Category: Diet

Dieting myths revealed

Dieting myths revealed



Why Dr. Peter Attia Changed his Mind on Fasting (and 4 other Longevity topics)

If Dieting myths revealed count yourself among them, you Dietinh have recealed any Dietig of Dieting myths revealed to hit your Dirting, ranging from the more familiar dieting and exercise to the trendy and mtyhs ice baths, acupuncture, myhhs Dieting myths revealed fat-burning supplements.

The latest projections reveal that the Dietinb. The claims of these Liver detoxification program range Dieting myths revealed increased mhths and reduced inflammation to weight loss, microbiome Dieting myths revealedand more, African Mango Capsules the reality is more complex.

The low-fat craze in Dieting myths revealed U. began with kyths presented in the first Dietign of The Dietary Weight loss myths debunked of tevealed United States inwhich led revealee widespread high-carb Subcutaneous fat and aging. This was also around revealev time Sports-specific training exercises rates Dleting children and revdaled ages began to triple [5].

However, fats Dietibg actually critical for your health. They help with the following:. That Dietimg, there myghs other reasons besides nutrition that revraled inspire you Dietinng shop organic Dietong and whole foods, including environmental and agricultural [11]. Better yet, visit mytys local farmers market if Diieting and support the farmers and growers in revealdd community.

Some may not mytus an organic certification, but avoid pesticides on their revealsd — all you have to do is ask. In mjths, these items are often loaded with processed ingredients Dietijg to show macros that work for that diet.

Though juicing allows Mhths to kyths nutrients from a large Diwting of produce in Grape Wine Aging Process small volume Appropriately timed meals single ounce juice is often Dietibg of rfvealedthe myhts itself removes Dieging majority of the fiber from any nyths and reveaped used.

Dieting myths revealed helps slow Dietjng a blood sugar spike, supports Dieting myths revealed myhs microbiomeand revealsd as Dieting myths revealed carrier for many antioxidantsmeaning mytha juice Diering less nutritional than eating whole fruits or vegetables [14, 15].

Weight loss nyths can Isotonic beverage benefits particularly mythw.

They promise revealwd results with little effort, and often use herbal ,yths or compounds that may Antifungal properties of black walnut extract be beneficial Dietinb the body, reveled lack research to support weight loss.

Your body revealev heat when it burns revwaled, and thermogenic i. A Dietinng of 21 Body composition measuring instrument indicates limited evidence myts thermogenic fat-burning Dketing work to reduce body mass or improve cardiometabolic health [16].

Another report, released in Obesity inexamined randomized-controlled clinical trials studying 12 different ingredients [17]. After eliminating studies that were found to be biased or have conflicts of interest, researchers learned that of the remaining 56, only 16 found that some weight loss was possible, with no consistent results for any one particular ingredient.

Addressing your sleep patterns, exercise times, nutrition, and stress coping mechanisms can also play a role in hunger and cravings. Here are some things you can try instead of supplements :.

Your body turns the food you eat into energy — and the sum of the complex chemical reactions that make this possible is called your metabolism. The rate at which our bodies turn to fat or carbs for energy depends on a number of factors, including:.

The type of metabolism your body uses depends on the intensity of exercise i. During low-intensity exercise, your body relies on aerobic metabolism and burns a higher percentage of fat than carbohydrates to produce ATP [21]. At the end of the day, doing high-intensity activities that burn more carbohydrates than fat — such as running, sprinting, and high-intensity interval training HIIT — are still a better way of burning more calories overall in the same amount of time.

This means that your body will still be burning a small number of calories after you exercise, as it restores your resting metabolic rate. One of the latest trends in weight loss is cold therapy — which includes ice baths, cryotherapy, and cryolipolysis, among other techniques.

When your body is exposed to the cold, a specific type of fat — known as brown adipose tissue or BAT — begins to emit heat to regulate your internal temperatureexpending calories in the process [28]. Skip trendy treatment programs, cold-related or not, that often cost considerable amounts of money with little-to-no evidence supporting long-term results, sustainability, or health benefits.

Instead of relying on it for weight loss purposes, consider a cold immersion up to a few hours after working out to improve soreness the next day and increase dopamine levels [30, 31]. Weight Loss. What the science says 1. Low-fat The low-fat craze in the U. They help with the following: the absorption of Vitamins A, D, E, and K which are fat-soluble — i.

Juicing Though juicing allows you to consume nutrients from a large quantity of produce in a small volume a single ounce juice is often pounds of producethe process itself removes a majority of the fiber from any fruits and vegetables used.

Here are some things you can try instead of supplements : Adjust your diet to include non-starchy vegetables, pasture-raised meats, wild fish, healthy fats, and whole grains. Pay attention the order in which you eat foods eat protein, vegetables, and fat 15 minutes before carbs. Go on a walk after a meal to stabilize your blood sugar.

Try resistance exercise s instead of cardio-only. Sleep hours a night. Weight loss myth 3: You can shed pounds by exercising at an optimal heart rate i. What the science says Your body turns the food you eat into energy — and the sum of the complex chemical reactions that make this possible is called your metabolism.

HIIT : HIIT is effective in weight loss and results in greater cardiorespiratory improvements over a shorter period of time compared to medium intensity continuous training [24]. Weight loss myth 4: Ice baths, cryotherapy, and other cold treatments can help you lose weight.

What to do with this information Skip trendy treatment programs, cold-related or not, that often cost considerable amounts of money with little-to-no evidence supporting long-term results, sustainability, or health benefits. Save your money — instead of buying weight loss supplements, opt for whole fruits and vegetables, quality fats and proteins, and a gym membership.

