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Abdominal fat distribution

Abdominal fat distribution

Graphic by Michael Vincent. Grauer, W. Cutting-edge Fat Burner bar distributipn. Whether mechanisms that increase WHR via lower gluteofemoral hip or via higher abdominal waist fat distribution affect cardiometabolic risk is unknown. Warwick, R.

Abdominal fat distribution -

How these intestinal lipoproteins may contribute to the sex differences in the regional body fat distribution will be discussed below. Accumulation of fat is the result of a higher calorie intake relative to the energy expenditure. From the adipocyte perspective, this corresponds to more uptake of nutrients than the breakdown of fat by adipocytes.

The fat catabolism of adipocytes, also known as lipolysis, is mediated partly by epinephrine. Upon binding of epinephrine to β adrenergic receptors, lipolysis is stimulated. On the contrary, the binding of epinephrine to α2A adrenergic receptors results in the inhibition of lipolysis Richelsen, In essence, β receptors are lipolytic and α2A receptors are anti-lipolytic.

Studies have shown that estrogen reduces the lipolysis in the gluteal subcutaneous adipocytes Gavin et al. The reduced lipolysis in the gluteal subcutaneous adipocytes in women is likely due to estrogen receptor α-mediated increase in α2A receptors.

The estrogen-stimulated increase of these anti-lipolytic receptors in the subcutaneous adipocytes, but not in the abdominal visceral adipocytes, may contribute to the more pronounced lipolysis in the abdominal visceral adipocytes relative to the subcutaneous adipocytes in women Pedersen et al.

The net fat accumulation in a particular fat depot, however, depends not only on its adipocyte lipolysis but also on the nutrient uptake of its adipocytes as well as its total number of adipocytes.

Since estrogen is capable of stimulating human pre-adipocyte proliferation Anderson et al. In fact, studies comparing the lipolysis and nutrient uptake of various fat depots indicate that women have more lipolysis than men in the lower body fat depot, whereas men have more lipolysis than women in the abdominal visceral fat depot Santosa and Jensen, The studies suggest that relative to lipolysis, fat uptake contributes more significantly to sex differences in body fat distribution.

In other words, women accumulate more fat in the subcutaneous depot primarily because that depot takes up more fat in women than men. Likewise, men accumulate more fat in the abdominal visceral depot because their fat depot takes up more fat than women.

Some factors contributing to the tendency of non-obese women to accumulate subcutaneous fat include their high LPL activities in subcutaneous fat depots Arner et al.

LPL activities are critical for body fat accumulation Serra et al. A recent study shows that testosterone is capable of suppressing the LPL activity and fat storage in the femoral region Santosa et al.

Another factor that promotes subcutaneous fat accumulation in non-obese women is their high hepatic-derived lipoprotein catabolic rate, which partly explains why they have lower plasma concentrations of apolipoprotein B Watts et al.

In addition to their high catabolic rate, women are also capable of secreting triglyceride-rich VLDLs when their liver is challenged with more fat Hodson et al.

Consequently, women are more effective than men in redirecting fat storage from liver to subcutaneous fat Palmisano et al. It can be concluded that women accumulate more fat in the subcutaneous depot because they have higher subcutaneous fat LPL activities and higher catabolic rate of hepatic-derived lipoproteins.

The factors that allow men to accumulate more fat in the abdominal visceral depot will be discussed below. The fat that is taken up by the adipocytes is primarily from lipoproteins, lipid particles with triglycerides in their core.

The fact that men and women have different intestinal lipoproteins can potentially determine which body fat depot the dietary fat will be deposited to. The organ that arguably secretes the most amount of fat is the small intestine, particularly during the postprandial state.

Recall that the small intestine is surrounded by the abdominal visceral fat. Therefore, it is not surprising that the abdominal visceral fat can take up quite a significant amount of dietary fat from the intestinal lipoproteins.

