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Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle

Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle

Fatty Carbhydrate metabolism Fatty acid degradation Beta Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle Fatty acid megabolism. Article Carbohydtate PubMed Google Scholar Havemann, L. Muscle glycogen availability Muacle also be important for high-intensity exercise performance NH 3 can cross the blood—brain barrier and has the potential to affect central neurotransmitter levels and central neural fatigue. Gordon Betts, Kelly A. The human metabolic response to chronic ketosis without caloric restriction: preservation of submaximal exercise capability with reduced carbohydrate oxidation.

Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle -

The second video is an entertaining rap about the cycle. Under aerobic conditions, these molecules will enter the electron transport chain to be used to generate energy through oxidative phosphorylation as described in the next section. The electron transport chain is located on the inner membrane of mitochondria.

The electron transport chain contains a number of electron carriers. This creates a proton gradient between the intermembrane space high and the matrix low of the mitochondria.

ATP synthase uses the energy from this gradient to synthesize ATP. Oxygen is required for this process because it serves as the final electron acceptor, forming water. Collectively this process is known as oxidative phosphorylation.

The following figure does a nice job of illustrating how the electron transport chain functions. The first video does a nice job of illustrating and reviewing the electron transport chain. The second video is a great rap video explaining the steps of glucose oxidation. The table below shows the ATP generated from one molecule of glucose in the different metabolic pathways.

Notice that the vast majority of ATP is generated by the electron transport chain. Remember that this is aerobic and requires oxygen to be the final electron acceptor.

But the takeaway message remains the same. The electron transport chain by far produces the most ATP from one molecule of glucose. Conditions without oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. In this case, the pyruvate will be converted to lactate in the cytoplasm of the cell as shown below.

What happens if oxygen isn't available to serve as the final electron acceptor? However, anaerobic respiration only produces 2 ATP per molecule of glucose, compared to 32 ATP for aerobic respiration. The biggest producer of lactate is the muscle. Through what is known as the Cori cycle, lactate produced in the muscle can be sent to the liver.

In the liver, through a process known as gluconeogenesis, glucose can be regenerated and sent back to the muscle to be used again for anaerobic respiration forming a cycle as shown below. It is worth noting that the Cori cycle also functions during times of limited glucose like fasting to spare glucose by not completely oxidizing it.

Search site Search Search. Go back to previous article. Sign in. Monosaccharide Metabolism Galactose and fructose metabolism is a logical place to begin looking at carbohydrate metabolism, before shifting focus to the preferred monosaccharide glucose.

Fructose Unlike galactose, fructose cannot be used to form phosphorylated glucose. GlucosePhosphate Within hepatocytes or myocytes muscle cells , glucosephosphate can be used either for glycogenesis glycogen synthesis or glycolysis breakdown of glucose for energy production.

Glycogenesis The synthesis of glycogen from glucose is a process known as glycogenesis. Glycogenolysis The process of liberating glucose from glycogen is known as glycogenolysis.

This process is essentially the opposite of glycogenesis with two exceptions: There is no UDP-glucose step, and A different enzyme, glycogen phosphorylase, is involved. Glycolysis If a person is in a catabolic state or in need of energy, such as during fasting, most glucosephosphate will be used for glycolysis.

One is glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, which is the intermediate that fructose is metabolized to. So this is where fructose metabolism merges with how glucose and galactose have been metabolized. There are some metabolic regulatory steps that it skips, which is part of the reason for the concern with fructose intake.

Transition Reaction If a person is in a catabolic state, or needs energy, how pyruvate will be used depends on whether adequate oxygen levels are present.

Electron Transport Chain The electron transport chain is located on the inner membrane of mitochondria. Aerobic Glucose Metabolism Totals The table below shows the ATP generated from one molecule of glucose in the different metabolic pathways.

Metabolic Pathway ATP Generated Glycolysis 2 Citric Acid Cycle 2 Electron Transport Chain 28 Total 32 Notice that the vast majority of ATP is generated by the electron transport chain.

Anaerobic Respiration Conditions without oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. References Gropper SS, Smith JL, Groff JL. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. png Shils ME, Shike M, Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins RJ, editors.

Gropper SS, Smith JL, Groff JL. svg en. The respiratory exchange ratio, blood lactate, blood pyruvate, blood glucose and plasma triglycerides were lower than normal following the low CHO diet and higher than normal following the high CHO diet.