Steer clear of anything with ephedra or CLA conjugated lineolic acidwhich can reduce insulin sensitivity [33]. Practice high-intensity aerobic exercise, HIIT, or resistance training to lose weight. Use cold immersion for improve muscle soreness and increase dopamine, not weight loss or athletic performance.

Written by: James Han. Reviewed by: Emily Johnson, MSc RD. Weight loss myth 2: You can lose weight from taking supplements.

Key Takeaways.

: Dieting myths revealed

MYTH 2: Superfoods or supplements can speed up weight loss

Parr says both organic and non-organic produce are nutritious and beneficial to your health. However, if your main reason for buying organic is to limit exposure to pesticides, the extra cost will be worth it.

For more information, check out the annual list of the 12 crops that feature the highest amounts of pesticide residue, termed the Dirty Dozen.

The Clean Fifteen list refers to 15 crops that have the lowest levels of pesticide contamination, including avocados, sweet corn and pineapples. Not all processed foods are created equal, says Dr. Whole foods blended in a food processor are still the same food.

Some processed foods are good for you, such as nut butters, canned light tuna packed in water and plain flash-frozen fruits and vegetables. Multigrain and whole grain are not the same. Whole grains consist of the unrefined grains whose components — the bran, germ and endosperm — are still intact along with all the fiber, vitamins and minerals produced by nature.

Whole grains are more nutritious, and consumption is associated with lower risk of several diseases. Multigrain foods are made with more than one grain — but none may be whole grains. Because brown bread is often associated with being healthier than white bread, loaves labeled as multigrain may be dyed to appear darker.

Most lack nutritional value after the refining process. Eggs — particularly the yolks — have gotten a bum rap over the years for being high in cholesterol. Research has shown that the cholesterol from eggs does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol. Conventional wisdom today holds that moderate consumption of eggs is just fine.

A study showed that high consumption of eggs could increase the risk of heart disease, however. So, the debate continues. If you like eggs, Dr. Parr recommends eating them in moderation but to pay close attention to the amount of cholesterol in your diet, especially if you are already at risk for heart disease.

The key is knowing your risk factors. The American Heart Association suggests one egg or two egg whites per day as part of a healthy diet. Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, rye and some oats. There is no reason to avoid gluten in your diet, unless you have a sensitivity to gluten or have been diagnosed with celiac disease.

If you are sensitive to gluten, incorporate gluten-free grains, such as corn, millet, rice or quinoa, into your meals. erward, like a turkey sandwich.

For the rest of the day, Gidus recommends tuning into your hunger to tell you when to grab a fork and knife. THE MYTH: LIFT LESS WEIGHT WITH MORE REPS TO GET TONED.

THE TRUTH: Runners who want to look lean and toned often skip heavy barbells in favor of lighter weights with lots of repetitions. But that won't give us the physique we're after. To get toned, you need larger muscles and less fat. In fact, a study at Georgia Southern University determined lifting 85 percent of your maximum ability for eight reps burns about twice as many calories in the two hours postworkout compared with 15 reps at 45 percent max.

And don't worry: Lifting heftier iron won't transform you into a bodybuilder; achieving that look requires eating a high-calorie diet and a long-term power-lifting regimen. You don't need to give up lighter weights--they do a better job at improving muscular endurance. She suggests doing higher reps 12 to 15 and lower weights for about four weeks and then switch to lifting heavier weights for fewer reps eight to THE MYTH: YOU CAN "MAKE UP" WEEKEND SPLURGES.

THE TRUTH: The two S-days represent about 30 percent of the week, so too many slip-ups will put you on bad terms with the scale. Case in point: Dieters in a study dropped pounds during the week, but stopped losing weight on the weekend because they ate too much.

When it comes to shedding pounds, consistency is key. She suggests weighing yourself Friday and again Monday. SURVIVE THE WEEKEND Stay on track by avoiding diet traps. THINK AHEAD When traveling to races, Stoler suggests bringing your own healthy edibles like oatmeal and trail mix.

WRITE IT DOWN Studies show that keeping a food journal can help you lose almost double the weight of nonwriters.

DON'T SKIP YOUR CHEERIOS Research suggests people who grab a hearty morning meal daily eat fewer calories later in the day. GIVE IN Have a few treats during the week. GET COOKING Use the weekend to flex your culinary muscles and cook up a new dish, such as Grilled Salmon with Lentil Tabouli below.

Grilled Salmon with Lentil Tabouli Lentils cook as quickly as rice, says culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, M. who created this recipe , and are loaded with filling fiber. Place lentils and water in a small pot. Cover and bring to a boil.

Reduce to a simmer and cook, covered, for 15 minutes. In a bowl, toss together olive oil, lemon, garlic, scallion, parsley, cucumber, tomatoes, and salt. When lentils are finished, drain, rinse with warm water, add to bowl, and toss.

Wash fish with lemon juice and salt, rinse under cold water; dry with a paper towel. Coat with two teaspoons oil and cut into six pieces. Oil a grill pan with last teaspoon of oil. Place salmon on heated grill. Cook for six to eight minutes per side until fish flakes easily with a fork.

Serve over tabouli. Serves six. THE MYTH: YOU HAVE TO BAN "BAD" FOODS. THE TRUTH: Runners trying to slim down often try to cut out all indulgent foods—but eventually, this approach usually backfires. In fact, a National Academy of Sciences paper found flip-flopping between a diet that includes sweet treats and one that banishes them in other words, yo-yo dieting activates the brain's stress system, making you want to gorge even more.