These studies further support the notion that sex difference in regional body fat distribution is primarily determined by fat uptake rather than lipolysis. Dietary fat is digested and absorbed by the small intestine.

Unlike VLDLs that can be produced during the preprandial states, the production of chylomicrons is primarily driven by dietary fat intake Nauli et al.

Importantly, when the small intestine is challenged with a higher amount of fat, it will produce bigger chylomicrons Lo et al. These bigger chylomicrons tend to accumulate in the intestinal mucosa, as reflected by the higher recovery of the intraduodenally infused lipids in the intestinal mucosa, lower recovery in the lymph, and minimal recovery in the lumen at the end of the 6-h study.

Since men generally consume a higher amount of dietary fat due to their higher energy intake Wright and Wang, , they are expected to produce bigger and more chylomicrons than women. Studies comparing the postprandial chylomicrons in the plasma, in fact, indicate that chylomicrons transport significantly more dietary fat in men than in women Knuth and Horowitz, The elevated plasma level of postprandial chylomicrons is also more prolonged in men than in women, suggesting further that it takes more time for men to transport bigger chylomicrons to the general circulation.

Since the male participants were provided with more dietary fat in the studies, it remains to be determined if the reported effects were primarily due to their higher intake of fat. However, considering that men do normally have a higher dietary fat intake than women Wright and Wang, , these studies are still highly relevant physiologically.

Of note, all of the female participants in the studies were in their follicular phase. Since the serum level of estrogen is significantly higher than progesterone in the mid-to-late follicular phase, the estrogen effect on the size of chylomicrons warrants more investigation.

Studies utilizing rodents indicate that even with a comparable amount of fat entering the lumen of the digestive tract, the chylomicrons produced by males transport more dietary fat than those produced by females; and the VLDLs produced by females transport more dietary fat than those produced by male Vahouny et al.

From the animal to human studies discussed above, we can conclude that men transport more dietary fat through chylomicrons most likely because these chylomicrons are bigger and more than those of women.

There are several similarities and differences between chylomicrons and intestinal VLDLs. Regarding their similarities, both are apolipoprotein Bcontaining lipoproteins.

They are also secreted to the capillary-rich lamina propria by the enterocytes see Figure 1. However, their transport routes are quite different, which may determine the fat depot they will preferentially supply their dietary fat to. Chylomicrons preferentially promote the accumulation of the abdominal visceral fat.

High-fat meal, which triggers more chylomicron production, decreased the proportions of meal fat stored in the subcutaneous fat of both men and women Votruba and Jensen, The unaccounted for meal fat in that study was likely stored in the abdominal visceral fat. It is important to note that the unaccounted for meal fat was found previously to be correlated with the amount of abdominal visceral fat Romanski et al.

Since the lymphatic capillaries of the intestine allow bigger particles to enter their lumen relative to the blood capillaries, the lymphatic system is the predominant transport route for most of the chylomicrons. In addition to the transport by the lymphatics, VLDLs are capable of entering the lumen of the blood capillaries Takahara et al.

Particles as large as 30 nm in diameter have been shown to pass through the walls of the abdominal visceral blood capillaries Simionescu et al. Due to the fact that chylomicrons transport more dietary fat in males than in females, it is not surprising that males also have a higher lymphatic transport of dietary triglycerides than females Vahouny et al.

Relative to the blood circulation, the lymphatic circulation is a low-pressure system that depends on the contraction of the surrounding muscles, such as the diaphragm and other abdominal muscles, to propel the lymph fluid.

Consequently, the movement of the chylomicrons within the lamina propria and low-pressure lymphatics becomes a challenge during the postprandial state.

This, again, is supported by the prolonged elevation of plasma chylomicrons in men Knuth and Horowitz, as well as the higher recovery of the infused lipids in the intestinal mucosa when the intestine is challenged with more fat Lo et al.