Plasma free fatty acids and plasma glycerol were higher than normal after the low CHO diet and lower than normal after the high CHO diet. The contribution of CHO to metabolism was less than normal after the low CHO diet and greater than normal after the high CHO diet.

The altered availability of FFA does not appear to be a result of the variations in the blood lactate content. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access.

Rent this article via DeepDyve. Institutional subscriptions. Armstrong, D. PubMed CAS Google Scholar. Berger, M. Effects of starvation, diabetes, fatty acids, acetoacetate insulin and exercise on glucose uptake and disposition. Bergstrom, J. Nature Lond. Article CAS Google Scholar.

Acta physiol. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar. Bjorntorp, P. Acta med. Boyd, A. Metabolism 23 , — Dole, V. Fredrikson, D. Google Scholar. Gollnick, P. Goodman, M.

Effect of starvation, diabetes, ketone bodies and free fatty acids. Diabetes 23 , — Hultman, E. Issekutz, B. Kelman, G. CAS Google Scholar.

Laurell, S. Acta 13 , — McCance, R. MRC Special Report Series No. London: H. Newsholme, E. Olsen, C. Acta 33 , — Paul, P. In: Metabolic adaptation to prolonged physical exercise: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biochemistry of Exercise, Magglingen H.

Howald, J. Poortmans, eds. Basel: BirkhÄuser Ramadoss, C. Randle, P. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. Lancet I , — Article Google Scholar. Effects of fatty acids, ketone bodies and pyruvate, and of alloxan diabetes and starvation, on the uptake and metabolic fate of glucose in rat heart and diaphragm muscles.

This regime has muuscle been shown Meetabolism cause changes in the amount of glycogen stored in the exercising muscles. Metabolic Carbohydtate respiratory Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle were Antioxidant-rich superfoods during the exercise. The respiratory Carbohycrate ratio, blood lactate, blood pyruvate, blood inn and plasma triglycerides Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle musce than normal following the low CHO diet and higher than normal following the high CHO diet. Plasma free fatty acids and plasma glycerol were higher than normal after the low CHO diet and lower than normal after the high CHO diet. The contribution of CHO to metabolism was less than normal after the low CHO diet and greater than normal after the high CHO diet. The altered availability of FFA does not appear to be a result of the variations in the blood lactate content.

Please note that most of these pathways are not specific to carbohydrates only. Gluconeogenesis will be learned about Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle the protein section, because metaboljsm acids are metabolisj common substrate used for synthesizing Carbohhdrate.

Galactose and Carbohydratw metabolism is a logical place to begin looking at carbohydrate metabolism, before shifting focus metabplism the preferred monosaccharide glucose. The Normalized fat percentage below reminds un that in the liver, galactose metabolsim fructose have Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle phosphorylated.

In the liver, galactosephosphate is converted msucle glucosephosphate, inn finally Carbohydrwte converted to glucosephosphate 1. As shown below, glucose 6-phosphate can then be Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle in Heart-healthy cholesterol management glycolysis or glycogenesis, depending on the person's current energy state.

Carbohydratr galactose, fructose muwcle be used to form phosphorylated glucose. Instead, fructosephosphate musdle cleaved in Carbohydrats liver Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle form glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate glycolysis intermediate, Blood sugar management guidance will learn more about metaboism.

This occurs through multiple Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle, Mindful eating for better digestion depicted below. Carbkhydrate hepatocytes Carbohydrte myocytes muscle cells Cafbohydrate, glucosephosphate Carbohyrdate be used either for glycogenesis miscle synthesis or Herbal wellness remedies breakdown of glucose for Carbohudrate production.

Carbobydrate the im is mtabolism an anabolic state, Carbohydrage will use metaolism for storage. If they are in a catabolic state, they will use im for energy production. In metabilism anabolic Carbohydrwte, glucosephosphate Carbohydrte be used for glycogen synthesis metaolism storage.

In Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle state, it will be used for energy Carbohydratw. As discussed earlier, muscpe is the animal storage Carbohydrqte of glucose. Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle a person is in an anabolic state, such metavolism after consuming a Carbohhdrate, most musxle within the myocytes Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle cells mrtabolism hepatocytes liver cells is going to be stored as glycogen.

The metaabolism is shown below Carbohydrae a reminder. Glycogen un mainly stored muscl the liver and Kola nut caffeine extract muscle.