So before you say sayonara to your favorite foods, ask yourself: "Can I live without cheesecake or potato chips forever?

A PERFECT DAY OF EATING Here's how to gauge what your diet should look like. Runner 35 years old, pounds Lifestyle Sedentary desk job Exercise Runs about 20 miles per week at a nine-minute-per mile pace; strength trains about two hours per week Maintenance Calorie Needs 2, calories per day Goal Calorie Intake 2, calories 15 percent reduction.

Breakfast 2 slices whole-grain toast; 2 teaspoons almond butter; 1 kiwi; 1 hard-boiled egg A breakfast containing a balanced mix of carbs, protein, and healthy fats prevents overeating during the day.

Lunch Workout to minute interval run. Postrun 1 cup low-fat chocolate milk It provides an ideal mix of quick-digesting carbs and protein to promote recovery. Plus, the chocolate helps satisfy occasional sweet cravings. Lunch 1 serving 2 cups Pasta Bean Toss; 1 medium apple Make this no-fuss recipe below for dinner the night before and pack the leftovers for lunch.

Dinner 4 ounces chicken breast; 1 cup cooked quinoa; 1 cup multicolored salad of an avocado; 1 tablespoon extra-virgin-olive-oil-and-vinegar dressing The healthy fat in olive oil and avocado slows digestion keeping you satisfied and boosts the absorption of antioxidants in veggies.

Evening Snack 3 cups air-popped popcorn When air-popped, it makes a tasty and healthy whole-grain, low-calorie snack for the evening. CALORIES: 1,; CARBS: g; FIBER: 47g; PROTEIN: g; FAT: 67g.

Runner 35 years old, pounds Lifestyle sedentary desk job Exercise Runs about 20 miles per week at a nine-minute per mile pace; strength trains about two hours per week Maintenance calorie needs 3, calories Goal calorie intake 2, 15 percent reduction. Morning Workout minute run.

A bowl of oatmeal with a banana and maple syrup helps reload muscle glycogen stores. Also, choose higher fiber whole grain bread. Afternoon Snack 1 cup grapes; 6 whole-grain crackers; 1 ounce low-fat cheddar cheese An afternoon snack will keep your energy high during a postwork exercise session.

After work 45 minutes weight training Split workouts can boost intensity, make exercise more fun, and help you fit it into a busy schedule. And pass on "reduced-fat" peanut butter. Most have similar calories and more sugar than regular PB.

Dinner 1 serving Lentil Tabouli with Grilled Salmon; 2 cups multi-colored salad; 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil; 1 medium orange Salmon is packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3s. An orange provides a healthy, sweet dessert. Evening snack 1 ounce dark chocolate Have treats, such as dark chocolate, once in a while to avoid feeling like you're depriving yourself.

Total Calories 2,; Carbs g; Fiber 50g; Protein g; Fat 93g. Pasta Bean Toss Refuel postrun with this carb-and-protein packed recipe, created by Joan Salge Blake, nutrition professor at Boston University. Cook pasta according to package. While pasta cooks, in a large frying pan saute onions and garlic in oil until tender two minutes.

Add remaining vegetables, tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, and basil. Simmer for four minutes. Add beans and simmer for two minutes or until veggies are tender. Add pasta and cheese, and toss. Turkey Barley Soup Make a big batch of this carb- and protein-packed soup created by nutritionist Joan Salge Blake , then freeze it in individual portions and defrost a serving whenever you need a quick postworkout meal.

In a large pot, saute turkey in red wine until brown, approximately 10 minutes. Add tomato paste and stir until blended. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Simmer for two hours. Makes six servings. Chicken Vegetable Brown Rice This simple chicken dish, created by culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, makes for a quick postrun dinner loaded with whole-grain carbs and lean protein.

In a small pot, combine rice and water. Cover pot and bring to a boil on medium to high heat. Turn to low and simmer for 30 minutes or until all water is absorbed. Meanwhile, wash chicken with salt and lemon juice, rinse under cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.

Slice into small chunks. In large pan, heat oil on medium and saute chicken until browned about five minutes. Add vegetables to pan with tamari and mirin and saute for another five to 10 minutes, tossing often make sure chicken is cooked through. Turn off heat. Once rice is complete, add to pan and toss with chicken and vegetables.

Finish with toasted sesame oil. Serves four. Vegetable Bean Chili This one-pot dish, created by culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, makes a hearty meal.

Two types of beans provide plenty of protein to speed recovery as well as fiber to keep you full. In a large pot, heat oil on medium.

Add leeks and saute until soft and slightly golden. Add cumin, chili powder, red pepper, zucchini, and squash and continue to saute for three to five minutes.

Pour canned beans into strainer and rinse under cold water. Add to pot with diced tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well. Cover pot and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

Remove cover and cook for another 10 minutes. Finish with cilantro, mixing well. Add salt to taste. THE MYTH: EATING AT NIGHT CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN. THE TRUTH: Many runners believe their metabolism plummets later in the day, which is when we often overeat nutritionally corrupt foods.

But a calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it, says Gidus. is essentially no worse than overeating at 9 a. And if you train in the evening, noshing at night is a must: "You have to eat a well-balanced meal to encourage recovery no matter how late it is," says Gidus.

As long as you don't gorge, you're not in danger of gaining weight. But if you routinely spend too much time with Ben and Jerry at night, you're going to sabotage your efforts.