Abdominal visceral fat accumulation has also been shown to correlate significantly with the delayed in postprandial lipid metabolism Taira et al. Electron microscopy studies also show that during the postprandial state the lipoproteins in the lamina propria are bigger than those in the lymphatic lumen, further supporting the notion that chylomicrons do not enter the lymphatic lumen as readily as their smaller counterparts VLDLs Takahara et al.

Importantly, unlike the lumen of the blood capillaries, the lamina propria and the lymphatic lumen are visibly congested with chylomicrons. The retention of chylomicrons in the lamina propria may predispose their triglycerides to the LPL hydrolysis.

Although it has been reported that mesenteric fat expresses LPLs Shimomura et al. As mentioned above, the LPL activities in the subcutaneous fat depots are generally higher in women, particularly in the lower part of the body Arner et al.

LPLs can be tethered in the extracellular matrix by the HSPGs Young et al. Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that relative to VLDLs, chylomicron triglycerides are more likely to be hydrolyzed by LPLs due to their higher retention in the lamina propria.

In this regard, HSPGs may not simply serve as LPL reservoir for GPIHBP1 tethering on the capillary endothelia but may directly facilitate the LPL hydrolysis of the chylomicron triglycerides. Alternatively, the LPLs that are present in the lymph Huang et al.

Angptl4, which is secreted by adipocytes and liver during fasting Cushing et al. As the Angptl4 expression is reduced during postprandial state, the chylomicron triglycerides can then be potentially hydrolyzed by the disinhibited LPLs in the lymph. Interestingly, the LPL expression in the mesenteric fat can be reduced by exercise Shimomura et al.

This suggests that exercise does not simply increase the energy expenditure but may also inhibit the dietary fat uptake by the abdominal visceral fat. Additionally, exercise may help reduce the retention of the chylomicrons in the intestinal mucosa Havas et al.

Contraction of the surrounding muscles during exercise should help propel the congested chylomicrons into the lymph and reduce further the susceptibility of their triglycerides to LPL hydrolysis. The liberated fatty acids that are the products of the LPL hydrolysis will then be delivered to the mesenteries either through the veins or lymphatics within the mesenteries see Figure 1.

Note that these veins and lymphatics are the convergences of the blood and lymphatic capillaries of the lamina propria, respectively.

Since these veins and lymphatics are surrounded by the abdominal visceral adipocytes, the liberated fatty acids supply the abdominal visceral adipocytes prior to the subcutaneous adipocytes. Consequently, the LPL hydrolysis of the chylomicron triglycerides in the lamina propria should preferentially lead to the accumulation of abdominal visceral fat instead of subcutaneous fat.

The transport of the liberated fatty acids by the veins within the mesenteries is supported by the fact that the unesterified fatty acid concentration is elevated in the portal vein after a bolus feeding of triglycerides Kristensen et al.

Of note, the hepatic portal vein receives blood from the mesenteries before draining them into the systemic blood circulation. The idea that chylomicron retention in the extracellular matrix of the intestine can lead to the abdominal visceral fat accumulation is supported by the Prox1 haploinsufficiency studies Harvey et al.

The studies show that Prox1 ± mice, which have very leaky visceral lymphatics, accumulate a significant amount of abdominal visceral fat such that they develop obesity in their adulthood.

The leaky intestinal lymphatics conceivably allow more chylomicrons to leave the lymphatic lumen and be retained in the extracellular matrix. Their enormous size may further prolong their retention, allowing their dietary fat to be hydrolyzed and stored by the surrounding abdominal visceral adipocytes.

A recent study indicates that repairing the leaky lymphatics in Prox1 ± mice prevents them from becoming obese, further confirming that the leaky lymphatics are responsible for their obesity phenotype Escobedo et al. The study also suggests that the free fatty acids that are presumably liberated from the hydrolysis of chylomicron triglycerides may serve as the inducer of adipogenesis.