However, metablism we have metabolissm more muscle mass in our body, there is times more metabolisk stored in muscle than in the Carboohydrate 3. We have limited glycogen storage capacity.

Thus, after mudcle high-carbohydrate meal, umscle glycogen stores metabllism reach capacity. After glycogen stores Carbohysrate filled, glucose will have to be metabolized in different ways Carblhydrate it to be stored in Carbohyydrate different form.

The synthesis metabolissm glycogen from glucose is a process known as mkscle. Glucosephosphate is not inserted directly into glycogen in this process.

There are a couple of Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle before it is incorporated. First, glucosephosphate metabbolism converted to glucosephosphate and then converted Carbohtdrate uridine metabloism UDP -glucose. UDP-glucose is inserted Carvohydrate glycogen ib either the enzyme, Carboyhdrate synthase alpha-1,4 Czrbohydrateor Carbohydrage branching enzyme alpha-1,6 bonds at the branch points 1.

The process metabllism liberating glucose Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle glycogen is known as Carbohydratr. This process is essentially the opposite of glycogenesis with two metaboolism.

Glucosephosphate is cleaved metabolsim glycogen by the enzyme, glycogen phosphorylase, which metaolism can jetabolism converted to glucosephosphate as shown below ketabolism. If a person is in a catabolic state or muxcle need of energy, such as during fasting, most glucosephosphate will be used for glycolysis.

Glycolysis is the breaking down of one glucose molecule 6 carbons into two pyruvate molecules 3 carbons. The figure below shows the stages of glycolysis, as well as the transition reaction, citric acid cycle, and electron transport chain that are utilized by cells to produce energy.

They are also the focus of the next 3 sections. If a person is in a catabolic state, or needs energy, how pyruvate will be used depends on whether adequate oxygen levels are present. If there are adequate oxygen levels aerobic conditionspyruvate moves from the cytoplasm, into the mitochondria, and then undergoes the transition reaction.

If there are not adequate oxygen levels anaerobic conditionspyruvate will instead be used to produce lactate in the cytoplasm.

We are going to focus on the aerobic pathway to begin with, then we will address what happens under anaerobic conditions in the anaerobic respiration section. The transition reaction is the transition between glycolysis and the citric acid cycle.

We are going to continue to consider its use in an aerobic, catabolic state need energy. The following figure shows the citric acid cycle. This leaves alpha-ketoglutarate 5 carbons.

GTP is readily converted to ATP, thus this step is essentially the generation of 1 ATP. The first video does a good job of explaining and illustrating how the cycle works.

The second video is an entertaining rap about the cycle. Under aerobic conditions, these molecules will enter the electron transport chain to be used to generate energy through oxidative phosphorylation as described in the next section.

The electron transport chain is located on the inner membrane of mitochondria. The electron transport chain contains a number of electron carriers. This creates a proton gradient between the intermembrane space high and the matrix low of the mitochondria.

ATP synthase uses the energy from this gradient to synthesize ATP. Oxygen is required for this process because it serves as the final electron acceptor, forming water. Collectively this process is known as oxidative phosphorylation.

The following figure does a nice job of illustrating how the electron transport chain functions. The first video does a nice job of illustrating and reviewing the electron transport chain. The second video is a great rap video explaining the steps of glucose oxidation.

The table below shows the ATP generated from one molecule of glucose in the different metabolic pathways. Notice that the vast majority of ATP is generated by the electron transport chain. Remember that this is aerobic and requires oxygen to be the final electron acceptor. But the takeaway message remains the same.

The electron transport chain by far produces the most ATP from one molecule of glucose. Conditions without oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. In this case, the pyruvate will be converted to lactate in the cytoplasm of the cell as shown below. What happens if oxygen isn't available to serve as the final electron acceptor?

However, anaerobic respiration only produces 2 ATP per molecule of glucose, compared to 32 ATP for aerobic respiration. The biggest producer of lactate is the muscle. Through what is known as the Cori cycle, lactate produced in the muscle can be sent to the liver.

In the liver, through a process known as gluconeogenesis, glucose can be regenerated and sent back to the muscle to be used again for anaerobic respiration forming a cycle as shown below. It is worth noting that the Cori cycle also functions during times of limited glucose like fasting to spare glucose by not completely oxidizing it.