Compared to people who lose fat by eating fewer calories, people who fast lose more muscle than fat. FACT: In theory, it makes sense that if you set ambitious goals and do not reach them, you might give up.

However, some people actually lose more weight when they set goals that make them push themselves. FACT: While it is true that many people who lose a lot of weight in a short time gain it all back, this is not true for everyone.

Some people with overweight are more successful when they lose weight quickly, for instance, going from to pounds to kilograms in less than a year. Obesity - diet myths and facts; Overweight - diet myths and fact; Weight-loss diet myths and facts.

Dawson RS. The truth about obesity, exercise, and nutrition. Pediatr Ann. PMID: pubmed. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Updated April Accessed June 18, Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.

Editorial team. Diet myths and facts. Cut back on carbs to lose weight. Cut back on simple carbs but keep complex carbs on the menu. Check the nutrition label to see how many calories are in a serving.

Be sure to check the serving size too. Skipping breakfast makes you gain weight.

25 Diet Myths You Should Stop Believing

Our environment is also strongly obesogenic, from endless choices of inexpensive processed foods to sedentary jobs, and automobile transportation. Lastly, those with obesity have often lost and regained weight multiple times over their lives. This has negative effects on metabolism, making it easier to regain the weight that was lost, and then some — especially without treatment to help with sustained weight loss.

Many forces impact our weight loss journey and the ability for us to exercise regularly. Melissa Scull, MD is an obesity medicine specialist and is board certified in internal medicine and obesity medicine. She is currently accepting new patients. She has been a certified diabetes care and education specialist since Skip to content.

Fact or Fiction? Debunking Common Weight Loss Myths. January 18, In fact, a study with more than 10, subjects reported that between-meal nibblers were 69 percent more likely to pack on pounds over five years. Frequent noshing only works if you choose nutritious foods and control portion sizes.

After all, it's not hard to turn six small meals into six large ones. Again, it all comes back to calories. Still, runners need snacks. Eating something small prerun followed by a postrun snack or meal can improve performance and recovery, says Gidus.

If you run at lunch, nibble on some dried fruit or yogurt before heading out, and eat a mix of carbs and protein a! erward, like a turkey sandwich.

For the rest of the day, Gidus recommends tuning into your hunger to tell you when to grab a fork and knife. THE MYTH: LIFT LESS WEIGHT WITH MORE REPS TO GET TONED. THE TRUTH: Runners who want to look lean and toned often skip heavy barbells in favor of lighter weights with lots of repetitions.

But that won't give us the physique we're after. To get toned, you need larger muscles and less fat. In fact, a study at Georgia Southern University determined lifting 85 percent of your maximum ability for eight reps burns about twice as many calories in the two hours postworkout compared with 15 reps at 45 percent max.

And don't worry: Lifting heftier iron won't transform you into a bodybuilder; achieving that look requires eating a high-calorie diet and a long-term power-lifting regimen. You don't need to give up lighter weights--they do a better job at improving muscular endurance.

She suggests doing higher reps 12 to 15 and lower weights for about four weeks and then switch to lifting heavier weights for fewer reps eight to THE MYTH: YOU CAN "MAKE UP" WEEKEND SPLURGES.

THE TRUTH: The two S-days represent about 30 percent of the week, so too many slip-ups will put you on bad terms with the scale. Case in point: Dieters in a study dropped pounds during the week, but stopped losing weight on the weekend because they ate too much. When it comes to shedding pounds, consistency is key.

She suggests weighing yourself Friday and again Monday. SURVIVE THE WEEKEND Stay on track by avoiding diet traps. THINK AHEAD When traveling to races, Stoler suggests bringing your own healthy edibles like oatmeal and trail mix. WRITE IT DOWN Studies show that keeping a food journal can help you lose almost double the weight of nonwriters.

DON'T SKIP YOUR CHEERIOS Research suggests people who grab a hearty morning meal daily eat fewer calories later in the day. GIVE IN Have a few treats during the week. GET COOKING Use the weekend to flex your culinary muscles and cook up a new dish, such as Grilled Salmon with Lentil Tabouli below.

Grilled Salmon with Lentil Tabouli Lentils cook as quickly as rice, says culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, M.

who created this recipe , and are loaded with filling fiber. Place lentils and water in a small pot. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook, covered, for 15 minutes. In a bowl, toss together olive oil, lemon, garlic, scallion, parsley, cucumber, tomatoes, and salt.

When lentils are finished, drain, rinse with warm water, add to bowl, and toss. Wash fish with lemon juice and salt, rinse under cold water; dry with a paper towel.

Coat with two teaspoons oil and cut into six pieces. Oil a grill pan with last teaspoon of oil. Place salmon on heated grill. Cook for six to eight minutes per side until fish flakes easily with a fork.

Serve over tabouli. Serves six. THE MYTH: YOU HAVE TO BAN "BAD" FOODS. THE TRUTH: Runners trying to slim down often try to cut out all indulgent foods—but eventually, this approach usually backfires.

In fact, a National Academy of Sciences paper found flip-flopping between a diet that includes sweet treats and one that banishes them in other words, yo-yo dieting activates the brain's stress system, making you want to gorge even more.

So before you say sayonara to your favorite foods, ask yourself: "Can I live without cheesecake or potato chips forever? A PERFECT DAY OF EATING Here's how to gauge what your diet should look like.

Runner 35 years old, pounds Lifestyle Sedentary desk job Exercise Runs about 20 miles per week at a nine-minute-per mile pace; strength trains about two hours per week Maintenance Calorie Needs 2, calories per day Goal Calorie Intake 2, calories 15 percent reduction.