Lymphatic leakiness, which can be reduced by exercise Hespe et al. The leakiness of the aging lymphatics may explain why the sex differences in the abdominal visceral fat accumulation become less pronounced with aging Camhi et al.

It is becoming more apparent now that the roles of lymphatics in the development of android obesity cannot be disregarded. Figure 3 summarizes our proposed mechanisms of why men are more likely to develop abdominal visceral fat than pre-menopausal women.

Note that the aging and exercise effects are not depicted in the figure. Figure 3. The proposed mechanisms for the sex differences in the development of the abdominal visceral fat. The size of lipoproteins is proposed to serve as an important factor in regulating the abdominal visceral adiposity.

Due to the higher intake of dietary triglycerides and the potential hormonal regulation, men produce bigger and more chylomicrons. These chylomicrons trigger congestion within the lamina propria and lymphatics, subjecting their triglycerides to LPL hydrolysis.

The subsequent uptake of the hydrolysis products by the surrounding adipocytes results in the accumulation of the abdominal visceral fat. Of all of the factors contributing to the accumulation of abdominal visceral fat, lifestyle is arguably the most important.

Based on our proposed mechanisms, spreading out the amount of dietary fat intake into several smaller meals should reduce the likelihood of abdominal visceral fat accumulation by reducing both the size and number of chylomicrons.

Reducing the lipid load to the small intestine is also beneficial to the functions of the collecting lymphatics as high lipid load reduces their contraction frequency and amplitude Kassis et al. By maintaining the lymphatic contraction, smaller meals may reduce the retention time of the chylomicrons in the lamina propria.

This would consequently reduce the likelihood of abdominal visceral fat accumulation. In overweight minority youth studies, the higher calorie-consuming nibblers, indeed, accumulate less abdominal visceral fat than the lower calorie-consuming gobblers House et al.

The studies also take gender into account, that is, males are more likely to gobble and accumulate abdominal visceral fat than females. Another important aspect of lifestyle is exercise.

Besides increasing the energy expenditure, exercise may slow down the accumulation of abdominal visceral fat by increasing the flow of the chylomicrons within the lamina propria and lymphatics as well as reducing both the LPL expression in the mesenteric fat and the leakiness of the lymphatics.

There are other potential factors that may contribute to the development of abdominal visceral fat. But considering that it is a strong independent predictor of mortality, understanding the mechanisms of its development is critical.

Based on our proposed mechanisms, exercising and eating a diet low in fat—or at least spreading the fat intake into several smaller meals—should help in slowing down the development of abdominal visceral fat.

The data supporting the conclusions of this article are from previously published articles. Please refer to the reference section of this article. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

The authors would like to thank Ann Phan for her contribution in editing the manuscript. The authors would also like to apologize to all researchers whose work is not cited in this manuscript.

Angptl4, angiopoietin-like 4; BMI, body mass index; GPIHBP1, glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored high density lipoprotein-binding protein 1; HSPGs, heparin sulfate proteoglycans; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; VLDL, very low density lipoprotein.

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Hespe, G. Exercise training improves obesity-related lymphatic dysfunction. Hodson, L. Menopausal status and abdominal obesity are significant determinants of hepatic lipid metabolism in women. Heart Assoc. House, B. Meal skipping linked to increased visceral adipose tissue and triglycerides in overweight minority youth.

Obesity 22, E77—E Huang, J. Lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triacylglycerol lipase activities in peripheral and skeletal muscle lymph. Arteriosclerosis 10, — Hung, C.

Measurement of visceral fat: should we include retroperitoneal fat? PLoS One 9:e Karastergiou, K. Sex differences in human adipose tissues - the biology of pear shape. Sex Differ. Kassis, T.

Postprandial lymphatic pump function after a high-fat meal: a characterization of contractility, flow, and viscosity. Liver Physiol. Knuth, N. The elevation of ingested lipids within plasma chylomicrons is prolonged in men compared with women.

