Remote Initiation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring.

Robin L Gal , Robin L Gal. Jaeb Center for Health Research. Gal, MSPH, Jaeb Center for Health Research, Amberly Drive, Suite , Tampa, FL , USA.

E-mail: rgal jaeb. Oxford Academic. Nathan J Cohen. Davida Kruger. Henry Ford Health System. Roy W Beck. Richard M Bergenstal. International Diabetes Center Park Nicollet. Peter Calhoun. Terra Cushman.

Amanda Haban. UW-Madison Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Health: Wisconsin Research and Education Network WREN. Korey Hood. Stanford University School of Medicine.

Mary L Johnson. Teresa McArthur , Teresa McArthur. Cecelia Health. Beth A Olson. Lagoon Health. Ruth S Weinstock. SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Sean M Oser. Tamara K Oser. Brian Bugielski. Heidi Strayer. Grazia Aleppo. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Corrected and typeset:. PDF Split View Views. Select Format Select format. ris Mendeley, Papers, Zotero.

enw EndNote. bibtex BibTex. txt Medlars, RefWorks Download citation. Permissions Icon Permissions. Close Navbar Search Filter Journal of the Endocrine Society This issue Endocrine Society Journals Endocrinology and Diabetes Books Journals Oxford Academic Enter search term Search. Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility of initiating continuous glucose monitoring CGM through telehealth as a means of expanding access.

telehealth , continuous glucose monitoring , T1D , T2D. Table 1. Participant characteristics at enrollment a. b Missing for 2 participants with T2D. Open in new tab. Table 2. Continuous glucose monitoring use during the study a.

Baseline HbA 1c. Table 3. Continuous glucose monitoring and glycemic control metrics during the study. Figure 1. Conclusions Self-efficacy in managing diabetes is associated with self-management behaviors among Chinese T2DM patients.

Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM has rapidly become one of the most common non-communicable diseases NCDs globally, and one of the most challenging public health issues [ 1 ]. Materials and methods Study design and patient selection This was a cross-sectional study in Shandong Province, China.

Ethics statement This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Data collection The study was conducted between August and October in Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics mean [M] and standard deviation [SD] was presented for numerical variables.

Results Participant characteristics As shown in Table 1 , a total of T2DM patients were included in the analysis, comprising patients from urban areas and from rural areas. Download: PPT. Table 1.

Table 2. Latent class analysis of self-management behaviors As shown in Table 3 , models with one to four latent classes were estimated, where the one-class model was deemed a baseline.

Table 3. Model fit statistics of the one- to four-class latent class analysis models. Fig 1. Item-response probabilities of self-management behaviors for the two-class model: Probability of endorsing an item given a latent class.

The relationship between self-efficacy and self-management behaviors As shown in Table 4 , higher DES-SF score was significantly associated with higher possibility of active self-management behaviors. Table 4. Discussion Our study applied LCA to classify self-management behaviors among Chinese T2DM patients into active and inactive self-management groups.

Supporting information. S1 File. The questionnaire used in the study Chinese version. s PDF. S2 File. The questionnaire used in the study English version. S3 File. Ethics committee approve form. Acknowledgments We thank the Shandong Health Department and Shandong CDC for their support during the planning of the study and data collection.

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SMBG can aid in diabetes control by:. Table 1. Blood Glucose Meters. View large. View Large. Evans JMM, Newton RW, Ruta DA, MacDonald TM, Stevenson RJ, Morris AD: Frequency of blood glucose monitoring in relation to glycemic control: observational study with diabetes database.

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Diabetes Care. Harris MI: Frequency of blood glucose monitoring in relation to glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Jungheim K, Koschinsky T: Risky delay of hypoglycemia detection by glucose monitoring at the arm. Self care of diabetes. Consumer Rep. Blood Glucose Monitors and Data Management in Buyers Guide Diabetes Forecast.

American Diabetes Association. View Metrics. Email alerts Article Activity Alert. Online Ahead of Print Alert. Latest Issue Alert. Latest Most Read A1C: Episode 2. Increasing Diabetic Foot Exam Rates in Primary Care Via a Toolkit for Registered Nurses. Outomes and Attributes Patients Value When Choosing Glucose-Lowering Medications: A Mixed-Methods Study.

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The purpose of Insulin monitoring and self-management monitoriny was to evaluate Anthocyanins and bone health of initiating continuous glucose monitorihg CGM Self-mansgement telehealth as a means of expanding access. CGM was initiated with a certified diabetes care and education specialist providing instruction via videoconference or phone. The primary outcome was days per week of CGM use during the last 4 weeks. Hemoglobin A 1c HbA 1c was measured at baseline and 12 weeks. Participant self-reported outcome measures were also evaluated. Providing cutting-edge Insulin monitoring and self-management communications self-mmanagement worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively. We aim to bring about a change in modern scholarly communications through the effective use of editorial and publishing polices. Advanced knowledge sharing through global community…. Salih AA. E-mail : bhuvaneswari. bibleraaj uhsm.

Author: Mazugore

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