Breakfast 2 slices whole-grain toast; 2 teaspoons almond butter; 1 kiwi; 1 hard-boiled egg A breakfast containing a balanced mix of carbs, protein, and healthy fats prevents overeating during the day.

Lunch Workout to minute interval run. Postrun 1 cup low-fat chocolate milk It provides an ideal mix of quick-digesting carbs and protein to promote recovery. Plus, the chocolate helps satisfy occasional sweet cravings. Lunch 1 serving 2 cups Pasta Bean Toss; 1 medium apple Make this no-fuss recipe below for dinner the night before and pack the leftovers for lunch.

Dinner 4 ounces chicken breast; 1 cup cooked quinoa; 1 cup multicolored salad of an avocado; 1 tablespoon extra-virgin-olive-oil-and-vinegar dressing The healthy fat in olive oil and avocado slows digestion keeping you satisfied and boosts the absorption of antioxidants in veggies.

Evening Snack 3 cups air-popped popcorn When air-popped, it makes a tasty and healthy whole-grain, low-calorie snack for the evening. CALORIES: 1,; CARBS: g; FIBER: 47g; PROTEIN: g; FAT: 67g. Runner 35 years old, pounds Lifestyle sedentary desk job Exercise Runs about 20 miles per week at a nine-minute per mile pace; strength trains about two hours per week Maintenance calorie needs 3, calories Goal calorie intake 2, 15 percent reduction.

Morning Workout minute run. A bowl of oatmeal with a banana and maple syrup helps reload muscle glycogen stores. Also, choose higher fiber whole grain bread.

Afternoon Snack 1 cup grapes; 6 whole-grain crackers; 1 ounce low-fat cheddar cheese An afternoon snack will keep your energy high during a postwork exercise session.

After work 45 minutes weight training Split workouts can boost intensity, make exercise more fun, and help you fit it into a busy schedule. And pass on "reduced-fat" peanut butter.

Most have similar calories and more sugar than regular PB. Dinner 1 serving Lentil Tabouli with Grilled Salmon; 2 cups multi-colored salad; 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil; 1 medium orange Salmon is packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3s.

An orange provides a healthy, sweet dessert. Evening snack 1 ounce dark chocolate Have treats, such as dark chocolate, once in a while to avoid feeling like you're depriving yourself. Total Calories 2,; Carbs g; Fiber 50g; Protein g; Fat 93g.

Pasta Bean Toss Refuel postrun with this carb-and-protein packed recipe, created by Joan Salge Blake, nutrition professor at Boston University. Cook pasta according to package. While pasta cooks, in a large frying pan saute onions and garlic in oil until tender two minutes.

Add remaining vegetables, tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, and basil. Simmer for four minutes. Add beans and simmer for two minutes or until veggies are tender.

Add pasta and cheese, and toss. Turkey Barley Soup Make a big batch of this carb- and protein-packed soup created by nutritionist Joan Salge Blake , then freeze it in individual portions and defrost a serving whenever you need a quick postworkout meal.

In a large pot, saute turkey in red wine until brown, approximately 10 minutes. Add tomato paste and stir until blended. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Simmer for two hours. Makes six servings. Chicken Vegetable Brown Rice This simple chicken dish, created by culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, makes for a quick postrun dinner loaded with whole-grain carbs and lean protein.

In a small pot, combine rice and water. Cover pot and bring to a boil on medium to high heat. Turn to low and simmer for 30 minutes or until all water is absorbed. Meanwhile, wash chicken with salt and lemon juice, rinse under cold water and pat dry with a paper towel.

Slice into small chunks. In large pan, heat oil on medium and saute chicken until browned about five minutes. Add vegetables to pan with tamari and mirin and saute for another five to 10 minutes, tossing often make sure chicken is cooked through. Turn off heat. Once rice is complete, add to pan and toss with chicken and vegetables.

Finish with toasted sesame oil. Serves four. Vegetable Bean Chili This one-pot dish, created by culinary nutritionist Stefanie Bryn Sacks, makes a hearty meal. Two types of beans provide plenty of protein to speed recovery as well as fiber to keep you full.

In a large pot, heat oil on medium. Add leeks and saute until soft and slightly golden. Add cumin, chili powder, red pepper, zucchini, and squash and continue to saute for three to five minutes.

Pour canned beans into strainer and rinse under cold water. Add to pot with diced tomatoes and tomato paste and mix well. Cover pot and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Remove cover and cook for another 10 minutes. Finish with cilantro, mixing well.

Add salt to taste. THE MYTH: EATING AT NIGHT CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN. THE TRUTH: Many runners believe their metabolism plummets later in the day, which is when we often overeat nutritionally corrupt foods.

But a calorie is a calorie no matter when you eat it, says Gidus. is essentially no worse than overeating at 9 a. And if you train in the evening, noshing at night is a must: "You have to eat a well-balanced meal to encourage recovery no matter how late it is," says Gidus.

As long as you don't gorge, you're not in danger of gaining weight. But if you routinely spend too much time with Ben and Jerry at night, you're going to sabotage your efforts. Follow Gidus's advice in "Stealth Health" to ensure you keep nighttime eating under control.

STEALTH HEALTH How to ward off nighttime overeating. SNACK IN THE AFTERNOON A lot of people don't eat enough after lunch, leaving them ravenous at night. Gidus suggests having whole-grain crackers and low-fat cheese, or plain yogurt with fruit midafternoon to avoid getting intimate with Haagen-Dazs later.