Koster, A. Fat distribution and mortality: the AGES-Reykjavik Study. Obesity 23, — Kristensen, J. Diacylglycerol oil does not affect portal vein transport of nonesterified fatty acids but decreases the postprandial plasma lipid response in catheterized pigs. Kuk, J. Visceral fat is an independent predictor of all-cause mortality in men.

Obesity 14, — Lichtenstein, L. Angptl4 protects against severe proinflammatory effects of saturated fat by inhibiting fatty acid uptake into mesenteric lymph node macrophages. Cell Metab. Lo, C. Why does the gut choose apolipoprotein B48 but not B for chylomicron formation?

Mansbach, C. II, and Dowell, R. Portal transport of long acyl chain lipids: effect of phosphatidylcholine and low infusion rates. II, Dowell, R.

Portal transport of absorbed lipids in rats. Marin, P. Assimilation of triglycerides in subcutaneous and intraabdominal adipose tissues in vivo in men: effects of testosterone.

Matsuzawa, Y. Pathophysiology and pathogenesis of visceral fat obesity. Matthan, N. Extra pounds tend to park themselves around the midsection. At one time, we might have accepted these changes as an inevitable fact of aging.

But we've now been put on notice that as our waistlines grow, so do our health risks. Abdominal, or visceral, fat is of particular concern because it's a key player in a variety of health problems — much more so than subcutaneous fat, the kind you can grasp with your hand. Visceral fat, on the other hand, lies out of reach, deep within the abdominal cavity, where it pads the spaces between our abdominal organs.

Visceral fat has been linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In women, it is also associated with breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery.

Fat accumulated in the lower body the pear shape is subcutaneous, while fat in the abdominal area the apple shape is largely visceral.

Where fat ends up is influenced by several factors, including heredity and hormones. As the evidence against abdominal fat mounts, researchers and clinicians are trying to measure it, correlate it with health risks, and monitor changes that occur with age and overall weight gain or loss.

The fat you can pinch is subcutaneous fat. The fat inside your belly the visceral fat can be seen and measured, but not pinched. How do you lose belly fat? No surprise: exercise and diet. Staying physically active throughout the day as well as scheduling time for structured exercise may be even more important than diet.

Research suggests that fat cells — particularly abdominal fat cells — are biologically active. It's appropriate to think of fat as an endocrine organ or gland, producing hormones and other substances that can profoundly affect our health.

Although scientists are still deciphering the roles of individual hormones, it's becoming clear that excess body fat, especially abdominal fat, disrupts the normal balance and functioning of these hormones.

Scientists are also learning that visceral fat pumps out immune system chemicals called cytokines — for example, tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 — that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. These and other biochemicals are thought to have deleterious effects on cells' sensitivity to insulin, blood pressure, and blood clotting.

One reason excess visceral fat is so harmful could be its location near the portal vein, which carries blood from the intestinal area to the liver. Substances released by visceral fat, including free fatty acids, enter the portal vein and travel to the liver, where they can influence the production of blood lipids.

Visceral fat is directly linked with higher total cholesterol and LDL bad cholesterol, lower HDL good cholesterol, and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance means that your body's muscle and liver cells don't respond adequately to normal levels of insulin, the pancreatic hormone that carries glucose into the body's cells.

Glucose levels in the blood rise, heightening the risk for diabetes. Now for the good news. So what can we do about tubby tummies? A lot, it turns out. The starting point for bringing weight under control, in general, and combating abdominal fat, in particular, is regular moderate-intensity physical activity — at least 30 minutes per day and perhaps up to 60 minutes per day to control weight and lose belly fat.

Strength training exercising with weights may also help fight abdominal fat. Spot exercising, such as doing sit-ups, can tighten abdominal muscles, but it won't get at visceral fat. Diet is also important. Pay attention to portion size, and emphasize complex carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and lean protein over simple carbohydrates such as white bread, refined-grain pasta, and sugary drinks.