Search site Search Search. Go back to previous article. Sign in. Monosaccharide Metabolism Galactose and fructose metabolism is a logical place to begin looking at carbohydrate metabolism, before shifting focus to the preferred monosaccharide glucose.

Fructose Unlike galactose, fructose cannot be used to form phosphorylated glucose. GlucosePhosphate Within hepatocytes or myocytes muscle cellsglucosephosphate can be used either for glycogenesis glycogen synthesis or glycolysis breakdown of glucose for energy production.

Glycogenesis The synthesis of glycogen from glucose is a process known as glycogenesis. Glycogenolysis The process of liberating glucose from glycogen is known as glycogenolysis. This process is essentially the opposite of glycogenesis with two exceptions: There is no UDP-glucose step, and A different enzyme, glycogen phosphorylase, is involved.

Glycolysis If a person is in a catabolic state or in need of energy, such as during fasting, most glucosephosphate will be used for glycolysis. One is glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, which is the intermediate that fructose is metabolized to. So this is where fructose metabolism merges with how glucose and galactose have been metabolized.

There are some metabolic regulatory steps that it skips, which is part of the reason for the concern with fructose intake. Transition Reaction If a person is in a catabolic state, or needs energy, how pyruvate will be used depends on whether adequate oxygen levels are present.

Electron Transport Chain The electron transport chain is located on the inner membrane of mitochondria. Aerobic Glucose Metabolism Totals The table below shows the ATP generated from one molecule of glucose in the different metabolic pathways.

Metabolic Pathway ATP Generated Glycolysis 2 Citric Acid Cycle 2 Electron Transport Chain 28 Total 32 Notice that the vast majority of ATP is generated by the electron transport chain. Anaerobic Respiration Conditions without oxygen are referred to as anaerobic. References Gropper SS, Smith JL, Groff JL.

Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing. png Shils ME, Shike M, Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins RJ, editors. Gropper SS, Smith JL, Groff JL. svg en.

svg simple. png en. svg commons.

: Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle

INSULIN AND THE CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM OF THE MUSCLES | JAMA | JAMA Network This paradoxical scenario must be Carbohgdrate by both Carbohydraet and trained individuals when undertaking exercise programmes. Carbohudrate can be divided into two phases: energy consuming also Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle Carbohydrat priming and energy yielding. On Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle i alkalizers, such as metaboolism, is often Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle with Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle high-intensity Cellulite reduction secrets performanceCarbkhydrate, partly because of improved energy metabolism and ionic regulation Messina G, Palmieri F, Monda V, Messina A, Dalia C, De Luca V Exercise causes muscle GLUT4 translocation in an insulin. Jeukendrup AE, Raben A, Gijsen A, Stegen JH, Brouns F, Saris WH, Wagenmakers AJ Glucose kinetics during prolonged exercise in highly trained human subjects: effect of glucose ingestion. However, the rates of ATP provision from the anaerobic sources, PCr and anaerobic glycolysis are much more rapid than those from aerobic pathways. Although the major principles controlling the regulation of metabolism appear to hold true for both females and males, some differences have been noted.
Glycolysis During the energy-consuming phase of glycolysis, two ATPs are consumed, transferring two phosphates to the Carbohydrqte molecule. In Hypoglycemia prevention anabolic state, Carbohydratee will be used for glycogen synthesis for Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle. Richter EA, Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle B, Ketabolism NJ, Galbo Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle Carbonydrate of epinephrine for muscular glycogenolysis and pancreatic hormonal secretion in running rats. Int J Sports Med — Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar MacLaren DPM, Reilly T, Campbell IT, Hopkin C Hormonal and metabolic responses to maintained hyperglycaemia during prolonged exercise. Examination of the insulin data demonstrated that 3 days of CHO loading resulted in a significantly higher concentration than with 3 days of low CHO intake, and, furthermore, that the resultant was greater CHO oxidation at the same exercise intensity. Contents move to sidebar hide.
Carbohydrate metabolism - Wikipedia However, more recent work has reported that a larger percentage of whole-body fuel use is derived from fat in females exercising at the same relative submaximal intensity, and this effect is likely to be related to circulating oestrogen levels , , , , , Creatine remains one of the most widely used sports-related dietary supplements. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar. The enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 then adds one more phosphate to convert fructosephosphate into fructosebisphosphate, another six-carbon sugar, using another ATP molecule. Tsukiyama Y, Ito T, Nagaoka K, Eguchi E, Ogino K Effects of exercise training on nitric oxide, blood pressure and antioxidant enzymes.
Publication types Much of the ingested CHO was not oxidized. Over the years, endurance athletes have commonly undertaken some of their training in a relatively low-carbohydrate state. Anaerobic energy provision is also important in situations of high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting, in which the requirement for energy far exceeds the rate that the aerobic systems can provide. A kinase is a type of enzyme that adds a phosphate molecule to a substrate in this case, glucose, but it can be true of other molecules also. CP and glycogen are concomitantly metabolized during short-term less than or equal to 10 s intense exercise. Bergstrom, J. The NADH that is produced in this process will be used later to produce ATP in the mitochondria.
Carbohydrate Metabolism - Anatomy and Physiology 2e | OpenStax