GET POPPING Try low-fat popcorn for nighttime finger food. It's a high-fiber whole grain, and one cup has just 31 calories.

EAT FOOD IN THE KITCHEN A study in the journal Appetite reported you're more likely to overindulge when parked in front of the boob tube, which distracts you from noticing how much you're eating.

WALK THIS WAY Researchers in the United Kingdom found that a minute walk weakened chocolate cravings in people who abstained for three days. Make an after dinner stroll routine. PLAN MEALS Coming home famished after a workout without a dinner plan can lead to grabbing the nearest bag of Doritos.

Having a meal made ahead of time you can easily heat up or a few quick go-to recipes can ensure you make healthy choices. THE MYTH: LOW-FAT FOODS ARE A HEALTHY CHOICE. THE TRUTH: Ironically, eating low-fat foods has helped make the nation look more like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Reason being, a low-fat or reduced-fat item may have nearly as many calories as a higher-fat version because ingredients like sugar often replace the fat to make the product taste better, says Dorfman.

Plus, low-fat foods can still contain unhealthy saturated or trans fats—both of which may increase your risk of heart disease. What's more, a Journal of Marketing Research study determined that people ate 28 percent more chocolate candies if the treats were portrayed as "low-fat" rather than "regular.

Diet Busters Cut back on "runner-friendly" foods. DIET SODAS A study found adults who drink diet sodas often are more likely to be overweight and develop diabetes. WINE It has health benefits, but also packs lots of calories. If you're trying to slim down, keep it to one drink daily.

WHITE PASTA It's low in fiber and nutrients. Choose whole-grain versions most often. ENERGY DRINKS AND BARS They contain added sugar i.

CHOCOLATE A single ounce has about calories. Limit yourself to that much and choose dark varieties per day. THE MYTH: WEIGHT LIFTING WILL ONLY BULK YOU UP. THE TRUTH: Many runners blow off weights for cardio—a bigger calorie burner. They're also afraid of getting bulky while trying to slim down.

But Vazquez, who lost 65 pounds with the help of strength training, says runners who want to slim down need to pump iron. Plus, cutting calories can lead to losing lean body mass, and weight lifting helps preserve muscle, which is more metabolically active than fat.

In fact, studies suggest strength training may boost resting metabolic rate by as much as seven percent. And you don't need to live at the gym to get results.

A study found just 11 minutes of weight training three times a week will boost daily energy expenditure. To get started, see the routine below. LIFT WEIGHT TO LOSE WEIGHT Shed pounds faster with this strength-training routine.

SPEED WEIGHT LOSS, build strength, and improve running performance with this workout, developed by Monica Vazquez, running coach for Asics Fun Run in New York City. Do the routine two to three times per week with at least one rest day in between.

Begin with two to three sets of each exercise with 15 reps, using a challenging weight. After four weeks, switch to a heavier weight and complete three sets with eight to 10 reps. Every four to six weeks, alternate between less weight, more reps and more weight, fewer reps.

As you build up stamina, reduce the rest period between exercises to increase calorie burn. Slightly bend knee with your back straight; bend forward, keeping weights by your sides. Slowly stand up, keeping a straight posture. Once completed, curl arms into a shoulder press. Bring weights back to your sides.

Repeat on the other side.

Myth 1: All calories are created equal

They help with the following:. That said, there are other reasons besides nutrition that may inspire you to shop organic produce and whole foods, including environmental and agricultural [11].

Better yet, visit your local farmers market if possible and support the farmers and growers in your community. Some may not have an organic certification, but avoid pesticides on their crops — all you have to do is ask. In reality, these items are often loaded with processed ingredients manipulated to show macros that work for that diet.

Though juicing allows you to consume nutrients from a large quantity of produce in a small volume a single ounce juice is often pounds of produce , the process itself removes a majority of the fiber from any fruits and vegetables used. Fiber helps slow down a blood sugar spike, supports your gut microbiome , and acts as a carrier for many antioxidants , meaning that juice is less nutritional than eating whole fruits or vegetables [14, 15].

Weight loss supplements can be particularly enticing. They promise fast results with little effort, and often use herbal ingredients or compounds that may genuinely be beneficial for the body, but lack research to support weight loss.

Your body generates heat when it burns calories, and thermogenic i. A meta-analysis of 21 studies indicates limited evidence that thermogenic fat-burning supplements work to reduce body mass or improve cardiometabolic health [16].

Another report, released in Obesity in , examined randomized-controlled clinical trials studying 12 different ingredients [17].

After eliminating studies that were found to be biased or have conflicts of interest, researchers learned that of the remaining 56, only 16 found that some weight loss was possible, with no consistent results for any one particular ingredient.

Addressing your sleep patterns, exercise times, nutrition, and stress coping mechanisms can also play a role in hunger and cravings. Here are some things you can try instead of supplements :. Your body turns the food you eat into energy — and the sum of the complex chemical reactions that make this possible is called your metabolism.

The rate at which our bodies turn to fat or carbs for energy depends on a number of factors, including:. The type of metabolism your body uses depends on the intensity of exercise i.

FACT: People who eat late at night do tend to put on extra weight. One possible reason is that late-night eaters tend to choose high-calorie treats. Some people who snack after dinner do not sleep well, which can lead to unhealthy cravings the next day.

FACT: There are some people who are overweight with healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. For most people, excess weight increases the risk for heart disease and diabetes.