Replacing saturated fats and trans fats with polyunsaturated fats can also help. Scientists hope to develop drug treatments that target abdominal fat. For now, experts stress that lifestyle, especially exercise, is the very best way to fight visceral fat. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content.

Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

A, Associations with compartmental fat mass for the —genetic distibution polygenic score for higher Distgibution are shown. Associations are reported in clinical or Cutting-edge Fat Burner eistribution of Abdominal fat distribution outcome per 1-SD increase in body mass index BMI Abxominal WHR faat to 0. Respiratory health and exercise-induced asthma, Abdominal fat distribution with Plant-based energy formula fat Abdomnal for the waist- or hip-specific polygenic scores for higher WHR are shown. Associations are reported in clinical or standardized units of continuous outcome per 1-SD increase in BMI-adjusted WHR corresponding to 0. A, Associations with cardiometabolic risk factors for the waist- or hip-specific polygenic scores for higher WHR are shown. Data on blood pressure were from the UK Biobank 15 ; data on low-density lipoprotein LDL-C and triglyceride levels were from the Global Lipids Genetics Consortium 22 ; and data on fasting insulin and fasting glucose were from the Meta-analyses of Glucose and Insulin-Related Traits Consortium. A diet that Top fat burners an avocado a day reduced Abdominal fat distribution belly Cutting-edge Fat Burner in women in a distrihution controlled study of adults with overweight and distributjon. CHAMPAIGN, Fah. One hundred and five adults with overweight and obesity participated in a fistribution controlled trial that provided one meal a day for 12 weeks. Women who consumed avocado as part of their daily meal had a reduction in deeper visceral abdominal fat. Led by Naiman Khanan Illinois professor of kinesiology and community healththe researchers published their study, funded by the Hass Avocado Board, in the Journal of Nutrition. Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed. Individuals with a higher proportion of that deeper visceral fat tend to be at a higher risk of developing diabetes. Abdominal fat distribution

Abdominal fat distribution -

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Cole T. A new index of child weight-for-height based on weight and height Z scores. Ann Hum Biol ; 21 Download references. The Generation R Study is conducted by the Erasmus Medical Center in close collaboration with the School of Law and Faculty of Social Sciences of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Municipal Health Service Rotterdam area, Rotterdam, the Rotterdam Homecare Foundation, Rotterdam and the Stichting Trombosedienst and Artsenlaboratorium Rijnmond, Rotterdam.

We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of participating mothers, general practitioners, hospitals, midwives and pharmacies in Rotterdam.

The Generation R Study Group, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Olta Gishti, Romy Gaillard, Busra Durmus, Layla L. Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Olta Gishti, Romy Gaillard, Layla L.

Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Olta Gishti, Romy Gaillard, Albert Hofman, Oscar H. Franco, Layla L. Nutricia Research, Danone Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Vincent W. Reprints and permissions. Gishti, O. et al. BMI, total and abdominal fat distribution, and cardiovascular risk factors in school-age children.

Pediatr Res 77 , — Download citation. Received : 15 July Accepted : 04 November Published : 09 February Issue Date : May Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

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Subjects Paediatric research. Abstract Background: More specific total body and abdominal fat mass measures might be stronger associated with cardiovascular risk factors in childhood, than BMI. Methods: We performed a population-based cohort study among 6, children. Conclusion: Our results suggest that general and abdominal fat measures are associated with cardiovascular risk factors in childhood, independent from BMI.

Body composition, physical fitness and cardiovascular risk factors in 9-year-old children Article Open access 17 February BMI metrics and their association with adiposity, cardiometabolic risk factors, and biomarkers in children and adolescents Article 30 October Body composition and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in global multi-ethnic populations Article Open access 17 July Main Childhood obesity is a major public health problem 1.

Results Subject Characteristics Table 1 presents children characteristics. This shape is more commonly found in males and post- menopausal females. In terms of disease risk, this implies males and post- menopausal females are at greater risk of developing health issues associated with excessive visceral fat.