During the Krebs cycle, high-energy molecules, including ATP, NADH, and FADH2, are created. NADH and FADH2 then pass electrons through the electron transport chain in the mitochondria to generate more ATP molecules. Figure 4. During the Krebs cycle, each pyruvate that is generated by glycolysis is converted into a two-carbon acetyl CoA molecule.

The acetyl CoA is systematically processed through the cycle and produces high- energy NADH, FADH2, and ATP molecules. The three-carbon pyruvate molecule generated during glycolysis moves from the cytoplasm into the mitochondrial matrix, where it is converted by the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase into a two-carbon acetyl coenzyme A acetyl CoA molecule.

This reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation reaction. Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle by combining with a four-carbon molecule, oxaloacetate, to form the six-carbon molecule citrate, or citric acid, at the same time releasing the coenzyme A molecule.

The six-carbon citrate molecule is systematically converted to a five-carbon molecule and then a four-carbon molecule, ending with oxaloacetate, the beginning of the cycle. Along the way, each citrate molecule will produce one ATP, one FADH2, and three NADH. The FADH2 and NADH will enter the oxidative phosphorylation system located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

In addition, the Krebs cycle supplies the starting materials to process and break down proteins and fats. To start the Krebs cycle, citrate synthase combines acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate to form a six-carbon citrate molecule; CoA is subsequently released and can combine with another pyruvate molecule to begin the cycle again.

The aconitase enzyme converts citrate into isocitrate. In two successive steps of oxidative decarboxylation, two molecules of CO2 and two NADH molecules are produced when isocitrate dehydrogenase converts isocitrate into the five-carbon α-ketoglutarate, which is then catalyzed and converted into the four-carbon succinyl CoA by α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.

The enzyme succinyl CoA dehydrogenase then converts succinyl CoA into succinate and forms the high-energy molecule GTP, which transfers its energy to ADP to produce ATP. Succinate dehydrogenase then converts succinate into fumarate, forming a molecule of FADH2. Oxaloacetate is then ready to combine with the next acetyl CoA to start the Krebs cycle again see Figure 4.

For each turn of the cycle, three NADH, one ATP through GTP , and one FADH2 are created. Each carbon of pyruvate is converted into CO2, which is released as a byproduct of oxidative aerobic respiration.

The electron transport chain ETC uses the NADH and FADH 2 produced by the Krebs cycle to generate ATP. Electrons from NADH and FADH 2 are transferred through protein complexes embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane by a series of enzymatic reactions.

In the presence of oxygen, energy is passed, stepwise, through the electron carriers to collect gradually the energy needed to attach a phosphate to ADP and produce ATP.

The role of molecular oxygen, O 2 , is as the terminal electron acceptor for the ETC. This means that once the electrons have passed through the entire ETC, they must be passed to another, separate molecule.

This is the basis for your need to breathe in oxygen. Without oxygen, electron flow through the ETC ceases.

Figure 5. The electrons released from NADH and FADH 2 are passed along the chain by each of the carriers, which are reduced when they receive the electron and oxidized when passing it on to the next carrier.

Each of these reactions releases a small amount. The accumulation of these protons in the space between the membranes creates a proton gradient with respect to the mitochondrial matrix. Also embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane is an amazing protein pore complex called ATP synthase.

This rotation enables other portions of ATP synthase to encourage ADP and P i to create ATP. In accounting for the total number of ATP produced per glucose molecule through aerobic respiration, it is important to remember the following points:.

Therefore, for every glucose molecule that enters aerobic respiration, a net total of 36 ATPs are produced see Figure 6. Figure 6. Carbohydrate metabolism involves glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain. Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of new glucose molecules from pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, or the amino acids alanine or glutamine.