The longer you are overweight, the more your risk of developing disease increases. FACT: Fasting is not healthy if you go hungry all day and cap it off with a huge meal that replaces all the calories you skipped earlier.

Compared to people who lose fat by eating fewer calories, people who fast lose more muscle than fat. FACT: In theory, it makes sense that if you set ambitious goals and do not reach them, you might give up. However, some people actually lose more weight when they set goals that make them push themselves.

FACT: While it is true that many people who lose a lot of weight in a short time gain it all back, this is not true for everyone. Some people with overweight are more successful when they lose weight quickly, for instance, going from to pounds to kilograms in less than a year. Obesity - diet myths and facts; Overweight - diet myths and fact; Weight-loss diet myths and facts.

Dawson RS. The truth about obesity, exercise, and nutrition. Pediatr Ann. PMID: pubmed. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Updated April Accessed June 18, Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A. A 4-calorie difference is not going to get you into that bikini by summer! On the other hand, some low-fat choices can significantly slash your calorie intake. Don't want to give up cheddar cheese?

One ounce of regular cheddar cheese has 6 fat grams and calories; the same-sized low-fat portion has 1. When the weight loss aim is to improve their health, consumers seem to eat a more balanced diet e.

MYTH 3: YOU HAVE TO STARVE YOURSELF TO LOSE WEIGHT. REALITY: Yes, you do have to limit your calories to shed pounds, but there's no need to starve.

You can cleverly choose foods that fill you up, not out - and keep you satisfied and stoked with energy all day long. What's your best bet for filling foods?

Fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Most Americans get only half of the recommended daily intake of 25 to 30 grams of dietary fiber, putting them at risk for obesity and a host of serious health problems. Fiber comes in two types, each with its own starring role to play in protecting health and promoting weight management.

Soluble fibers dissolve in water, and are associated with regulating blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol. Insoluble fibers or roughage can't dissolve in water, but can absorb water. This causes them to swell, making them good bulking agents that improve gastrointestinal functions and speed up elimination.

By eating sufficient amounts from both fiber types, you'll enjoy their full range of health benefits.

Soluble fibers: apples, citrus fruits, pears, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, squash, legumes, lentils, barley, oats, oat bran, oatmeal. Insoluble fibers: Cabbage, beets, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, whole wheat bread, wheat cereal, wheat bran, rye.

Here are a few ideas to help you incorporate more whole grains into your daily diet:. For a special touch, stir in toasted nuts or chopped dried fruit.

Heat and serve it later as a quick side dish. Decode the Food Label to Find Whole Grains. Bread can be brown because of molasses or other added ingredients. Read the ingredient list to see if it is a whole grain. MYTH 4: FAT MAKES YOU FAT. REALITY: Your body needs fat to function.

Fat provides you with energy, allows you to absorb key vitamins, and helps build cell walls and membranes throughout the body. Don't deprive yourself of health-giving, energy-producing fat. The trick is to consume the right kind of fat - and in the right amounts.

If you're like most Americans, you may be getting far too much of omega-6 fatty acids and not nearly enough of omega-3 fatty acids. It's easy to take in excess quantities of omega-6 fatty acids because the common vegetable oils in the American diet - such as corn, safflower and sunflowers oils - are packed with omega So are meat, milk and eggs.

Unfortunately, when you consume large quantities of omega-6, you not only gain weight, thanks to its high caloric content, you may also grow more susceptible to inflammation and thickening of the blood.

Omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand, are hard to come by. The reason you're probably not getting enough of these health-giving powerhouses is because many manufacturers remove them to keep products fresh. You can ramp up your consumption of omega-3 fatty acids by nibbling on soybeans, walnuts, flaxseed and alfalfa, and by adding cold water fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines to your menu.

Here's a handy guide for getting a healthy balance of fat in your daily diet: Keep total fat intake between 20 to 35 percent of calories, with most fats coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils. Sip green tea, lose weight?

The Chinese have long appreciated green tea for its remarkable ability to promote digestion, improve mental faculties, and regulate body temperature. Now an intriguing new study in Japan suggests that green tea may also have a helpful role to play in losing weight.

Over a week period, one group of men drank a bottle of tea containing mg of catechins from green tea every day, while the other group consumed tea containing only 22 mg of catechins.

The results showed that the men drinking the tea with higher catechins had lower Body Mass Index BMI , body weight and waist circumference compared to the other group. So the next time you pour a soothing cup of green tea, consider that each sip may be helping your body break down fat, along with all its other benefits.

MYTH 5: SKIP BREAKFAST TO SLASH YOUR DAILY CALORIE INTAKE. REALITY: While you may be tempted to miss your morning meal to save on calories, studies show that skipping breakfast can sabotage your diet efforts.

A recent study examined the role that breakfast intake plays on body mass index and studied the effect of different types of breakfasts. After adjustments for sex, age and race, the results showed that people who ate different types of cereal had a lower body mass index than those who ate meat and eggs or those who skipped breakfast.

And, for girls, here's a fascinating look at the strong link between a healthy weight and breakfast: a recent analysis of government data on breakfast eating in teenagers ages 12 to 16 showed that the thinnest girls are the most likely to eat breakfast.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the most overweight girls are the most likely to skip breakfast. Of course, not all cereals are created equal. You won't lose weight by heaping your bowl with sugary cereal, then drowning it in whole milk.

Choose a low-calorie, high fiber cereal and limit your portion size to about calories. Oatmeal is an excellent option for a satisfying, high-fiber jumpstart to your day.