Individuals who experience chronic stress tend to store fat in the abdominal region. A pear-shaped body fat distribution pattern, or gynoid shape , is more commonly found in pre-menopausal females. Gynoid shape is characterized by fat storage in the lower body such as the hips and buttocks.

Besides looking in the mirror to determine body shape, people can use an inexpensive tape measure to measure the diameter of their hips and waist. Many leading organizations and experts currently believe a waist circumference of 40 or greater for males and 35 or greater for females significantly increases risk of disease.

Body mass index , or BMI, has long been the standard tool for assessing weight status and health risk. A recent study published in The BMJ analyzed different measures of body shape — more specifically, of central or abdominal fat — to determine which measures were most predictive of premature death.

Researchers in this study analyzed the following measurements of central fatness: waist, hip, and thigh circumference; waist-to-hip ratio; waist-to-height ratio; waist-to-thigh ratio; body adiposity index which incorporates hip circumference and height ; and a body shape index calculated from waist circumference, BMI, and height.

They found that a larger hip and thigh circumference sometimes referred to as a pear shape were associated with lower risk of death from all causes. All other measures, which indicated centrally located fat sometimes called an apple shape , were associated with a higher risk of death.

That is, the more abdominal fat a person has, the higher their risk of dying from any cause. Prior research has shown that abdominal obesity is more strongly associated than overall obesity with cardiovascular risk factors such as increased blood pressure, elevated blood triglyceride levels, and type 2 diabetes.

Fat located around the abdomen, particularly visceral fat surrounding the liver and internal organs, is highly inflammatory and metabolically disruptive: it releases inflammatory molecules that contribute to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and ultimately cardiovascular disease.

In contrast, fat located at the hips and thighs is protective. These protective effects include an association with lower total cholesterol, LDL or bad cholesterol, triglycerides, arterial calcification, blood pressure, blood glucose and insulin levels, and higher sensitivity to insulin.

Taken together, these findings demonstrate the importance of using BMI along with measurements of abdominal fat to fully assess health risk. Researchers in the BMJ study looked at the data from multiple angles, breaking down the results by different categories such as sex, geographical location, smoking status, BMI, physical activity, and presence of disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Notably, they did not analyze the relationship between abdominal obesity and mortality among different races or ethnicities. More recently, a statement from the American Heart Association warned about the misclassification of obesity and cardiovascular risk in different racial and ethnic groups.

Specifically, current thresholds can lead to underestimating risk in Asian populations and overestimating risk in Black populations. As a result, people in these groups may inaccurately perceive their weight status, and doctors may fail to offer appropriate treatment options.

The question everyone wants to know the answer to is: how can you decrease abdominal fat? An older study looking at fat distribution among identical and fraternal twins revealed the bad news, which is that how your body stores fat is largely determined by genetics.

The good news is that abdominal fat responds to the same behavioral habits and strategies recommended for overall health and total body fat loss. Those strategies include the following:.

These imbalances in access have long been linked with healthcare disparities. This is particularly relevant as we enter — in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and exacerbated by social and political unrest in the United States.

As a nation, we must confront these challenges and find systemwide solutions for reducing socioeconomic barriers and eliminating racism, in order to improve individual agency and ability to lead healthier lives.

Abdominal fat distribution Philip Bazire Apr 7, Weight Loss. Fat is dstribution Abdominal fat distribution the body distrivution different compartments. The Cutting-edge Fat Burner main compartments Type diabetes insulin resistance subcutaneous under the Abdomnial and visceral or abdominal around the internal organs. Visceral and ectopic fat are the fat stores most closely associated with chronic disease diabetes, heart disease, cancer…. Men and women differ in how they store fat. Before the menopause, women store fat mainly in the subcutaneous fat stores buttocks and thighswhile men are more prone to develop visceral abdominal fat.

Author: Gorg

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