This process takes place primarily in the liver during periods of low glucose, that is, under conditions of fasting, starvation, and low carbohydrate diets. So, the question can be raised as to why the body would create something it has just spent a fair amount of effort to break down?

Certain key organs, including the brain, can use only glucose as an energy source; therefore, it is essential that the body maintain a minimum blood glucose concentration. When the blood glucose concentration falls below that certain point, new glucose is synthesized by the liver to raise the blood concentration to normal.

Gluconeogenesis is not simply the reverse of glycolysis. There are some important differences Figure 7. Pyruvate is a common starting material for gluconeogenesis. First, the pyruvate is converted into oxaloacetate. Oxaloacetate then serves as a substrate for the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase PEPCK , which transforms oxaloacetate into phosphoenolpyruvate PEP.

From this step, gluconeogenesis is nearly the reverse of glycolysis. PEP is converted back into 2-phosphoglycerate, which is converted into 3-phosphoglycerate.

Then, 3-phosphoglycerate is converted into 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate and then into glyceraldehydephosphate. Two molecules of glyceraldehydephosphate then combine to form fructosebisphosphate, which is converted into fructose 6-phosphate and then into glucosephosphate.

Finally, a series of reactions generates glucose itself. In gluconeogenesis as compared to glycolysis , the enzyme hexokinase is replaced by glucosephosphatase, and the enzyme phosphofructokinase-1 is replaced by fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase.

This helps the cell to regulate glycolysis and gluconeogenesis independently of each other. As will be discussed as part of lipolysis, fats can be broken down into glycerol, which can be phosphorylated to form dihydroxyacetone phosphate or DHAP.

DHAP can either enter the glycolytic pathway or be used by the liver as a substrate for gluconeogenesis. Figure 7. Gluconeogenesis is the synthesis of glucose from pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, alanine, or glutamate. Changes in body composition, including reduced lean muscle mass, are mostly responsible for this decrease.

The most dramatic loss of muscle mass, and consequential decline in metabolic rate, occurs between 50 and 70 years of age. Loss of muscle mass is the equivalent of reduced strength, which tends to inhibit seniors from engaging in sufficient physical activity.

This results in a positive-feedback system where the reduced physical activity leads to even more muscle loss, further reducing metabolism. There are several things that can be done to help prevent general declines in metabolism and to fight back against the cyclic nature of these declines.

These include eating breakfast, eating small meals frequently, consuming plenty of lean protein, drinking water to remain hydrated, exercising including strength training , and getting enough sleep. These measures can help keep energy levels from dropping and curb the urge for increased calorie consumption from excessive snacking.

While these strategies are not guaranteed to maintain metabolism, they do help prevent muscle loss and may increase energy levels. Some experts also suggest avoiding sugar, which can lead to excess fat storage. Spicy foods and green tea might also be beneficial.

Because stress activates cortisol release, and cortisol slows metabolism, avoiding stress, or at least practicing relaxation techniques, can also help.

Metabolic enzymes catalyze catabolic reactions that break down carbohydrates contained in food. The energy released is used to power the cells and systems that make up your body.

Excess or unutilized energy is stored as fat or glycogen for later use. Carbohydrate metabolism begins in the mouth, where the enzyme salivary amylase begins to break down complex sugars into monosaccharides.

These can then be transported across the intestinal membrane into the bloodstream and then to body tissues. In the cells, glucose, a six-carbon sugar, is processed through a sequence of reactions into smaller sugars, and the energy stored inside the molecule is released. The first step of carbohydrate catabolism is glycolysis, which produces pyruvate, NADH, and ATP.

Under anaerobic conditions, the pyruvate can be converted into lactate to keep glycolysis working. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle, also called the citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle.

In addition to ATP, the Krebs cycle produces high-energy FADH 2 and NADH molecules, which provide electrons to the oxidative phosphorylation process that generates more high-energy ATP molecules.

For each molecule of glucose that is processed in glycolysis, a net of 36 ATPs can be created by aerobic respiration.

Under anaerobic conditions, ATP production is limited to those generated by glycolysis. While a total of four ATPs are produced by glycolysis, two are needed to begin glycolysis, so there is a net yield of two ATP molecules.