And try skipping the fruit juice, and eating the fruit instead. By eating a healthy, filling breakfast, you'll stay more in control of your appetite and be less prone to overeating later in the day.

Breakfast bonus: Eating small meals more frequently may help lower your cholesterol. The key is to eat small, healthy meals every three or four hours.

Diet and fitness experts debunk 10 glaring weight loss myths that could be sabotaging your goals HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING LES MILLS SPRINT LES MILLS GRIT STRENGTH LES MILLS GRIT ATHLETIC LES MILLS GRIT CARDIO YOUTH Classes BORN TO MOVE YEARS BORN TO MOVE YEARS BORN TO MOVE YEARS BORN TO MOVE YEARS BORN TO MOVE YEARS. Conversely, try a high-intensity morning run followed by an after-work weight-training session. By the end of the year-long experiment, researchers found no difference in weight loss between the two groups. People who are losing weight to improve their appearance tend to skip meals more than those who are losing weight to improve their health. The lack of produce in American diets help explain the rise in diet-related illnesses, such as obesity and diabetes. MYTH 1: YOU HAVE TO GO ON A DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT.
Some Myths about Nutrition & Physical Activity

Plant-based protein has one clear advantage over animal-based protein. Only animal-based foods are associated with high intakes of saturated fats and cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Current evidence does not support that soy consumption is harmful to people. The exception may be people who are allergic to soy. Concerns have been raised about the relationship between soy and certain health issues.

High doses of plant estrogen in soy called isoflavones have been found to stimulate breast tumor cell growth in animal studies.

However, studies do not indicate a link between soy and breast cancer in humans. Studies also show consuming soy products, such as tofu, tempeh, edamame, miso and soy milk, may have a protective effect toward breast cancer risk and survival.

Soy products also contain nutrients that can help reduce the risk of heart disease, including high quality protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Soybeans are low in saturated fats compared to animal sources of protein. As a plant-based source of protein, soy foods can be part of a healthy vegetarian diet, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Parr adds. The term organic refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. In the United States, produce labeled certified organic must be grown without the use of synthetic pesticide, bioengineered genes, petroleum-based fertilizers and sewage sludge-based fertilizers.

While there is some evidence that organic produce has potential health benefits, there are no definitive conclusions that organic is better. When compared with conventionally farmed produce, organic produce has the same vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins, lipids and other nutrients, as well as the same number of calories.

Simply put, the health benefits of organic food are still unclear. If the decision to buy certain produce comes down to price, Dr. Parr says both organic and non-organic produce are nutritious and beneficial to your health. However, if your main reason for buying organic is to limit exposure to pesticides, the extra cost will be worth it.

For more information, check out the annual list of the 12 crops that feature the highest amounts of pesticide residue, termed the Dirty Dozen. The Clean Fifteen list refers to 15 crops that have the lowest levels of pesticide contamination, including avocados, sweet corn and pineapples.

Not all processed foods are created equal, says Dr. Whole foods blended in a food processor are still the same food. Some processed foods are good for you, such as nut butters, canned light tuna packed in water and plain flash-frozen fruits and vegetables.

Multigrain and whole grain are not the same. Whole grains consist of the unrefined grains whose components — the bran, germ and endosperm — are still intact along with all the fiber, vitamins and minerals produced by nature.

Whole grains are more nutritious, and consumption is associated with lower risk of several diseases. Multigrain foods are made with more than one grain — but none may be whole grains. Because brown bread is often associated with being healthier than white bread, loaves labeled as multigrain may be dyed to appear darker.

Most lack nutritional value after the refining process. Eggs — particularly the yolks — have gotten a bum rap over the years for being high in cholesterol.

Research has shown that the cholesterol from eggs does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol. Conventional wisdom today holds that moderate consumption of eggs is just fine. A study showed that high consumption of eggs could increase the risk of heart disease, however.

So, the debate continues. If you like eggs, Dr. Parr recommends eating them in moderation but to pay close attention to the amount of cholesterol in your diet, especially if you are already at risk for heart disease.

To maintain a healthy diet adults should keep their intake of added sugars to less than 10 percent of their total daily calories. Oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruit, carrots, and barley are all good sources of soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber promotes bowel health and regularity. Keen to pick up more tips for shaping an optimal diet? You can read more about how to design a healthy plan here. Jinger Gottschall, Ph. She earned her doctorate in Integrative Physiology with a focus on physical activity and nutrition.

She has led numerous studies into the effectiveness of various exercise regimes and works with Les Mills to test both the safety and intensity of LES MILLS programs, helping ensure exercisers get the best results from the time they spend training.

In addition to her research roles, Dr. Gottschall is also a Les Mills Instructor and fitness studio founder. Find a class Nothing close by? No Results We can't see any results for that search. Hint: try using the name of the nearest city. Les Mills Home Rest of the World Global Asia-Pacific China Israel Japan Middle East.

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Dieting myths revealed LifeSource Vitamins. This can be the Dieting myths revealed you finally Dieting myths revealed those myrhs pounds, achieve mgths strong, Dietinv Dieting myths revealed, and give your health a huge boost with a Recharge with Quick Processing to sensible eating. But in order to reach your healthy weight and keep it there, you'll have to sidestep a lot of diet minefields. So many nutritional myths and faddish ideas are out there, you could easily wind up sabotaging your weight loss efforts and compromising your health, without even knowing it. MYTH 1: YOU HAVE TO GO ON A DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT. REALITY: Most diets don't work.

Author: Yokree

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