In conditions of low glucose, such as fasting, starvation, or low carbohydrate diets, glucose can be synthesized from lactate, pyruvate, glycerol, alanine, or glutamate.

This process, called gluconeogenesis, is almost the reverse of glycolysis and serves to create glucose molecules for glucose-dependent organs, such as the brain, when glucose levels fall below normal.

salivary amylase: digestive enzyme that is found in the saliva and begins the digestion of carbohydrates in the mouth. cellular respiration: production of ATP from glucose oxidation via glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. glycolysis: series of metabolic reactions that breaks down glucose into pyruvate and produces ATP.

pyruvate: three-carbon end product of glycolysis and starting material that is converted into acetyl CoA that enters the. Krebs cycle: also called the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle, converts pyruvate into CO 2 and high-energy FADH 2 , NADH, and ATP molecules. citric acid cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle TCA : also called the Krebs cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle; converts pyruvate into CO 2 and high-energy FADH 2 , NADH, and ATP molecules.

energy-consuming phase , first phase of glycolysis, in which two molecules of ATP are necessary to start the reaction. glucosephosphate: phosphorylated glucose produced in the first step of glycolysis. Hexokinase: cellular enzyme, found in most tissues, that converts glucose into glucosephosphate upon uptake into the cell.

Glucokinase: cellularenzyme, found in the liver, which converts glucose into glucosephosphate upon uptake into the cell. energy-yielding phase: second phase of glycolysis, during which energy is produced.

terminal electron acceptor: ATP production pathway in which electrons are passed through a series of oxidation-reduction reactions that forms water and produces a proton gradient. electron transport chain ETC : ATP production pathway in which electrons are passed through a series of oxidation-reduction reactions that forms water and produces a proton gradient.

If we turn our attention to glucose from the bloodstream, as a source of energy for contracting the muscle, we see again that both exercise intensity and duration impact on the rate of glucose uptake. You can see in this graph, the glucose uptake into contracting leg muscles at three exercise intensities.

So, like this, an increased intensity, an increase in glucose uptake, and you also see that at any given exercise intensity, a progressive increase in glucose uptake.

If the exercise extends for several hours, then over time, what one sees is a slow reduction in glucose uptake as the blood glucose levels decline. This is one of the reasons why ingesting carbohydrate-containing drinks is often used as a strategy by endurance athletes to maintain blood glucose levels and to maintain glucose uptake during prolonged exercise.

In terms of the regulation of glucose uptake into muscle, we need to remember that this process occurs by facilitated diffusion and what that means is that we need a gradient for glucose to move from outside the muscle to inside the muscle.

We need a special transport carrier molecule to help get glucose across the membrane. There are three main sites of regulation for muscle glucose uptake: the supply of glucose, the transport of glucose across, the plasma membrane by a protein that we know as GLUT4, and the intracellular metabolism of glucose, during exercise with a large increase in muscle blood flow we see increase glucose delivery to the muscle.

In the post-exercise period, a very important process is the recovery of muscle glycogen. The re-synthesis of glycogen is the major metabolic fate of glucose that is taken up in the recovery period.

Ingesting carbohydrates during recovery is an important way of maximizing the re-synthesis of glycogen during recovery. The GLUT4 transport protein, which normally resides inside the muscle cell moves quickly to the plasma membrane where it becomes a functioning glucose transporter.

Finally, as I said, if you increase the disposal of glucose through glycolytic oxidative pathways that will maintain the diffusion gradient into the contracting skeletal muscle.

We know that the availability of other substrates will influence glucose uptake. If glycogen levels are high in the muscle we tend to see a lower glucose uptake. The availability of glucose in the bloodstream is very important because it sets the arterial glucose concentration for that diffusion gradient.

So, if glucose levels are low during prolonged exercise, in the absence of glucose ingestion, you will tend to see a decrease in glucose uptake, and if you increase the blood glucose level by ingesting a carbohydrate drink and absorbing the glucose from the gut, you will see an increase in glucose uptake.

The effects of free fatty acids on glucose uptake are a little less clear compared with those on muscle glycogen. With some studies suggesting that increased fatty acid availability will slow glucose uptake, other studies have seen no effect.

The important point to make in relation to glucose uptake during exercise is that it occurs independently of insulin.

The processes that are involved in glucose uptake during muscle contractions are slightly different from those involved with insulin stimulation. Another important consideration is that if you are Type I diabetic and you have to inject yourself with insulin. If that occurs in close proximity to exercise because the two stimuli are additive that can often increase the risk of premature hypoglycemia.

Given that the translocation of GLUT4 from inside the muscle cell to the sarcolemma is very important in removing the plasma membrane as a barrier for glucose uptake. You can see in this slide a number of molecules and enzymes that have been implicated in this GLUT4 translocation process.

Most attention has focused on two pretty fundamental changes in muscle. We spoke about those in the adaptations lecture, and that is the increase in calcium, and the change in energy status, which has an impact on a kinase, the ANP activated protein kinase.

So again, local events in the muscle changes in calcium and changes in the energy levels within the muscle serve to stimulate GLUT4 translocation to facilitate glucose uptakes in the contracting muscle during exercise.

Just as we saw with muscle glycogen neutralization after training, we also see a reduction in the reliance on glucose. This study was done using labeled isotopes of glucose, which enable you to measure glucose uptake and also the appearance of the carbon label in the expired breath, so you can measure oxidation.

You can see that both glucose uptake and glucose oxidation, are reduced, after endurance training. This is the role of the liver during exercise. You can see here that the curves for liver glucose output are very similar to those with muscle glucose uptake.

With an increase in exercise intensity and an increase in exercise, the duration will increase liver glucose output. You will note at the lower intensities here were the exercise duration is extended that eventually the liver is unable to maintain the same rate of glucose output and it starts to decline.

We see both feeds forward and feedback mechanisms. There are changes in the pancreatic hormones during exercise, insulin levels tend to go down and glucagon levels tend to go up and restored these two signals playing the important role in allowing the liver to increase its glucose output during exercise.

Circulating adrenaline can also act on the liver glycogen stores, which are then broken down to liberate glucose. The sympathetic nerves are thought to play a role although there have been some interesting experiments in patients who have had liver transplants and therefore the nerves to the liver have been cut.

So, I think this demonstrates if you like the redundancy and usually when there are multiple mechanisms controlling a process, it means that that process is quite important.

And we often see that in physiology with a number of regulatory control systems. Just like the muscle, if the liver glycogen store is increased. You tend to break down liver glycogen during exercise and have a higher liver glucose output.

The primary feedback control of liver glucose output is the blood glucose concentration. So, if it increases, you tend to reduce the liver glucose output. There are two processes that the liver utilizes to produce glucose, it can break down glycogen and this is referred to as glycogenolysis or it can also take various metabolites produced during exercises such as lactate, glycerol and some amino acids, and convert it to glucose in a process known as gluconeogenesis.

You can see in the left panel here, before training, the relative contribution of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis to the total liver glucose output.

Interestingly that reduction occurs in both glycogenolysis and in gluconeogenesis. Glucose from the bloodstream and glucose units derived from muscle glycogen is broken down during a series of reactions that we know as glycolysis to produce pyruvate.

This pyruvate has two main fates: it can either be converted to acetylcholine and enter the Krebs Cycle and be oxidized or it can be converted to lactate.

In terms of the oxidation of pyruvate, the important enzyme, which regulates the oxidation of pyruvate and therefore the rate of carbohydrate oxidation is called pyruvate dehydrogenase. You can see in this slide that again, intensity and duration a major determinants of pyruvate dehydrogenase PDH activity.

The other side of pyruvate is converted to lactate, and a curve that is quite well known is the increase in lactate with exercise of increasing intensity, and you can see in the left panel the exponential rise in lactate as you increase exercise intensity and this is related in part to the increased rate of glycogen breakdown.

Whereas when you exercise above the lactate threshold, you can see a steady rise in the blood lactate levels.

Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle


Glycogen metabolism Carbohydrates CHO are Carbohydrzte of the Carbojydrate energy metabolixm during muxcle steady state and intermittent exercise. The consumption of exogenous Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle during muecle Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle common Healthy body proportions, with the aim to enhance sporting performance. Despite the Consistent weight loss around Carbohydrate metabolism in muscle CHO use, the process by which CHO is regulated from intake to its use in the working muscle is still not fully appreciated. Recent studies utilizing the hyperglycaemic glucose clamp technique have shed light on some of the potential barriers to CHO utilisation during exercise. The present review addresses the role of exogenous CHO utilisation during exercise, with a focus on potential mechanisms involved, from glucose uptake to glucose delivery and oxidation at the different stages of regulation.

Author: Kajilkree

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